Bacalah selalu"La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimin"kerana kalimah ini memilikiRAHSIA untuk HILANGKAN SEGALA KESUSAHAN

Ya Illahi...Satukanlah Kami...Ya Allah..permudahkanlah urusan kami...Untuk menjadikan hubungan kami menjadi hubungan yang engkau redhai...Bukan hubungan yang engkau murkai...Jodohkan lah kami Ya Allah..,Menjadi pasangan yang Sah...Jodohkan kami didunia dan akhirat juga...Kami ingin mendapatkan redhamu...Kami ingin menyempurnakan sunnah kekasihMu Rasulullah S.A.W...Kami ingin mendapatkn Rahmat dariMu dan Syafaat dari KekasihMu Rasullullah. S.A.W...Permudahkanlah Ya Allah...Hanya engkau Yang Maha Mendngar doa hamba2Nya..Amin Amin Amin...Ya Rabbal A'lamin..
And what if I never kiss your lips againOr feel the touch of your sweet embraceHow would I ever go onWithout you there's no place to belong
Well someday love is gonna lead you back to meBut 'til it does I'll have an empty heartSo I'll just have to believeSomewhere out there you thinking of me
Until the day I'll let you goUntil we say our next helloIt's not goodbye'Til I see you againI'll be right here remembering whenAnd if time is on our sideThere will be no tears to cryOn down the roadThere is one thing I can't denyIt's not goodbye
You think I'd be strong enough to make it throughAnd rise above when the rain falls downBut it's so hard to be strongWhen you've been missing somebody so long
It's just a matter of time I'm sureBut time takes time and I can't hold onSo won't you try as hard as you canTo put my broken heart together again