Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
PRK or a bit of the old ultra-violence?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Gratutitous Softball/PC Question of the Day
"X", you pride yourself on the multicultural diversity of your team. Why is that so important to you? And how does it influence the work your team does?
In "Y" we have ambitious goals. We want to be the benchmark in "Y" industry, and outperform the industry. I strongly believe we can only achieve this if we have a diverse group of people possessing the right competencies working together towards this goal. Each member of my team brings with him or her a unique set of skills and experience, a unique personality and strengths. I see my role as being the facilitator and coach that helps my team to work together well, achieve a top performance and at the same time enjoy what they do.
Eugh! Something that squishy needs to be put in a Tupperware container for it's own good.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I have not forgotten how to love the Bomb!!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Attention, Inner Prop.

An odd billboard
It read "Surge Protection!" and their call letters, AM number and some remark about being progressive.
Surge Protection? That is fairly tone deaf, isn't it? Your nation's Armed Forces are conducting a push commonly referred to as "the Surge" to defeat people who blow up children, heck, anybody they can. They are also uite explicit about wanting to impose a 8th Century theocracy...and a "progressive" radio station advertises itself as "Surge Protection"?
I mean, for years they have had billboards along I-90 berating the President - OK, whatever they want to pay for. But "Surge Protection"...?
Friday, September 14, 2007
News of Afghanistan Prop Attempt 3

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Never Again (?)

I don't care whether you are a bigot that thinks those "rag heads" or Muslims can't ever stop killing each other, or a sneering political opportunist who cynically chants "no blood for oil" or "This is Bush's War, dreamed up on a ranch in Texas." You are, in effect, saying "Never again? Who cares - 'again' isn't my problem."
It is a problem to me. I have brushed up against the edges of genocide before. I am about to go do a small thing. Help train the Iraqi Army to prevent "again" - whether internally or externally caused. It is a small thing I do, but there are 160,000 others joining me. Together we can add up to "Never Again".
While I serve, while I am able to do anything about it, I say NEVER AGAIN.
Friday, September 07, 2007
News of Afghanistan
The presidential debate coming up is taking video questions through YouTube. I think Major John should submit one.
Don't forget the Rugby World Cup is starting today. Hmm, I wonder who Major John is rooting for? Anyway, this is about that Other "football."
August was a very bad month, the worst in fact, so let's hope that September is better.
I say, give these guys what they want. They're doing God's work.
More bad news. Schools in Afghanistan as SCHEDULED to open on 10 Sep 07. Let us hope they can.
US military can't do it alone? Of course not. That's why we have a coalition, to start with. That's also why good folks like you read things like this. It takes a village to rear a child, what does it take to raise a country?
Okay, maybe the Canooks are looking at non-military help. Just so they don't pull out of the effort to help.
Thanks Italy, and good luck in the Rugby World Cup.
News of Iraq - Building the Army
First up, and the subject I have the most interest (self-interest, no doubt) in:
How long to make an NCO Corps?
Once, talks like this would not necessarily have included the ISF.
How is the Iraqi Army organized?
A little history on the New Iraqi Army.
Good sources of information and discussion:
Small Wars Journal is here.
Strategy Page is here.
Labels: Iraq Training
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
A Late Rugby Report
The Prop was berzerk like always. That is him going into the scrum head already down like a bull ready to charge...
I managed to play some defense - which is always hard when it involves chasing people half your age... I caught one kid for a saving tackle and I think he felt some shame at being run down by a 41 year old, 240lbs second row. That and a little pain, heh heh.
One fun part was our mutual friend tackling a youngster right into the cheap, temporary goalposts and promptly destroying them:
That's me celebrating the moment, BTW.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Can Brian De Palma not make a movie without US Soldiers raping somebody???

Saturday, September 01, 2007

My blog is worth $60,970.32.
How much is your blog worth?