Miss Information is annoyed by Excellerators
After a protracted and annoying construction project, Miss Information's library has recently begun offering computer courses again. Oh. Joy.The following is a typical exchange:
Patron: I want to sign up for the Excel workshop on January 31.
Miss Information: Oh, I'm afraid all of our Excel courses are full until May. I could book you for the May 11 course if you like.
Patron: How about the one on February 8?
Miss Information: Nope, that May 11 course is the next one that has spaces available. But you can sign up for it if you want.
Patron (waves schedule at Miss Information): It says here that there's an Excel course on February 24.
Miss Information: Well, yeah, there is. But I'm sorry it's already full.
Patron: How about March 21? I could come to that.
Miss Information: Sadly no. The next spot I have in an Excel course is the one on May 11. I think you should sign up for that.
Patron: Can you put me on the waiting list for January 31?
Miss Information: I'm afraid the waiting lists are also full. The next class I can sign you up for is that one on May 11.
Patron: But I need something right away.
Miss Information: That's a shame. You might want to consider another library. The Big Serious Library downtown also offers Excel courses.
Patron: That's too far!
Miss Information: So, I suppose you'll be signing up for the May 11 course then?
It wouldn't be so bad except that Miss Information had this exact conversation 10 times a day for the last week. Not to mention that these are free two-hour seminars, taught by librarians with no teaching credentials. The level of desperation does not reflect the quality of the seminar--which is excellent, obviously, but still a two-hour seminar in Excel isn't going to turn anyone into an accountant.