21 February 2009

The Nose Knows

well, I know you're all incredibly interested, so I will fill you in on all the gruesome details of my sickness. Finn & Burgundy both got sick on Wednesday (week and a half ago) and then I got it on Saturday - Valentine's Day. yay. Just feeling totally lousy - slight fever, chills, sore throat, stuffy nose, etc.
Now usually, when I get sick (in my adult years anyway) I am basically sick for a day and by day 2 I am on the mend. Must have something to do with the fact that I'm mom and I don't get a day off. But, this time has been different.
So, got it on Saturday, Sunday was bad, Monday was worst. Just lying on the couch unable to move. Then I started to perk up a bit. Thursday I had a show which I wasn't incredibly thrilled about doing, but I did it and it was fine. And I didn't feel too bad in the process. Friday I even cleaned the house. I took it a little easy, but was pretty much fine.
Now, keep in mind I have never had a sinus infection. I know my sister and mom & dad have gotten them but I never had. Well the last few times I've gotten sick, my sinuses feel quite inflamed and ouchy. The best way I can describe it is like I have dry sockets where my sinuses are. When I am lying in bed and breathing through my nose, just the air hurts my sinuses. Weird. But then it goes away.
Well, this time it didn't go away, and Friday night they were feeling pretty swollen and sore. Then Saturday morning I just basically woke up in tears. (and to say I woke up implies that I slept, which I didn't actually do that much of). I have had this darn stuffy nose all week and am completely blocked. (very unusual for it to last that long on me). So Saturday morning, I just went out and told Cody I have to go to the Urgent Care Center.
Long story longer - I went and got some mega-antibiotics and some super narcotic painkillers (which are BARELY helping). My face feels like it's going to explode. Luckily now the kids seem to be almost all better. Burgundy is still on antibiotics this week for a slight ear-infection. Ugh. Today I did do some grocery shopping but couldn't wait to get home to stay so I could take some pain pills and lie down (not supposed to drive while on them so I had to wait until after I got Finn from pre-school)
Ugh!! This is the worst "cold" ever. Started like a flu, went on to cold-like, turned into sinusitis from hell. And now I just feel swollen in the face and dizzy from medication and sickness.
So!! That's what I've been up to for the last 2 weeks. How've you been?

17 February 2009


ok well I haven't posted in 2 weeks so I thought I would put up a quick note. Not much is new. I have been pretty sick the last few days. We finally got around to visiting Uncle Hodge and Aunt Alana on Wednesday last and when Finn woke up in the car on the way there, he was basically sick. And as the night wore on Burgundy started running from the nose and eyes as well. Bummer.

We also probably got baby Lily sick as we visited with her on Monday and she is now sick as well. Again, bummer.

But on the bright side we are all finally starting to feel a little better. Apparently everyone in the world that I know had or has this cold. Terrific.

I do hope that I am recovered on Thursday since I have a show that night. Hopefully I still have a voice that night.

Other than that, not much is new. So Happy Belated Valentine's day, and happy remainder of Black History Month!

04 February 2009

50 things about me.

I posted these on Facebook, but thought it would be fun to put them on here as well for those of you who have not succumbed to the force of facebook. Enjoy.

1) I used to be able to sing. I like to sing in the car, but not loud enough for my husband to hear me. After I had Finn I lost about 3 octaves off my range.

2) I get bored with things easily. When I find a new hobby (e.g. knitting, embroidery, crocheting, etc) I am completely into it and I like to sped lots of money on all the accessories to do it, then I make a few things and then don't do it again for years and years.

3) I love my job

4) After having kids, I think I have developed ADD

5) I used to be a building manager for a skyscraper in Chicago.

6) I used to be in an improv comedy group in college. I think I even used to be funny.

7) I used to be in theatre through high school and college and I absolutely loved it. If I could make a living as an actor I would do it.

8) I have a hard time not spending money on things. Luckily, I have no credit card debt.

9) I am the youngest of two girls. My sister is 5 years older than me, and I miss her since she lives in Florida!

10) I miss Chicago sometimes. I miss the Christmas lights and the snow in the city. I miss the crazy drivers and generally all the crazy people you run into in a big city.

11) I love massages. I used to get one every week when I worked at Ivory Homes and it is the thing I miss most about that job.

12) I wish I could take a nap every day.

13) I can take off my socks and pair them together - with only my feet.

14) I have exercise induced asthma

15) My feet grew a 1/2 size with each kid and never went back down. I had to get rid of all my shoes after Burgundy.

16) I wish I had more shoes

17) I have an ear for music, but can't really play any instrument. I can sound out a song note by note on pretty much any instrument just by ear but I can't play chords, etc. I sounded out the theme from Chariots of Fire on the piano when I was 4 or 5.

18) I really want a Schnauzer

19) I had never been camping in my life until I moved to Utah in 2002. Then I went pretty much every weekend until we had kids. I really miss it. And I hope I can figure out how to start going again this summer.

20) I feel most comfortable in nature. It is my church.

21) I have been praying for President Obama. I don't think I have ever prayed for a president before.

22) If I could live anywhere it would be Scotland - or Ireland

23) 13 years and 30 pounds ago I was a dancer.

24) I think that any crusade to exclude gays from anything is moronic.

25) I wish that anyone who saw me thought of me as the cool mom.

26) I am a language chameleon. Meaning if I am surrounded by an accent or colloquialisms for any amount of time (could be less than 5 minutes) I will start speaking like that.
By the time I finished a conversation with my neighbor I would always be speaking with a Southern Accent - even though I tried not to. When speaking with my other neighbors, I always end up with a Spanish inflection on my words. When in England - yes you guessed it, and when calling my parents from France I inadvertently interjected "ehhhh" between every few words (picture a French person speaking English), "so we went to the, ehhhhh, park, and then we, ehhhh, went to get some baguettes, ehhhhh..." (that's hard to type but hopefully you know what I mean) I really hope I have never offended anyone with this quirk of mine - I honestly can't help it.

27) I am good at imitating accents

28) I wish I could get a Chicago tattoo done by Corey Miller (next time I am in LA). I really want a Chicago tattoo because I am very proud to be from Chicago and I miss it a lot sometimes.

29) I will probably never snowboard again. I went skiing once in 8th grade and did pretty decently. I went snowboarding once in college and fell down on my bottom a lot. I went once with Cody here and I broke my tailbone. I may try skiing some day but I am too old and fragile to snowboard - not to mention that I am no good at it.

30) I really want Finn to learn how to snowboard and I am having a heck of a time getting Cody to take him. Next year for sure they will go, though. (mark my words)

31) When I was 13 I moved out of my childhood home. It changed me. That house & yard was the coolest place ever and I am very grateful to have been able to grow up there. It is my "happy place" that I go back to.

32) While in college I majored in English Education and minored in theater. I had a 4.0. I did not receive my degree.

33) Sometimes I am grouchier than I'd like to be

34) Sometimes I yell at my kids to stop yelling (I know that makes no sense but who hasn't done it?)

35) I've been in love 3 times in my life. I guess the third time is the charm.

36) If I could speak any second language it would be German. I know a little German... he's sitting right over there!

37) When I was younger I wanted to be a mermaid. (I still do)

38) I have one living grandparent and she will be 97 in April. Just recently she has started to go downhill and now she always calls me Carol Lee (my dad's cousin)

39) Even though I spent the majority of my childhood outdoors, I had never been camping before moving to Utah. I am ever impressed with my husband who can pitch a tent in 30 seconds flat and start a fire with the greatest of ease. He is my own personal Bear Grylls. I also get a crush on him even more every time I see him drive a fork lift or a backhoe or see him welding at work. It is just so "manly"

40) My husband is extremely knowledgeable about so many things - fly-fishing, machinery, chemistry, beer-making... the list can just go on and on. And I'm not talking about he has done it a couple times and knows something about it, I'm talking he can tell you details about it for hours on end and then can go out and actually do it better than most. And yet, he is so very very humble and modest, and even prefers if people don't know he is really good at something. This perplexes me. And I respect it immensely.

41) If I am even vaguely good at something I want everyone to know about it.

42) Having children has physically changed me a lot. And I'm not just talking poochy belly or stretch marks. I mean like my body is a shadow of it's former self. And I feel old because of it.

43) I am good with a computer. I was the office manager at my job at Ivory Homes but I loved being the consulting "tech support" person of the office because I knew more than the actual tech support person. This has happened to me in pretty much every job I've had where I've had to deal with computers.

44) My son perplexes and frustrates me every day. I love him more than life itself. And most days I want to throw him out a window.

45) My daughter is the most fun and happy baby I have ever met. She can get cranky and she has discovered her opinions, but she wakes up every day with a huge smile on her face and I am grateful for it every day.

46) My parents were a huge influence on me and I can't ever thank them enough. They supported me and understood me (or tried to).
They let me dye my hair hot pink, blue, green and orange in high school and wear all black and big baggy clothes and combat boots and shave my head (although they didn't let me pierce my nose or get a tattoo) because they knew that teenagers need to rebel sometimes and if I was getting straight As and wasn't doing drugs or drinking, then what did it hurt?
They knew that if you tell a kid "if you are ever in a situation where you need to get out then you call and we will be there no questions asked" that a kid will probably be less likely to get into those situations.
They knew that if you give a kid a sip of wine at Thanksgiving dinner that they will be less likely to sneak 6-packs in high-school.
That as much as you allow your kid to do these things, they are still not allowed to ever go to a party where there will not be parents present or to be at a boy's house alone.
I hope to raise my kids with as much tolerance, understanding and love as I was raised with. Because it made me want to be a better kid.

47) My glasses broke this morning and that really bums me out. I never wear them except when I have my contacts out at bedtime but if I am going to get lasik I will need to wear glasses for 2 weeks. I don't want to spend $300 on glasses that I will wear for 2 weeks and never again.

48) I wish that we had a house with a lot of land and that I owned horses.

49) I have decided that Thursday is going to be my "cleaning day". We'll see how long that lasts.

50) I have had my highest highs and lowest lows since having kids. It is a roller coaster everyday and I wouldn't change it for the world.

02 February 2009

ok i am posting this old fun movie for Paula and Abbi to see. But you can enjoy it as well!