Wednesday, December 28, 2011


This year was the same as last year....we went to my brother, Tom's for Christmas, I would love to have Christmas, but we don't have that much room to park by us, so every year some one takes a turn at Christmas! Tom had it 2 years in a roll.
Andrea and Glenn
My brother Tom and Josie

Josie had fun, she went to everyone, Isabella also loves Christmas ! We have a house full and it keeps on growing! She couldn't wait to open the presents, trying to figure out which ones where hers!
David, Amanda Josie and my Dad
Josie with my Dad, eyeing that present!
Favorite spot in the house...around the kitchen table!
Isabella playing Barbie with Aunt Sue!
My brother Marty with David
The Tree!

On the Stitching Front!
I am making a Beautician Tree for Amanda, she will be finished with school the 6th of January!

Happy New Year 2012


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

2 of the 5 Christmas Gifts are finished

Megan's Christmas gift!

This is a gift for my Godchild. The feet are small plastic ornaments, she loves the color purple!  I just wish I could have finished the rest of the Christmas gifts that I had planned to do this year, but I was in a slump for a few months and didn't want to stitch! Shame on me. Hoping the New Year will be better! I want to try very hard to get my Personal Sampler at least half way finished! I am finding it a bit easier now to work on it, since it was to be a gift for my husband on our 40th Wedding Anniversary. I also have 2 wedding samplers to finish, that are wedding gifts for next year!

This is page 2 almost finished.
I had to wait because the person who designed this for me added Andrea and Glenn's wedding date. Now to just get my butt in gear and stitch!

Bridge t~ Name*Flake

I got the Name*Flake  finished for a new member in our family...the wedding is set for September 22, 2012! Just need to turn it into an ornament later today! I didn't have purple beads on hand, but I did have light pink ones, so when it came time to attach them I used, dark purple floss, made them look Purple! I only had a matte color purple for the small snow flakes, which worked out well..I hope she likes it!

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and or Happy Hannukah!


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Trying to get Christmas Gifts done!

Our Family picture from Andrea's wedding!
Our Family 2011
Glenn, Andrea, David, Isabella, Josie, Amanda, Miranda and me
I am working on 3 different name*flakes at the moment, 2 are for Miranda, one for her mom and one to sent to her Dad's, Yes, I am being nice as to making one for his tree, even though he is taking Andrea to court for unfit mother! The other is for my nephew's new wife, well almost new wife wedding is set for September, 2012. I wanted her to have one that matched his! Picture will come soon!
This one is done with Blues Greens

This has plaid fabric and Purples
I don't know which one I like the best! I guess I will have to wait till I get them finished and pick the best one for Andrea!
The tree is up! I didn't even want to put one up this year, I have been in a very nasty mood, and I hoping that my mood will change soon I plan on doing Christmas shopping on Monday so we will see!

Within the past week, the roof was replaced, had 4 layers of roofing paper on there, we were very lucky that the roof didn't cave in with the snow from last year! The heat went out, if the guy was to come out that evening at 8:00PM the cost was going to be $150.00 just to come out, and if it needed a part that would have been extra, so we waited till the morning and the cost was half, with the part that we needed, came to the cost of the visit after hours, just wore extra clothes to bed! Luck it wasn't that cold during the night! The last was yesterday when a pipe broke under the kitchen sink! Well, everything is now fixed! I am so waiting for this year to end, with the trouble that David had with his cars and still and the work that we needed on the house, I'm ready for the new year!

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Happy New Year!


Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm getting bad!

Well, I have another finish! I got 'Witches Brew' done and framed! It's from Veeandco and I just love it! It was sad, that I didn't get it done till after Halloween! I had trouble counting! It seems that the frog had me tired down for a while, he just didn't want to leave!

I had used a spider web for the frame, sewed green sheer spider fabric with black fabric behind it on the back, I was going to use the black web fabric, but the spiders just seemed to fit the web better!

I have so many UFO's that have to be finished, and the mood for stitching, just seems to fly out the window, it's like i'm roping cattle to get my mind roped back to the stitching mode!

I got my order from 'Dovestitch' I love the fabric, and it can be washed in cold water. The purple plaid, I am going to use for my grand daughters name trees, and the orange plaid, is going to be used for my 'm-design' Halloween tree! The other I don't know yet! Can't wait to get started and have another UFO!

Happy Stitching!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Update on Custom Sampler

I pulled it back out and started working on it again when I was at my stitching weekend! The picture is a little dark. So, now I can say that page 2 is almost finished, a few more letters and than a little design and I can start page 3!!

An update on "Rules for Life" I love the colors on this, I was going to give it to one of my kids, but I will have to make them another one, I love this one too much!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Wedding! September 30, 2011

Turned out to be a beautiful day!
The day came and went without anything major happening! She looked beautiful! I'm not just saying that because she is my daughter, but I believe every Bride looks beautiful on their wedding day! It rained for a bit, the sun came out, and we had a good time!
Me and my Kids, Andrea and David!

My Girls! Miranda, Josephina and Isabella! Miranda was so happy, that her mom was getting married! David and I both walked her down the aisle.
My Girls!

The last step...walking her down the aisle!

Miranda was very 'Happy' she got to hold her mom's flowers during the Ceremony! The night before there were 5 us making all the flowers for the wedding! 
The Wedding Party!

The new married couple
The new Happy Family!

Glenn, Andrea and Miranda!

A very Happy Bride!
One Happy Bride!

I am so happy that everything worked out! I was very tired after the wedding, I enjoyed myself also, my feet hurt from dancing, on a thought, I was just wondering....why do you get new shoes for a wedding? 
Mostly everyone had them off to Dance! Even the little girls!

I know when the sun came out Joe was smiling down on us!

On the Stitching Front!

I am going away for the weekend for a stitching weekend with some stitching friends to stitch the weekend away in Arlington Heights, IL which is about an hour and a half from where I live, I never have been to one before so this should be fun!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

It's a finish!

This is a model stitch I worked on for Vee, I framed it on a Pumpkin, something different then in a frame. I am just hoping that it will stay in the house and my grand daughters don't want it!

I put my Witches hat on a Pumpkin also! Had a hard time trying to figure out a way to hang it with the broom! Two spiders for his eyes and a bat for his mouth!

I am working on my SAL for Kincavel Krosses.

Well, the wedding is Friday the 30th of September! I will post some pictures! I believe I have everything ready! If not too bad!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Finished in 2006...just framed!

This was finished in 2006, I didn't know how I wanted it framed, so I put it away, till last week when I went to Michaels, and I saw a Witches Hat, picked up some feathers, all I had to do was paint it black and glue on the feathers. Black Hat Society is from Sue Hillis. Next I want to get finish 'My Other Car is a Broom' by Lizzie Kate, that one will be framed on a broom! Halloween is coming and I just love it, my favorite are the Witches! 

Dress up day at Grandma's here are 2 out of 3 of her favorite Witches!
Miranda-One of my favorite Witches, it was dress up day at Grandma's

My other favorite Witch-Isabella

All 3 girls...Miranda, Isabella and Josephina

Next up is Andrea's wedding shower! Set for August 21st! I think I have everything ready! We will find out. I still need shoes for the wedding, I have  a dark blue dress so I guess I will go with silver, since it's the end of September. Time is running fast!

On The Stitching Front!

I started a new project a SAL from Kincavel Krosses, it's called 'Rules for Life' I am stitching it with Black Opal floss from Dinky Dyes, I love the color! 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Frist Quilt and Vacation

My very First Quilt!
My girlfriend Dorothy helped me make it, it came from a kit and I just added a border around it! 
My First Quilt
I enjoyed making this, and I am going to make them for Andrea to give to the girls for the wedding, but of course I will use the wedding colors!
Change purse, iPod holder, cell phone holder or more.
Me at Casa De Loco
I had a wonderful time on vacation, I went to to Camdenton, MO in the 'Lake of The Ozarks'! Besides
Dorothy teaching me to Quilt, and by the way she did like the 'Quit Cabinet' that I made for her. We went to 'Casa De Loco' Winery for lunch, Casa de Loco has been nominated to the National Register of Historic Sites, and after you’ve read all about how the property went from an exclusive fishing resort to thehouse of the crazy, you’ll see why!  Some of the caves have tables and chairs where you can enjoy a bottle of wine and the view! They were very busy and short of help that day, and very hot! We did do some wine tasting, and I brought some home, very strange names on the wine! Those are the two that I brought home with the glass!

The wine was very good!
This is Dorothy and me, the strange look on my face I was standing near the edge, I don't like heights!

On the Stitching front!
 I am working on the wedding sampler for Andrea, I don't think I will get it done by the shower, but there is still Christmas coming up that I can give it to her!

Wedding Sampler
I the inside of the flower is filled with beads, and a lot of backstitching!

This is what it will look like when I get it finished, I am still thinking about putting the hearts around it!

Laugh with your eyes
Hug with your soul
And smile with your heart

Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's Back from the Framer~Earthdancer!

Can you imagine 2 post in one month from me.....something must be wrong!! 

Dogwood Wedding Sampler. This is a picture of what I am working on right now. 
Here is how far of the sampler I got, not too much further, then the 3 lines done before I put it away, and I haven't been working on it, I wanted to get the Quilt Cabinet finished. I hope to get this one finished also for Andrea. We will see how fast I can stitch!

I am so happy with the way this turned out! Just love the colors of the matts! When they showed me the colors, I looked at it and told the guy, if you think this will look good let's go for it, you should know what you are doing! I left the place with my head spinning...what if it looks nasty then what do I do?  This is going to be a shower gift for Andrea! She doesn't know that it's framed yet, she said she would have to wait another 9 years to get it! Wait till she see this!

Some close up shots of the bead work.

Thanks for looking!