Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Today was Michael's first day of preschool. He gets to ride on the bus, and I think he really liked it and had a lot of fun. It's nice for me because I don't have to take him or pick him up and it's nice for him to get away from me for a couple days a week. I will have to post pictures later.

Friday, January 9, 2009


So I sprained my ankle AGAIN last night. As I was getting into our truck to go to work, I slipped in the driveway, my ankle twisted and popped, and now I'm on crutches. This really stinks for the kids and Kenny. I'm pretty slow doing things. This morning was an adventure....taking care of 3 kids when you're on crutches, interesting to say the least! I can't wait until Kenny is home to help!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, it's a new year, again... I hope that you have all have a better year this year than last year. I hope that you get to accomplish all of those new years resolutions, and most of all I hope that your life is happy and has meaning thoroughout this year of new opportunities!