So I've been struggling to update-- I've been contemplating "the blog" and purposes for "the blog" as of late. It seems to me that blogging is pretty narcissistic and feeds the voyeurism addiction of others. But on the other hand, I love to use it as a journal. Why am I so damn CYNICAL these days? It's kind of funny because I feel actually quite at peace and rather happy in my place in life. But cynicism has reared its ugly head, and I'm trying to see around it. (More about THAT another day.)
Posted by Jensie Simkins at 11:24 5 comments
Dying to know...
why Sarah Palin is still getting press?
Posted by Jensie Simkins at 14:21 4 comments
I'm not catching up on my summer posts like I should. Oh well, I'll get to it. Here's some very recent, very cute pictures of the fam, just for fun:
Posted by Jensie Simkins at 10:27 0 comments
Political Commentary
A few years ago, my nephew, G, was having some trouble at school. He kept getting in trouble with a particular teacher. When asked by his father what the problem was, G responded, "Well, I just don't respect him!" Strong and thoughtful words from a 7th grader! His father, admittedly, was stymied! My brother-in-law went on to explain to G that although he may not respect the man, he needed to respect his role as a teacher and an authority figure. This, of course, is necessary to keep the classroom in order.
Recently, President Obama announced that he wanted to address public school children as the new school year began. What happened? Many parents became outraged that the President would speak to their children without their permission. They accused Obama of wanting to "brainwash" their children with his "socialist agenda." Their response? To pull their children from school that day.
Excuse me? Um, he's the President of the United States of America. I don't care if you don't agree with his policies. You should respect the office. What are you teaching your children? That school is dispensable if you don't like something going on there. That the President is not worthy of your respect. That you don't have to listen to someone with a different opinion than yours. Those are NOT lessons I want my kids to learn, especially from me.
I remember being addressed in elementary school by George Sr. I was so little. I don't remember what he said. What I remember is that the President wanted to talk to ME! To kids! It was exciting.
This, I think, is the crux of the problem in America right now: both lefties and righties are too self-absorbed to LISTEN to the other side. All conservatives have lumped all liberals in the same pile, and vice versa. I'm tired of the accusations and verbal masturbation (meaning talking for self-pleasure, but no other purpose). I'm tired of all the glib Facebook statuses and viral videos. Don't send me anymore email forwards, and quit yelling at me when I'm trying to enjoy the 4th of July with my family. I'm an American. I vote. I try to be a good neighbor, a good citizen, and a good parent. Quit putting words in my mouth and just leave me alone.
Okay, not terribly funny, but point made, anyway.
Posted by Jensie Simkins at 08:19 3 comments
Start from the beginning...
I guess I'll start with Ashman's birth story, since that's about where I left off regularly blogging. I'm still trying to process his birth... it was disappointing and continues to bother me as I think about it. I know it went as well as it could've, and I did have the best outcome, but my experience just further frustrates me with current hospital "procedures" and "options." So, bear with me, I'll try to be less bitter than I feel at the moment; but my experience has left me wholly reconsidering my decision to enter midwifery--I doubt my ability to fight this fight.
And here we are, 3 months later, with lots of adventures under our belts. He is a sweet baby and we are very grateful for such a wonderful addition to our family. (We're DONE.)
Posted by Jensie Simkins at 15:29 3 comments
Busy Summer!
Well, we haven't been so great at updating... we've been busy. New baby, visits from Grandma J, Grandma V and Grandpa P, and Aunt C, a two week trip out to Utah, construction on Silly Girl's new attic room, and now just back from a week in Virginia with cousins! When school starts, we'll be ready for the break! So, I'll try to catch up from the beginning.
Posted by Jensie Simkins at 21:07 0 comments
While the 'cat' was away....
While the Mamadoula, Sillygirl, and the Ashman were away, I went to Jackson Hole and Yellowstone with the Good Ol' Boys. It was awesome.
Posted by Double Doc at 22:48 0 comments