I missed the News yesterday - I was returning from Washington, D.C. My work had an "offsite" meeting for three days in Alexandria, VA. I had one small bloc of time to myself, and I was only a little ways down the highway from Arlington National Cemetary. I had not been there before, so the choice was easily made for my bit of free time...
The first individual grave that I noticed out was SGT Eggers:

Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Machine Gun Company, 107th Infantry, 27th Division. Place and date: Near Le Catelet, France, 29 September 1918. Entered service at: Summit, N.J. Birth: Saranac Lake, N.Y. G.O. No.: 20, W.D., 1919. Citation: Becoming separated from their platoon by a smoke barrage, Sgt. Eggers, Sgt. John C. Latham and Cpl. Thomas E. O'Shea took cover in a shell hole well within the enemy's lines. Upon hearing a call for help from an American tank, which had become disabled 30 yards from them, the 3 soldiers left their shelter and started toward the tank, under heavy fire from German machineguns and trench mortars. In crossing the fire-swept area Cpl. O'Shea was mortally wounded, but his companions, undeterred, proceeded to the tank, rescued a wounded officer, and assisted 2 wounded soldiers to cover in a sap of a nearby trench. Sgt. Eggers and Sgt. Latham then returned to the tank in the face of the violent fire, dismounted a Hotchkiss gun, and took it back to where the wounded men were, keeping off the enemy all day by effective use of the gun and later bringing it, with the wounded men, back to our lines under cover of darkness.
There were some famous heroes too:

And recent heroes too:

Others I wondered about:

Who was PFC Brown?

Who were 1LT Marsh and LTC Berry?
And I saw more than one person like SFC Joel...service in
three wars,
and a Medal of Honor.

One huge disappointment - when I asked at the lady at the information desk where I could go to find the burials from Afghanistan, I was told that information was not being given out publically, since there were some people going there and "misbehaving". [she did ask if she could direct me to someone I knew or such] I was shocked - people would come to Arlington and protest on the graves. If there is one place that protesters should leave alone, it is someone's final resting place.
UPDATE: Typo duly noted, Gail.