09 November 2011


Today I had my gentle yoga class, which is probably my favorite class all week.  It is actually a senior citizen yoga class but I didn't know that the first time I took it, until I noticed I was the only one under 70 in there.  But I asked the young teacher, should I leave?  And she said, stay if you'd like and treat it like more of a meditation hour.  Which I have been doing ever since.  I mean, when do I get a meditation hour otherwise?
So at the beginning of class, we focus on breath, and our bodies and being present.  This part is always hard for me as my mind loves to drift and wander instead of focusing.  Today I was having a hard time being present at all.  Today my thoughts kept wandering.  The teacher asked us to find our mantra or word for the day.  It is your intention, it is the word you focus on to keep you present.  And yet my mind continued to wander.  I was outside my grandma's apartment.  I was roller skating down her sidewalk.  I was sleeping over at her house and playing hide and seek, hiding in her hamper.  My thoughts kept going back to my grandma who died a little over a year ago.  Until I finally realized what my word for the day should be: Grace.  
Thanks grandma, for being with me today.  I love you and miss you.

27 October 2011

Fixing the pantry

The pantry in our house is not much larger than the pantry in our old house.  The shelves were almost twice as deep however.  This may sound like a good thing. In actuality, it is not.  Deep shelves equal layers upon layers of stuff and crap starts getting shoved anywhere and stuff disappears in the back.  It's kind of like a black hole.  Or rather, how I imagine a black hole to be since I have no first-hand knowledge of the subject.
So, we had few options.  We couldn't just cut the shelves to be shallower, since the archaic means with which they are mounted to the wall necessitates the shelf be present at the front and the rear.  One option was to knock down the right wall and rebuild the pantry.  This may still happen someday, but luckily I don't have to wait for that big project to be a little happier with my situation.  What we ended up doing is cutting out a squared-off "U" shape in the front which solves all problems, and gives us little shelves on the sides which is also great.  But let me assure you doing this little task is no simple feat when all you're working with is a mitre saw and some weird bendy hand saw.  You better hope you have 2 good brains and a talented husband.
So long story short, I am much happier with my pantry at the moment.  Smaller = Bigger.  Weird but true.  
Another feel good moment in this story: I eliminated a whole garbage bag worth of 3/4 empty bags and boxes of random snack crap that I have purchased and my kids have eaten once and never touched again.  I put the remainders in little ziplock snack bags that I can just throw in lunch boxes.  That way they don't have a choice - Mwuhahaha!  
And finally, now that it is possible to see what is actually in the pantry here is a list of things you don't need to go buy at the store if you live at my house since there are multiples of all of them:  powdered sugar, rice, animal/fish crackers, cereal, tea, hot chocolate, bread crumbs, marshmallows or nuts of any kind.

18 September 2011

Uintahs & Dave’s wedding

Over Labor day weekend we did our first camping trip of the year.  We got a late start this year, it’s true.  We’ve been a little busy.  We left early Thursday and came home Monday.  In the middle of all that, we went to a wedding.  Another fantastic weekend on the books.


Daddy doing Indi’s hair.IMG_2166

Look at this beanpole.IMG_2171

Indi lost in her imaginary games.  Oh how I adore these children of mine.  (ps that’s a rubber snake she’s playing with, but there was a real one that grandpa cut the head off of and threw in the firepit – luckily it was just a water snake)IMG_2176

Walking through the river with daddy, scaring his fish away.  But he won’t be thwarted that easily!IMG_2180IMG_2188

Finn tries to hold it.IMG_2196

Slippery little sucker!IMG_2197IMG_2227IMG_2233

Bart came to feed the cats, but we brought Fishy Monroe with us.IMG_2251



Dave & Shiloh’s wedding, about a half-hour from our campsite.  Finn & Burgundy giving massages to Aunt Laci & grandma.


Then Finn gets one from the professional!  Thanks, Aunty Beth!


Indi and her new little pal, Kylia.  This is the bride’s daughter.  Indi said of her, “I wish I was a boy so I could marry her!”


Later on, we went to Dave & Shiloh’s house.  Not sure why I don’t have any pictures of that.  But it was a great time/family reunion with most of the Dellers & Ingrams.  Lovely times.

Back to the campsite.  Next morning Daddy, Finn & Grandpa went fishing and caught us breakfast.


See all those lovely Ponderosa Pines?  We now have a baby one growing in our yard.  (shhh!)IMG_2294IMG_2312

After a walk through the woods, Burgundy held on to the flowers daddy picked for her.IMG_2300

We are so enjoying our times of rest this year.  It seems they are few and far between, but are so lovely when we have them.  I love my little family.  I wish we could freeze time and all stay this age forever.