We have almost forgotten that sense of "community" and interconnectedness with each other.
Hugging is an intimate and communal thing and it's something I believe should be brought back as a widely accepted greeting and behaviourism in societies. Not something that is shunned or feeling weird about when someone reaches out for one.
In the middle of January I visited my dear friend Stoneweaver in Christchurch, New Zealand and we held up "Free Hugs" signs with her sister and another friend in Cathedral Square. The energy we gave and received was incredible. The power of touch was quite addictive.
Stoneweaver came to Sydney last week and stayed with me for a week, one reason being to get away from the aftershocks of the earthquake.
I took her to Newtown, an inner city suburb, for some shopping and while there we popped into a shop called The Tree of Life. We got chatting to the owner of the shop and the subject of hugging was brought up.
To our surprise she asked us "Do you know how you hug matters"? She then proceeded to tell us that a left handed hug (left arm up, right arm down) forms a strong electrical current linking heart energy to heart energy.
We tried it, hugging the owner of the shop, whom we had just met and received a wonderful energy boost.
So as Kathleen Keating wrote "Give generously and watch yourself grow rich in what matters most".
"A hug is like a boomerang – you get it back right away." ~Bill Keane
Most of my hugs in New Zealand were right hand hugs! Looks like I will have to return and try out left handed ones.