Showing posts with label suzanne vega. Show all posts
Showing posts with label suzanne vega. Show all posts

Friday, 28 August 2009

Enlightenment - Are We There Yet!!

There is a fabulous Van Morrison song called "Enlightenment" that I have been playing over and over lately. Unfortunately I can't find any video or music on the web to play it here, so I have copied the words, the fabulous words!


Chop that wood
Carry water
What’s the sound of one hand clapping
Enlightenment, don’t know what it is

Every second, every minute
It keeps changing to something different
Enlightenment, don’t know what it is

It says it’s non attachment
Non attachment. Non attachment

I’m in the here and now, and I’m meditating
And still I’m suffering but that’s my problem
Enlightenment, don’t know what it is


Enlightenment says the world is nothing
Nothing but a dream, everything’s an illusion
And nothing is real

Good or bad baby
You can change it anyway you want
You can rearrange it
Enlightenment, don’t know what it is

All around baby, you can see
You’re making your own reality, everyday because
Enlightenment, don’t know what it is

Enlightenment, don’t know what it is
It’s always up to you
Enlightenment, don’t know what it is
It’s up to you, the way you think.


Then Suzanne Vega found her way into my car CD and talked about being tired of sleeping and wondering when I'll be waking.

"Tired Of Sleeping"

Oh Mom, the dreams are not so bad
It's just that there's so much to do
And I'm tired of sleeping

Oh Mom, the old man is telling me something
His eyes are wide and his mouth is thin
And I just can't hear what he's saying

Oh Mom, I wonder when I'll be waking
It's just that there's so much to do
And I'm tired of sleeping

Oh Mom, the kids are playing in pennies
They're up to their knees in money
And the dirt of the churchyard steps

Oh Mom, that man he ripped out his lining
He tore out a piece of his body
To show us his "clean quilted heart"

Oh Mom, I wonder when I'll be waking
It's just that there's so much to do
And I'm tired of sleeping

Oh Mom, the bird on the string is hanging
Her bones are twisting and dancing
She's fighting for her small life

Oh Mom, I wonder when I'll be waking
It's just that there's so much to do
And I'm tired of sleeping


Both these songs carry important messages for me as I meander along my spiritual path full of questions about the purpose of life and the nature of the universe around me.

My spiritual journey is about discovering my relationship with myself and with the world. I find music is food for my soul and affects my decision making and thus my way of living.

Uluru, Northern Territory, Australia, June 2007. An extremely spiritual place.

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Music that warms my soul

Each week I am going to feature a CD that has touched me in some way.

My first album is Beauty & Crime released in July 2007 by Suzanne Vega

I have been enjoying her music for the past 20 years for it's storytelling, lovely melodies and her distinctive voice. I have downloaded 5 songs from this album and put them at the top of the music 'thingo', if anyone would like to have a listen.

Suzanne has made the following comments on the album's songs:

1. Zephyr & I: a conversation between the graffiti artist Zephyr and myself, West End Avenue remembered.
2. Ludlow Street: for my brother Tim who lived there, memories of parties and rehab.
3. New York is a Woman: NY personified as a woman who has had a hard time but is still beautiful.
4. Pornographer’s Dream: what would he really desire?
5. Frank & Ava: a couple who gets along in bed but not out.
6. Edith Wharton's Figurines: women past and present, how we suffer for beauty.
7. Bound: a love song to my husband.
8. Unbound: a spiritual song about a plant.
9. As You Are Now: to my daughter who is a natural treasure.
10.Angel’s Doorway: A cop is stationed at Ground Zero and his wife wants him to leave his clothes at the door. Also about troops returning home.
11.Anniversary: The anniversary week of 9/11 a year later in NYC.

As I was doing a bit of research on Suzanne I was surprised to find she had a BLOG......I am now a bigger fan, if that is possible, than I was before.