Sunday, February 7, 2010

Baby Girl Hansen Has Arrived!

We start this story with our oldest grandaughter Lillian spending the night at our house. We decide to roast marshmellows in the backyard. The next day we get a call from Lucy that she is having regular contractions. I pack my bag and get ready to drive to Coolidge to experience a home birth. Before I even leave the house I get another call from Lucy that she is bleeding and they are rushing her to the hospital. Aaron gave Lucy a priesthood blessing before they leave the house. I meet them at the hospital. It was a nerve racking labor for everyone but Lucy handled it so controlled and calmly.
Baby Girl Hansen was born 2/7/10 at 5:34am. She is 7# 13oz, 20 1/2 inches long. Lucy's bleeding promptly stopped after the delivery. A tender mercy for our family. Although Lucy's dream of a home birth was not fulfilled, the blessing of a healthy daughter is priceless.
A tired grandma after an all nighter.
Aaron and Lucy are so happy and relieved that everything is all right.

The next day, you can hardly tell Lucy just went through such a traumatic experience. She is an amazing woman! We can hardly wait to know what name this beautiful baby girl will be given!