Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Showing posts with label baju kawen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baju kawen. Show all posts

Saturday, April 17, 2010

mari TERLIUR bersama *kalau sudi*

*drooling* *drooling* *drooling*

Ive been dreaming to have something like this for my solemnization / reception outfit...

sumber: encik google

But definitely yang bahagian atas tu kene sopan sikit ye.. if not, confirm2 kene reject with my parents and also mr. H..

Oh ya, last weekend i accompanied my friend to meet up with RR and and only the Ri came coz the Ru had to run some errands. Well, the meeting went well, and he designed as exactly as my friend wanted to. I totally loved his designs and that day i x mintak dia design apa2 for me coz i didnt have anything in mind yet. *ms. X, hang mmg betui la, si RR ni mmg baik and very professional.. most of all, dia x kedekut bgtau mana nak carik material2 for baju.. tengs babe!*

Mungkin ini akan ku persembahkan kepada RR nanti.. and also i have another 3 potential designers in mind and 2 of them happened to be my acquaintance. *dgn harapan dpt best quotation ya!*

p/s: ade secebis impian nak pakai songket juga! ;p

Till then,