Wednesday, 30 March 2005

hungry like hell

location: lab2 stuructured programming
mood: sleepy
missing: hunny, nisa', fana, intan

today i'm so hungry..smlm tak mkn...this bcz my budget dah lari ler...when is mara goin to pay me?...i'm dying cz i have no money takut le nk mintak papa cz since i got my scholarship, i hardly ask him..but now everything has changed..i have to ask for his money...if not i'll have to borrow some money from my fren..(ceh mereka pon dlm kedudukan me money)...hahahha..after class we are goin to that rite zac??nope i have to wait till 12pm..huhuhu...this lab is boring like hell...i juz can't get it..whut is she trying to explain to us...slh me jgk bcz not paying a ful attention...huhuh rumet is so happy bcz she can play kuiz again...b4 this she acts like she have been kuiz like forever..but eventualy tak sampai seminggu pon internet connection kat bilik tue..rumet rumet...whut the *tut*..heheh...sori yeks...erm ler...friday nie ader week pon ader bistak pulak...i know u get higher marks then for me, i need to study hard to maintain my studies...

now my bf(beshfren not boifren--->this i take it from aliah) are having a hard time wit me..for them, i juz act "mengikut perasaan"...aliah n hani i'm not like u okies...i not that loyal to him...but selamat le ader u guys can stop me doin something that i will regret sooner or later...thanx a lot to both of you...if i'm in utp..i know that aliah will b there for me..but if i'm at home, hani will b wit me...hehehe..miss hani so much but aliah tak yah miss pon tak per...slalu lepak kat bilik twinz..n disturd the twinz..aliah n adlina...heheh sori so much but i think u guys can stand wit me...hhuhu..

Tuesday, 29 March 2005

da earth is shaking

last nite..i juz about goin to sleep, suddently my bed is shaking..i though is juz my imagination but then i heard that everyone is talking at the hallway...i realized that the whole block too is talking about raje ask me what happen..but i also confused so i juz asked her to get ready bcz the others are goin took raje a few second to realize that this is a serious matter...

at the parking area, all the girls are looking sleepy but confused(it is a confuse nite)..everyone juz go down with their nite wear(pajamas) but luckly i wore a tracksuit n t-shirt( *notice to farhana* i washed all my clothes..)...then i joined my friends..when i met aliah, she said " hazi, tadi kiter ingat awk yg goyang katil kiter cari awk dlm bilik"..aliah, i asleep back in my room ler...yela this happen bcz i loves to disturb her...heheh...

then the fellows asked us to go back to our rooms...ok back in the room most of us can't sleep bcz they think it might happen back...yeah me too...but after that incident i talked to khuzairee(missing him everyday)...he to says that he could feel the "gegaran" not juz perak but it hits kl n selangor too(zac kater penang lagie teruk)...that is bad man....while talking to him(kuzek), my couz(mukhlis) msg me to asked me whut is happening...seems that he is in matrix, so he asked me to access the internet..hye couz u wanna know something..the server is down...

so..know my frenz(actually juz aliah) is packing her belongings in one if anything happens, she juz grab that beg..whut a brialliant idea to know after class..i think i will do the same thing too..(tue pon kalu me tak malas ler..)

Friday, 25 March 2005


erm...this is whut happen during the 1st week at utp....

- penat..penat..juz arrive
- discovered that my rumet has brought a laptop(finally)
-my rumet bought 2 new t-shirt(mcm t-shirt penjara but in blue and coklat in colour)

- i skipped class 4 the 1st time in this semester with my carmates(zac, raje, ned)..this happen bcz we r late about 30 minutes..
- then, we decided not to go for lab..but we need to access the internet..huhuhu
- wanting to eat "nasi lemak" at v5 but we forgot that it was close(foundation is on holiday..duh!)
- sleep late..(3.30 am)

- juz the same..pack as usual..
- we missed the quiz 4 SP(structured programming)..
- trying to come early 4 IP class but in the end the class was cancelled..
- for the 1st time, i understand whut is database..(juz 4 that topics only..)
- tido lmbt lagie ler

- do a programming demo 4 SP...slamat kak ju yg evaluate...
- notice that the population in IPOH mostly chinese(duh!!)..
- find a dentist in ipoh town..and we found 3 clinics...(zac has to pat rm15 for her treatment)
- watch "hide and seek"...whut a horror and unpredict ending..(zac and me disebalik "tudung", raje(my rumet) wit her popcorn box and ned covering her face wit her palms)
- a hectic day...and sleep early..damn early(10.30pm)..raje(rumet) bengang wit me cz she's talking to me all nite but i juz ignore her...sori rumet..

- we went to the IRC to find some journals..n we must make a copy of it (to do the summary)..n we found out that we need to purchase the card 4 rm20 and the photocopty is out of ink..we come back at nite to complete our mission..
- "hunger day"...tak makan the whole day..and me terlupe le nk niat posa....
- almost complete "the da vinci code"

- it was raining all nite..and when i wake was still raining..(hard 2 find rain in perak)
- malas nk g klas but tabahkan ati..huhuhu
- now, i'm in the IP lab (writring this blog ler)..wandering where is the lecturer
- after this going to take our certificate(foundation) at ACS (hate that place)
- this evening going 4 clubing (basic dance)

Thursday, 17 March 2005

juz breakfast!!!

smlm amin ajak g breakfast..dier kate around BU, TTDI or DJ jer...but we ate at pj....mcm mane lh sampai situ?..pnjg citernyer..hahah..start with kiter chat ngn azizul the nite b4 that...kiter bg tau dier yg kiteorg nk g breakfast ngn wife dier(awi)..n maybe he contact awi then...the next day..after amin pick me up, we went to awi's hse...n she asked if azizul kn follow us..n we agreed to pick azizul at uia...on da' way, we decided to invite najia jugak...tue le najia pon ader gak..kehkehkeh..bler kat uia..we called fana to join us..n guess whut dier tgh tido lagie(biase la tue fana)..after dgr fana bising2, dier pon nk join kiterorg gak...besh2 cz the more ppl the more merrier it is...we makan at raju's(amin favourite place i guess)hehehe...after waiting 4 fana, we gosip2 among ur self..mase nie la terkantoi ngn amin(about kuzek)...the reason fana lmbt, she got lost...hahahha...luckly she found that stall..fana fana...

after makan, kiterorg antar najia blk uia cz dier nk study..sampai saner lepak lagie kat cafe pulak..jumpe mat min(muhaimin) n kwn fana(rahman kut)..we stayed there for one hour...after borak2..we plan tgk movie kat mid...we waited 4 alia but dier ader klaz...biler nk balik br jumpe alia cz maser tue dier tgh break..huhuh..sedih cz jumpe dier sekejap jer..n we got to go mid dh bcz tak sampai ati nk delay najia nyer time to study(biase la kwn yg baik)..

maser nk g mid, da' girlz naik kete fana..and azizul naik ngn amin la...we searched 4 da parking almost half-and-hour..amin jumpe parkin dulu eventhough fana g dulu..huhuhu...mesti le amin n azizul perli2 kiterorg...sampai je mid we went 4 our pray...then we went to see "shall we dance" duk like fana wit amin and awi wit azizul...haaahh..citer tue ok gak ler...after that we went to eat we makan kat kenny roggers...i eat spagetti cz nk mkn ayam me dh muak le...kat prk ayam is the main dish...but me ambek gak fana nyer sket..heheh...fana n me pulak ngn slambernye amber coslow azizul(relax awi tak mrh pon)...

me beli number maxis baru cz my number kene blok..huhuhuh...amin nyer cover hp dh me n fana offer diri utk beli yg baru(ala rm10 jer)..but we plan to buy 4 him a pinky cover with a powerpuff girl on it...after dh jejln..and amin has bought dier nyer rotiboy, we sent azizul back to uia....then fana and amin lepak at my hse kejap...fana sepatutnyer dinner at my hse, but her father called and asked her to go back...left amin alone..and me kene la layan kirenye me kuar the whole kuar kul 8.45am till 8.00pm...god half the day i'm out of the house...heheh...amin told me that actually dier nk ajak breakfast je but tak sangke sampai mlm..i mean we had ur breakfast, lunch and dinner together(me and amin)..

Image hosted by
amin and azizul at raju's


Monday, 14 March 2005


juz now..aiman call me..surprisingly ler cz he never call me even though that thing is sooo important..maybe bcz i cant call him back(my mum tak bayar bil ler)dont bother about that..but the main point is he's goin this sunday...yeah this sunday..n dier tak blanje me, nisa' n fana lagie..he said he's coming down to kl this wednesday...besh besh..leh ler pau...but he still have ader prob..such as no transpotation..aiman u better consider about us..huhuh..n guess whut...he asked me to ponteng my klas on monday..this is bcz he want me to send him at the airport..aiman me budak baik time la(if there is any next time??)aiman aiman...but me dah pesan my birthday present no need to worry anymore..n aiman i really miss u nanti tak kisah ler walaupon kiter jarang jumpe but ntah ler...maser kat maktab tak kenal langsung saper aiman, but after that..tak payah citer la.. luper laks..aiman is goin to japan..jeles tahap cipan bcz since f3 me nk gi saner...

--is not a good time yet--

ok..the story goes like this..kuzek nyer kazen kawin..that's not the point..dier kawen when she is 18 years old..n she got 8a1 in spm..and she is a wife today(sunday) ..for me study comes first..ala kalu me nk kawen pon..sure my parents tak bagi nyer's not the time yet..i asked mama about her opinion on that matter and i got positive and negative answers...4 her i should seeing someone rite now and on the same time i must study i tell her that i'm afraid of choosing the wrong person..but mama knows best...she give me some advise and share her experiences to i'm getting older each day...but i am afraid to tell mama about kuzek..maybe later la i tell her...

Sunday, 13 March 2005

bored like hell

location: my brother's room
listen to: all my life( kc n jojo)
missing: intan, hanis, fana(let's go out soon), nisa', hani...n currently aiman(bcz he's goin to japan soon)

so as the title goes..i'm bored!!!help ppl..tomorrow i must settle my agreement wit mara..if not, i will not have my money...wah!!!i been living wit out my money almost 4 months..plz plz plz..i need that money to go 4 shopping...spend it at tambun...have fun all zac said"..everythig beli bulan 5..even ubat gigi pon.." seem that everyone have finished their stok..but as 4 me...toohtpaste is not my prob cz i accidently bring back one from home...hahahah....

if u guys have read zac blog..u must know that zac had an accident at the cansellor hall...pity her but i know that she's a though girls..but we do have fun at maple b4 whut..we don't have any class on mni went 4 holiday, mr zul??i don't know..he's alwayz bz wit his stuff...but bistak is boring...hell boring..i don't really understand it..but DATABASE is much more yeah(i mean helmi) is good in designing the database(maybe) but went trying to explain it to us...he is such a failure...half of the class have know clue how to solve the nomalization prob(not only that) i know there are several ways...that is went he asked us to solve one prob(me and raje are one of his "mangse")....

but the graduation is ok..i mean it is many guys look good in necktie and shirt...jatuh cinta kejap..hahah...after that..we said bye bye to zac, net, lin...they didn't go to basic dance...zac!!kiteorg blaja zapin...i said it to zac bcz she has waited so long to learn this but to bad 4 her..she's on da way to terengganu...never mind next time we(me, ad, esha, ieyza) wil teach u guys...hahaha...

after basic dance, we go and it at bcb(usm cafe to others)...there we take some pics...nanti i post it(after i figure out how...) raje(my rumet) tak datang cz i don't know...but as usual we have fun eating together..but b4 that...esha n ad when off to left me alone wit ieyza...normally i'm not that closed to her...but we can go along just fun..maybe dah lamer kut tak lepak berdua-duan ngan dier as predict by zac n net...i hav to listen some of her probs...but 4 me, it's ok cz i never had any "quality time" wit her...whut else huh???me have no more idea ler...

gud luck to nisa', fana n other ppl out there

juz gayut wit nisa'...gudluck to her...she's goin to take her exam next for fana...u better study..hahha..juz jokin fana..jgn terase pulak for ppl out there..gudluck u utpians study hard..there is half semester to go...hahah

::my fiR$t try::

after waiting 4 so last i'm back at home...hahha..and now i'm creating my own blog..yela sokmo tgk zac update dier nye blog tau..jeles seyh..hahah..nuthin new back at home cume it feels good that i have finished half of my 3rd semester...and guess whut??i'm an undergrad student rite now..exactly..yesterday(friday) i have grad 4 my foudation year..3 and-a-half years to go..n i'm out in the real world...scared to think of let me enjoy my life first...hahhha...