Monday, 23 January 2012

Selamat Pengantin Baru Abam!

Wow, this is sooo awkward. 
Saya tulis ucapan ini 9 tahun lepas tapi tidak dihantar. Sekarang Abam dah ada 3 anak yang comel, bijak dan menghiburkan hatinya, and of course satu isteri yang baik hati. 

So this goes to you my dear big brother. 

Ucapan untuk abang saya yang baru sahaja berumahtangga..


Masa kita kecik2 dulu, kita memang jarang main sama2..we were adventurous but in our own ways..salu bergaduh dan berebut dan berakhir dengan stitches di kening, kena ikat tangan dengan tali pinggang, selain kena besit dan ketuk ketampi...the ultimate DUO la kite nih..haha! (Fiqri--my lil brother ade..tapi die tak adventure, manje..sebok baca buku..bukak oven kat dapur hehehe)

Bila da besar, abang mula berteori-teori, tidak dilupa suka menjadi goalkeeper, dan moo moo sha..dan apabila kita dilanda pelbagai mehnah, abang ada untuk mengatur jalan keluar..

biarpun susah, kita harungi bersama kan??

My greatest syukur to Allah for granting me a big brother, for me to look upon, and ask for advice.. Now I gained a sister.. and now that we have to share, I hope u have a lot more to offer rather than giving smaller portion of love for everyone..hehehe
Please be good to her with no condition..

As I said before, I wish for the bestest thing here and hereafter to both of you..

Dengan apa yang telah kita tempuh, semoga kita semua mendapat pengajaran dan tidak mengulangi kesilapan yang sama.

Version 2019. We are still together, laugh together, cry together and eat together. Thru thick and thin. Thank you for lending your ears when i needed them the most. Will do the same for you. Always! 


Blog Award

Ada orang suggest masuk bertanding. I don't think so like mine is just for fun sharing..
Those interested, please join. Let me know if you need extra votes.. :)
Click here>> BLOG.AWARD to go to the official page.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Kembara Solehah..

Anda pernah tak menonton reality show SOLEHAH di TV Al-Hijrah?? Sebenarnya saya prefer SOLEHAH berbanding dengan Ustazah pilihan. My personal preference la, sebab pendekatan dia takde penyingkiran peserta, semua diberi tempoh masa yang sama untuk belajar dan pemenang ditentukan pada penilaian minggu penentuan juara.

Semasa menonton malam itu, saya terdetik..ada tak sesiapa yang akan menggambarkan hakikat sebenar SOLEHAH. Saya tunggu dan tunggu..semua biasa-biasa sahaja, sehinggalah tiba giliran peserta  terakhir ini.. 


Beliau membawa kejutan dengan mengambil keputusan untuk mengubah topik tazkirah di saat akhir. Cik puan ini berjaya memberi erti yang saya cari. Panel hakim semua, penonton dan saya juga menangis teresak-esak, kerana apa yang beliau sebut itulah yang terdetik di hati setiap orang yang mempunyai niat untuk menjadi SOLEHAH.

Saya kongsikan VC yang diambil dari YouTube. Saksikan bingkisan ini dan ambillah pengajarannya. 

Menjadi SOLEHAH adalah cita-cita orang yang mempunyai keimanan yang tinggi. Kalau nak jadi SOLEHAH, tentera pun boleh jadi SOLEHAH. Saintis pun boleh, pensyarah pun boleh, suri rumah pun boleh..

Ayat-ayat berimpak besar Cik Wan Nor Mazuani binti Wan Mokhtar..

Jangan dekat!


Ujian Allah.

Pengajaran: Allah masih sayangkan saya, menjauhkan saya dari fitnah dunia iaitu ZINA.

Firman Allah swt:

وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا الزِّنَا إِنَّهُ كَانَ فَاحِشَةً وَسَاءَ سَبِيلًا 
 “Dan janganlah kalian mendekati zina. Sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji dan suatu jalan yang buruk.” (Al-Isra’: 32) 
( And come not near unto adultery. Lo! it is an abomination and an evil way)

Saya dipertemukan dengan satu situasi yang membuka mata saya sebesar-besarnya. Nak cerita pun terasa keji kerana kalau Allah tak lindungi, mungkin saya berada dalam situasi tu. Namun Allah masih sayangkan saya, lindungi saya dari fitnah dunia.

Sampai di telinga saya, berita seorang lelaki yg pernah cuba masuk line nak memperisterikan saya, beliau telah terjebak dengan zina dan telah dengan jayanya membuntingkan gadis tersebut.

Rasa nak muntah kerana jijik.
Berjubah dan berjanggut. "sudah puas dengan dunia, mencari akhirat kononnya" (ayat beliau pada saya) akhirnya terjebak dengan helah syaitan. Moga Allah ampunkan dia.

I have never been happier

"I have never been happier"  the last phrase of an essay written by an american jewish boy, who decided to live out of the ordinary. Beautiful, enough said. 

Dear friends, please read it and think, where are we? Are we living the live we want (not based on nafs) or the ones other people put us into? I've been there and I chose to live the live I want The challenge was indescribably hard but i pulled through it. Been there and i myself  I have never been happier.

Essay taken from:

2012 Martin Luther King, Jr. Writing Awards
Prose: High School

First Place
Fighting a Forbidden Battle: How I Stopped Covering Up for a Hidden Wrong
Jesse Lieberfeld
11th grade, Winchester Thurston
I once belonged to a wonderful religion. I belonged to a religion that allows those of us who believe in it to feel that we are the greatest people in the world—and feel sorry for ourselves at the same time. Once, I thought that I truly belonged in this world of security, self-pity, self-proclaimed intelligence, and perfect moral aesthetic. I thought myself to be somewhat privileged early on. It was soon revealed to me, however, that my fellow believers and I were not part of anything so flattering.
Although I was fortunate enough to have parents who did not try to force me into any one set of beliefs, being Jewish was in no way possible to escape growing up. It was constantly reinforced at every holiday, every service, and every encounter with the rest of my relatives. I was forever reminded how intelligent my family was, how important it was to remember where we had come from, and to be proud of all the suffering our people had overcome in order to finally achieve their dream in the perfect society of Israel.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

misplaced trust

Dear blog,

I have a confession to make. 
And it is about trust.

Years to earn, seconds to break.

I would like to be known as a trustworthy person. I don't judge people easily, and I hate when other people try to make me judge the others with all the 'non-appropriate' info. I will do my own judgement based on my own observation (if needed).

I had a friend which I met since I started working. I like her so much but as time goes by, it seems like she did not grow up. With so many attempts to make her realize this, but still to no avail, at the end I need to let her go and I myself had to move on.  I considered her as my friend even though we are not that close as before. Never in my mind she was a friend of different standard just because she is not in the same position (pangkat) as mine. A friend is a friend, no other label comes with it. That's my stand. 

"A friend in need, is a friend indeed."

Regardless all these, I always made myself available if she needs anything because I would like to be her 'in need' friend. It might sound cliche since I have withdraw myself from being an active friend of hers. But I was so clear with my intentions. Regardless all the things I hears and saw, my stand was still the same - to be her 'in need' friend because whatever happened to the others did not happened to me, she treated me as usual. I would like to be one she can turn to when there are no nobody else to turn to. To that extend.

But an incident a few months back made me re-think. Did I misplaced my trust?

Apa nak jadi dengan awak ni??

Apa nak jadi? Nak jadi apa?

Saya ada cita-cita baru? Saya nak jadi penulis buku yang bakal menggegar dunia, mengubah pelbagai jiwa. Ewah..saya nak jadi orang memberi suntikan perubahan, mungkin, pemangkin kejayaan insan lain. Mungkin perjalanannya masih jauh, saya akan usahakan.

Saya ingin jadikan buku-buku itu sebagai bukti hidup saya memberi manfaat pada orang lain kerana moto hidup saya: sebaik-baik manusia ialah orang yang memberi manfaat.

Buku pun belum ada kecuali buku lima. hehehe. heyy at least i have a BLOG ok.  insyaAllah akan di'materialize' apabila tiba masanya. AMIN.

Friday, 6 January 2012

11 sifat. Kau ada?

Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani

Saya ingin menyambung entry sebelum ini Kitab ajaib. Kau ada? <-Recommended for you to read this previous entry. Hehe

Sebentar tadi saya baru selesai tadabbur surah A-Furqan ayat 63-77.
Pertama kali saya membaca maksudnya. Terkesima dengan betapa straight forward Allah memberi kita panduan untuk jadi orang beriman. Ringkasan ini saya sedut dari blog ini. Jadi jika ingin baca full text sila klik di sini.


Kitab ajaib. Kau ada?

Perasan tak??

Bila hati kita sedih, kita kalut mencari kawan-kawan untuk luah perasaan, kalau yang jenis pendam tu, dok pendaaammmmm la perasaan.

Tahukah anda, Al-Quran itu berkomunikasi dengan kita??

Bila kita sedih (contoh), hanya kita yang tahu apa yang menyerabutkan perasaan kita, apa punca perasaan tu mengganggu kita..pada masa tu, cuba ambil Al-Quran Al-Karim, baca satu ayat dan baca maknanya-satu ayat-makna-ayat seterusnya-makna-dan seterusnya. Anda akan dapati tiba-tiba akan ada ayat yang kena dengan apa yang kita rasa. Samada ayat itu memberi peringatan kepada kita, ayat memujuk kesedihan kita, ayat janji manis Allah jika kita bersabar, ayat tentang indahnya syurga dan buruknya neraka dan macam2 lagi.


Oleh yang demikian, saya ingin mengajak sahabat2 semua untuk membaca tafsir setiap kali kita baca Al-Quran. Saya cabar, cuba baca 10 ayat cukuplah. Pasti ada yang kena punya. Ia mukjizat jadi yakinlah.

Anda tahu kenapa ini berlaku?

Al-Quran itu adalah buku panduan hidup kita. Kita itu bermaksud saya, awak, mereka, kami,kita, dia dan semua manusia di dunia. Cuba kita tengok..kita sebagai makhluk ni, kalo tulis buku panduan, spesifik bukan? Contoh:

Agaknya Dummies Books ni tulis buku komprehensif untuk HIDUP?

Monday, 2 January 2012

Who asked you to sit on the wall?

Happy New Year everybody.. It's 2012.. Wow!! Time flies...
I'm on study mode, final exam on the 5th. Advance Statistics. While studying, i listened to this online country radio. they played this song.. Humpty Dumpty Heart (by Hank Thompson) Kinda have a love humpty dumpty song :P

So here goes the lyrics:

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty had a big fall
All the King's horses all the King's men
Could never put Humpty together again

I've got a Humpty Dumpty heart
You dropped it and broke it apart all the King's horses
All the King's men could never put it together again
Cause when I gave to you my heart you said that we must part
That was my doom my heart went boom
I got a Humpty Dumpty heart

Now a heart is a fragile thing
When dropped it won't bounce or ring
It ain't no joke cause when it's broke
No love song will it sing

I didn't think you were that sort
When I handed you my heart
You got it on a platter but you let it shatter
My Humpty Dumpty Heart
No offence Mr. Humpty, but why on earth are you sitting on the wall. GO AND SCRAMBLE YOURSELF!!