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Friday, August 14, 2009

Morning Class Pics (Dancing Videos Below!!)

Dance Videos!

I almost didnt post these videos when I realized that I was singing in them.... oh well. If you are wondering why some children are sitting while others are dancing, we split up the class into who wanted to do which dance and then those who didn't want to do a certain dance, just sat and watched. Enjoy!

Cotton-Eye Joe: We definitely need to work on timing.... and maybe next time we can learn the difference between right and left! :)

Macarena: We could do this one for hours!

Hokey Pokey: So. Much. Fun!

I Like to Move It: .... and this is where the batteries started failing. Sorry I couldn't get more of everyone dancing. I was really bummed because everyone was having so much fun!

Monday, June 29, 2009

New Songs Added!

Enjoy dancing to these new songs with your kids at home! We are having so much fun dancing in the afternoon. Maybe one of these days we will post a video of our dances....

Miss Trina

Thursday, June 18, 2009

More Dance Steps for Cotton-Eyed Joe!

Today we learned the entire introduction and the first verse of the song! Everyone caught on so quickly. Good job!

Heel heel
Toe Toe


Repeat that one more time!

Swing around for 8 counts and then switch and do it again!

Walk (right then left)

High 5's (Slap, high 5, slap, high 5, slap, cross, slap, Woo!)

I can't wait until next week when we will finish this dance and learn a new one! Keep practicing!

Miss Trina

Friday, June 5, 2009

Forgot the Dance?

Here are the steps we learned to Cotton-eyed Joe!

heel heel
toe toe
heel heel
toe toe
heel up
heel back
heel heel
toe toe

(moving right then left after 4 counts)
cross (left foot behind right!)
together (and don't forget to clap!)

Repeat the *step-cross-step* section 4 times!

Heel-heel-toe-toe section

Most of the time we repeat all of these steps! It is an easy and SUCH A FUN dance!

Your kids and I had so much fun learning this dance! Hopefully this little section can help you at home!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thursdays in the Summer

I am so excited for Thursday afternoons! Dancing is one of my favorite things to do. It is so much fun!

Above is a music player with the songs that we are working on if your child wants to practice or show you their moves at home.

Have fun!

Miss Trina

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bugs, Bugs, Bugs

These past few weeks, our class has been learning all about insects! We even got to go look for bugs in the field behind our school. Who knew there could be so many bugs there?! Enjoy the pictures (Sorry, they are in backwards order!).

We have so much fun! :)