Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Thunder From Down Under

Thurstson John Krok arrived August 29, 2008.  He  weighed 8# 1 oz,  52 cm (whatever that translates to:)  Mom and Son are doing well, Dad is ecstatic.  This is the first grandchild for the Krok family so this is a very exciting time for them.  It is # 6 grandchild for us and equally exciting!  He has Ethan's eyes and hairline and Kim's nose and mouth.  I can't wait to meet him!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Babysitting the Grandkids

Lillian insisted on wearing the Spiderman swimsuit when we went swimming  :)
Here are the beauties I got to take care of today.  When Lillian woke up, she came down the stairs and said "You're cute Grandma!".  What a way to start my day!   Tristan (4 months) is all smiles.  Ethan (2 years) is a sweet as a child can be.  

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Linda!

Today is Linda Goodman's birthday! (my sister-in-law).  This is the most recent picture I have of her.  It is so representative of the great woman she is.  She and Nick invited us to stay with them in their cabin at the Twin reunion this summer.  Little did she know how much work she would be roped into by having us stay with her (since I was in charge of the dinner).  She was my unofficial and willing right hand.  

When I was a new mother, she took me with her family to Utah for a visit.  When we picked up Mom in Mexico city, we got to ride with her and Nick.  I have been to education week with her.  I spent my 47th birthday with her in California.  And she drove to my 50th birthday party in Gilbert.  She is always funny and positive.  I love her laugh!  She is more sister than in-law.  Although I love my brother, his wife is the greatest. Thanks for blessing my life.  Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

10 Things I Love About David (Happy Birthday!)

1. His Sense of Humor
2. His Thoughfulness
3. Hard Working
4. Cares about People, not things
5. His Muscles
6. His Smile
7. His Love for his family
8. The Little Things he does for me everyday
9. His Tan
10. How he loves to Surprise!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008

She's Here!

Baby Girl Hansen was born on 8/8/08 at 1645.  7# 11 oz and healthy.  Lucy had her au naturale. (That means no drugs or epidural)  No name yet!  Enjoy the slideshow of her and visitors in the hospital.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Had to post today because of the date.  Lots going on today.  

1 - After working OT all summer, I booked my flight to Australia to help Kim with her baby (due in 2 weeks).  I'll be gone 9/2-9/20.
2 -  I submitted my application and prerequisites to take the CRN exam in October and gave them a boatload of money for the privilege.
3 -  And lastly, Lucy is in labor with our 5th grandchild!  What a great day for a birthday! We know its a girl, but waiting to hear the name:)

Its a good day:)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Jacks Mannequin concert

Here is my pathetic picture from the concert last night a Mesa Amphitheatre.  Paramore was the headliner. My camera battery went dead and all I had was my cell phone camera.  

Andrew McMahon of Jacks Mannequin is a great live performer as well as writer and musician.  He performed songs from his current CD and previewed a song for his upcoming CD in September.  

One of the other bands was "Phantom Planet".  They wrote the theme song to the defunct series "The OC".  They ended their set with that song.  

Ah, there is nothing like a concert when its 107 degrees outside  :)