Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Beautiful Heartbreak

You know – when you go through something that changes your life forever. Something you would never choose. Something heartbreaking. But you go through it. You face it – even though you’d run the other direction if you could. You climb the mountain. And then, somehow, some way…

You reach the top.

And the view changes completely. And you realize the climb made you stronger, wiser - even though you would never have chosen to make the climb in the first place.

But you’re closer.

To the Savior.

And that is something you would never trade. Even though at times the journey broke your heart, you would never trade.

That’s what this song is about.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Giving Up Diet Coke

I failed to mention one of the biggest changes I made in my diet. Giving Up Diet Coke. It should be the name of a book. Cold Turkey 5 weeks ago. I'll be honest. I can't say I feel any different but what I do notice is that I have more money in my pocket and I'm not constantly looking for a Circle K to get a 79 cent Thirstbuster. It just feels good to be the one in control. Theres no turning back..................

Sunday, October 23, 2011

You Can't Keep Doing the Same Thing and Get A Different Result

I'm sure you've heard this statement before. Well that is the place I have been in for awhile now. Middle age. I can't keep doing the same thing and think anything is going to change in my life!!! This applies to
  • Eating
  • Exercise
  • Relationships
  • Scripture Reading
  • Prayer
  • My relationship with the Savior
Do you get my point? So I am on my journey to rediscover life, love, relationships and myself at 53. Is anything wrong in my life? No. But I am not becoming the best I can be? No. I am taking a good look at myself and really picking apart my shortcoming and making a decision to change for the better.

I'm biting off alot, but the first step is recognition (sounds like a 12 step program). I can only go up from here. Change comes slowly but I'm hoping the final result will be worth it.

I felt a need to make public my desire for change in my life in order to help me do it.

I will be working on these simultaneously but the first thing I must focus on is my health. The state of my physical health contributes greatly to my mental and spiritual health. I have suffered with various health problems especially in the last 10 years. The truth is, I am the one that has the power to halt these problems by changing my diet and exercise.

5 weeks ago I cut out all red meat, limited dairy to only cultured milk products, and severely limited my wheat intake. My new diet is soy and other grain based with lots of fruits and vegetables in their natural state. This was a drastic change for me. But I knew I couldn't keep doing the same thing and get a different result.

5 weeks later, I have lost 13 pounds, less hot flashes, my stomach and GI problems all went away. Now mind you, this was not without a lot of study and effort. Its hard changing the basic way you eat!! It still is! Especially when your husband eats completely opposite! I am amazed at how quickly I felt better and daily symptoms that troubled me were gone!

My diet is in line with the Word of Wisdom. I am following guidelines from the book " Eat For Your Type" by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo. I started with much skepticism. Wheat and Dairy were the basis of my diet! How could I give it up?!

Foods I now love:
  • Soy milk
  • Multi grain homemade bread (no wheat). Thanks Lucy for the recipe.
  • Green smoothies
  • Juicing fruits and vegetables
  • Dried fruits and nuts
People that know I have changed my diet are now giving me recipes and suggestions! I love it!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Weekend In LA

Ok, so I guess I have to fess up..........I'm a HUGE Keith Urban fan, have been since he hit the country music scene in 1999, even before my 2 daughters married Australians. When he married Nicole Kidman, that cinched it for my husband! He is in love with her! We have been planning this trip since July when the tour was cancelled in Arizona. The day we got to LA, we drove over to the Staples Center and LA Live. What do you know but Keith's semi's were there getting unloaded! I knew this was the closest I would get to holding his hand :)
The next day we went to the Los Angeles Temple and went through a session. This temple is HUGE! The other thing I noticed is what a nice sound system it has! Must be cuz they have all these entertainers that go there?
This is Saturday night waiting outside the Staples Center to go into the concert. A very eclectic crowd, young and old, and lots of dolled up women!
Here we are inside waiting for the warm up act, Jake Owens. He has alot to learn about entertaining from Keith.
This is the amazing stage with a HUGE screen to better see Keith with. He is an amazing guitarist, vocalist, songwriter, entertainer, not to mention he's good looking:) He had a couple of surprise guests including John Fogarty and Jack Black. It was a wonderful weekend together.

I'm still having a little trouble hearing..............

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Schnepf Farms Annual Outing 2011

Thanks to my son-in-law Ethan for putting this video together!!

Gavin Pierce Elmer 8/27/11

Gavin was born 3 weeks early via C-section to Lindsay and Donnie Elmer. This is their 4th child. He weighed 6# 5 oz. He has the sweetest features and a head of thick black hair!
We are so blessed to have 11 grandchildren!