17 December 2013

The weary blog

Oh the poor neglected blog. Oddly enough I hardly ever sit down to the computer anymore because I do everything on my phone or ipad.  So to compile pictures and content for the blog gets back-burnered and then it's 7 months behind.
Then I feel bad because I post pictures on Facebook but not to the blog. And I wish I could post more easily and I tell myself if only I could I would. Well look what I've found, an app to post to my blog. So perhaps you'll see more pictures here. Maybe even more content. Maybe not, time will tell. I do know I've got to catch you up since July and will hopefully get to that soon. But I will also inform the dear mothers in my life that there will be no blog book this year as there are only 7 posts on the blog from this year. Inexcusable!
But let me get caught up, and perhaps this app will breathe new life into this weary blog.
In the meantime, Here's a picture of Suki under the Christmas tree...

21 July 2013

Antelope Island

Yesterday we took an impromptu trip to Antelope Island.  It's been something we've wanted to do for a while, wishing to visit the island we look at everyday from our back door.

There we visited Buffalo point (where we saw a buffalo), the ranch (where we saw more buffalo and talked to some ladies from the Northern Utah Fiber Arts Guild who I might take some spinning lessons from once the kids go back to school - so I can learn to hand-spin my alpaca fiber!), ate at the Buffalo Grill and went to the "beach"
 can you spot the buffalo?

there he is...

 more buffalo in the distance
 snow cone & buffalo burgers at the Buffalo Grill
 traversing the desert to get to the lake
 ...as we got closer to the water, you could hear a distinctive buzz, about 10 feet from the shore, literal clouds of gnats. hovering to about 4 feet off the ground.  This is a sad baby because she wanted to go in the water with Finn, but didn't want to walk through the clouds of gnats.  It took us girls 3 tries to get to the water.  Daddy and Finn just plodded on through the first time.  (ps, I don't like bugs)
Brine shrimp
 brine shrimp everywhere...
 in the water...