Happy New Year, from the Donuts

I feel free to speak on behalf of all the Miserable Donuts (even the complete slackers like the Running Dog and Amiga3000) in wishing all of our readers a Happy New Year.
And now from me:
To CSM Bones and the Inner Prop, an extra toast to my comrades in arms. As CSM Bones chided and reminded me, gently, the other day - we did some amazing things in Afghanistan. And even if my New Orleans experience left me a bit, well, bitter, it was a worthy effort too. So, raise a glass, to ... ourselves!
To The Mighty Quinn and Running Dog, you all had quite a bit to deal with. Better days are here, and you are making them so. A toast to both of you and your families.
To Tempus42, we have to get together for more than a pint or two every 5-6 months. We have no excuses. Er, harrowing experiences with the Soul Crushing Corporation aside...
TO Amiga 3000, we have been trying to get ahold of you for New Year's Eve. Like we used to do for many years - I have champagne and good food available. Heh.