Our leaders???? The Enemy watches....

Send them the "White Feather of Cowardice". The meaning may be lost. I don't think they have read any A E W Mason. They are to busy reading Chomsky.
A Risk Managing Citizen-Retired Soldier, He Who Hunted Heads, A hoopy e-learning frood who is also a generative artist/teacher, A PMP'n Migratory Executive, A Running Dog Capitalist/Economist, A CSM who has had a Kipling Experience and an Author/Prop - Yummy as Krispy Kreme and as strong as Dunkin' Donuts Coffee!
Kids in Kulata, Kapisa Province, winter of 2005. (photo by me)
Abdullah Abdullah looks back.
So, how is that refugee problem? Urk. Argh!
Hurrah for the Kiwis! I rather liked working with them, their NSE CDR whiole I was there, LTC Aaron Couchman, was a good man.
Advice for Afghan Moms.
Canadian Parliamentary squabbling. You know, I never thought I would type those three words together in a non-funny way.
How this plays out is worth watching. Also note the bit about the Japanese at the end.
Haji Almos, member of the Wolesi Jirga (L) and Molanna SayedKhail, Chief of Police of Parwan Province (R) Spring 2005 [Molanna's swearing in ceremony] (photo by me)
Sticks and Stones...
Party time - no, political parties, not the fun type.
A sad note here.
An Afghan girl washes her brother near an army-destroyed building where refugees live in Kabul, on Friday, April 27, 2007. Iran is deporting around 5,000 refugees a day back to Afghanistan, which lacks the capacity to feed and accommodate them, an Afghan official said Thursday. In the last three days, Iran has deported Afghan refugees living illegally in the Islamic republic through the Zaranj border-crossing in southwestern Nimroz province, said Interior Ministry spokesman Zemeri Bashary. (AP Photo/Farzana Wahidy)
More ungood, plus ungood news. I guess at least something is being done about capturing awareness of this subject.
Ha, I guess the Afghans have two seasons just like us - "Winter" and "Road Construction"!
The Kabul cricket juggernaut rolls on!
What's the buzz, tell me whats a happening...
Gold prices? You want me to worry about gold prices?! Black tea is up 10 afghani a kilo!!
Gee, better late than never, huh?photo: UNHCR/B.Baloch
There is still plenty of anger about amnesty.
OK, this needs to stop, right now.Bang.
And now for the comedy portion of our presentation, "All Taliban are moderates". The HIG deplores violence. I am looking for Mr. Spock with a goatee, if you know what I am saying.Go ahead, junkies, shoot up and help the Talib. Extra special helping of Taliban hypocrisy as well!
Photo: Ebadi/WFP
Some better news about flood relief.
A lengthy letter to the editor re: Dostum. Heh.
Speaking of letters to the editor - ouch! Calling them out.
"Rent to own!"
photo: AP Photo/David Guttenfelder
WTF?! I thought Dutch military "restraint" had died, along with several thousand innocents, at Srbenica. Guess not...
Photo: UNAMA
A man in Zewjug village of the Nili district in Dai Kundi province tries to attach a cable to a van hoping to drag it from the fast-flowing river
And now a word from our Afghan cell phone providers: Roshan and Afghan Wireless. CSM Bones will have to give you the exact consumer review, heh.
Share and enjoy.
A park. Good idea.
Sure, like floods aren't enough.
This little article says a lot. I think the headline is a masterful one too.
One time event? So sez Karzai!!11!
Fire fighters wash the road after a suicide attack in Kabul, on Friday, April 6, 2007. A suicide car bomber hit a police checkpoint in Afghanistan's capital Friday, killing at least five people, including the bomber and a policeman who tried to stop him, police and witnesses said. (AP Photo/Farzana Wahidy)
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