Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What are you asking for?.....

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.........

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I've been craving a little sunshine....okay, A LOT of sunshine! And since it's been so hard to come, when the sun decided to come out in full force....well, I had to take advantage!
While Korinne was at tumbling, I took the boys to a park. I planned to just sit on the bench and soak up some sun and read....but soon, Holt was calling to me to push him on the swing....and then, the swings were calling to me, and I just couldn't resist!!
I kicked off my shoes....and with the immensely pleasurable sensation of warm sun on my face and the breeze on my bare toes, I swung.....higher and higher! With the breeze blowing through my hair, I closed my eyes, threw back my head and giggled like a 7 year old!! It was fantastic!!
For a brief moment....I was back in those kind of carefree, childhood days......
Until the boys started arguing, which quickly plummeted me back to reality.
But, then I just ran and played with them on the slides and climbing wall....
Oh, joyful hour!!!
Mr. Sun...oh how I've missed you!
Please stay!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Love-Hate Relationship

Everyone has a love-hate relationship, right? It's not that uncommon, right? I'm not that abnormal, right?
I'm talking about the budding relationship I have with my teeth....or should I say, the foreign metal contraptions that now cover my teeth.
They tear at my gums...
They hold onto miniscule (and not so miniscule) pieces of food that are impossible to remove without a toothbrush....
They make my lips stick out past the end of my nose...
They make me talk funny....
I can no longer whistle out the door for the dog to come in....
I've been denied one of my biggest snacking loves, ALMONDS....

But...I'm told I will LOVE the results.
So....I've paid an enormous amount of money to adorn myself with these medieval torture devices for 14 to 18 months (oh how I pray for the lesser!)
I can handle anything for that amount of time....right?
Now, would someone please pass the baby food?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Super-Duper Seven!!

Birthdays are a wonderful time of pause and think about all that has transpired since the last celebration of a particular birthday.
But they are also startling to me, because they make me realize how extremely quickly the time is passing.
Some days can't end soon enough....
But others, I wish I could just stop the hands of time and hold my children right where they are and not let them grow any bigger.....ah, if only.
Porter's birthday was one such startling day for could seven years have passed so quickly?
I remember this scene well, like it was yesterday. This was what our backyard looked like 2 days before Porter was born...January of 2004....the snow fall was record breaking, the power was out in our house, we were FREEZING! And Colby was in the backyard trying to clear a pathway for the dog in the deep, deep snow.
But, that cold, cold winter didn't stop the warmth in our hearts as we welcomed all 5 pounds and 4 ounces of Porter into our family! He wasn't very big, but he filled our home with sweetness! We were especially relieved to have him healthy and strong, since he had kept us on our toes for the previous four weeks before he was born. He stopped growing much, and I had to go to the doctor's office several times a week for non-stress tests, just to make sure he was still okay. Working in the NICU didn't help my nerves much, and Dr. Hartman and I finally decided we had had enough of this I was induced at 37 weeks....and a few hours later, much to our relief, we had a healthy, although tiny, sweet baby boy. With a very loving and attentive big sister! Korinne could never get enough of him, and she would sit in the recliner for hours just holding him and watching Blues sweet! I would love to say that this loving and doting relationship has carried on to this day...but let's keep it real people...

Since it was Porter's 7th birhday, it's fitting that the celebrations should last a whole week, right?!
We started with a combined party with Grandpa Dave, since their birthdays are so close together.

Then, on his actual, special day....I checked him out of school and took him to lunch (he thought I was the coolest mom ever....naturally!)
Then, we had our own little party at Chuck E'Cheese's of course!
Good times all around!

Then, a few days later, another party...this time with Colby's side of the family.
Porter ordered a dragon cake, so I did my best to deliver....

And, got his approval....thankfully!

7 things I love about Porter:
1. His contagious, charming smile!
2. Sooo sweet and concerned about others!
3. His determination to do his best at everything he tries.
4. He loves to be by my side....anytime.
5. He still gives me hugs when I come to the school, even in front of his friends!
6. So quick to forgive.
7. A peacemaker in any situation.
Happy birthday my sweet boy!! Let's not let this next year pass us by too quickly!

Daddy-Daughter Dates

Daddy-Daughter dates have always had special meaning to me, from the time I was a little girl until....well, even now. Time spent with my dad is priceless and precious.
I take my dad skiing every year on his birthday....and this year was no exception. We always have a wonderful time racing down the mountain and sharing meaningful conversations on the lifts on the way back up....I wouldn't trade this time for anything!
This year was especially enjoyable....and what a perfect day it was!! (This was a few weeks ago.)
The weather could not have been more was so beautiful up there! Not even a bit of wind on top of Strawberry....I don't think I have ever enjoyed skiing the Strawberry side as much as this time! We could look down in the valley and see the quilt of smog covering everywhere, and just be happy that we were not down there breathing it in! We thoroughly enjoyed a not too crowded hill, a yummy lunch at the John Paul lodge, and so much fabulous skiing, that our legs were jello at the end of the day. Every year, I am reminded of how lucky I am to have the parents that I have, who raised me in the gospel and taught me so much of what I need to be a mother to my 3 sweeties.
Happy Birthday dad.....and here's hoping for many, many more years....and ski days!
I couldn't ask for anything better!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Proud Moments

Every once in a while, as a mother, you see your hard work pay off.
You have actual evidence that something you have pounded into someone's head repeatedly actually SUNK IN!
It's amazing when this happens!
Your heart swells with joy and pride, you almost can't contain yourself.
There is a feeling of satisfaction....
Of Accomplishment....
That maybe, just maybe, you are actually getting through sometimes, and all hope is not lost!
Well, tonight, it happened! Oh joyful day!
Sophie (the dog),(she counts as one of the children, right?), she actually LISTENED to me and CAME RIGHT WHEN I CALLED HER in her doggie class....yes, right in the middle of playing with all those other dogs, she stopped and came when I called!
I could have wagged my own tail....I was sooo pleased!!!

Now....if only this phenomenon could work with the human children...then maybe I would know I am accomplishing something.
Is it against the law to put a collar and leash on a kid?....

Monday, January 17, 2011


I hate running.
There....I said it, I admit it.
It's tedious.
It's painful.
This mile NEvEr ends!!
Blast this frigid January air!
Blast the ice covered roads.
I can hardly breathe!
This. Is. So. Boring.
Will this torture never end!
I can hardly breathe!
I've decided to give it up....yep.
No turning back.
It's here for all to see.
It's this stinking treadmill!!
Oh, shoot me now! I've got to get off this thing!

Oh glorious, crisp January air!
Nothing but me, the pavement, my tunes and the breathtaking snow covered mountains.
Hills! You glorious, painful hills!
You don't scare me! I conquer you each time!
I've broken off this very brief relationship with the treadmill.
These icy roads don't scare me....I relish our time together!
This is right.....this is exhilirating!
Back where I belong!
I LOVE RUNNING! I AM FREE (of the treadmill, that is).
Bring it Ogden Marathon....we have a date!
And I will conquer you I've done in years past.
It's a new dawn.
It's a new day.
It's a new life.
And I'm feelin'......Goooood!

I am addicted to sugar.
I admit it.
Blast this sweet, sweet ice cream.....