Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Park City 2012

Caleb and Marie Hammond came with us on this trip.  Such beautiful well behave children.  Anne Krok was so good to watch Sawyer while we skied.

Sawyer was so good on this trip!

A favorite tradition, meeting up with Aunt Linda.  She is so good to us.

Temple Square is so beautiful

The Kroks met up with Tayce's mission companion

Our daily cup

My favorite ski partner, my protector.

Ethan was so patient helping his friend Caleb learn how to snowboard.  I didn't get one picture of his beautiful wife Marie!

Lookout at Page

Getting ready after getting our tickets

My favorite ski buddy

It was so much fun watching Thurston and Atticus ski!

John Krok is quite a good snowboarder

Atticus learning to ski

Beautiful mother and son

The family that skis together stays together

A sad moment

At the top of the mountain

Father and Son, such good snowboarders!


Grandpa and Atticus

Atticus being his usually wiggly self

Thurston skiing by himself!!

View from our Lodge


Thank you again Kroks for inviting us on your vacation.  We had a wonderful time!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week Full of Love

This was a very full but fulfilling week as the Christmas season approaches

We started the week by meeting everyone for Family Home Evening and a tour of the  Mesa Temple Christmas Lights and International Nativity display.  The Kroks are here from
Australia and Ginger joined us too!  Not pictured is Lindsay and Lucy's families.

"Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." (Isaiah 29:14)

We left Eloy and traveled up the road to Coolidge to Lucy's home where she graciously hosted the Christmas cookie bake with all the grandchildren.
".....Children are an heritage of the Lord" (Psalms 75:3)
Ethan, Anders and Tristan spent the night at our house.  Sunday morning we headed out to Queen Creek to Kim's church for Sawyers Baby blessing.  Ethan gave a wonderful blessing.  Afterwards we went to their home for brunch.
"...cometh unto me as a little child" (3 Nephi 9:22)

Here's beautiful Sawyer.
This week has reminded me of all my blessings -  family and friends, health, and the gospel in our lives to guide us.
"..doing all things with prayer and Thanksgiving" (D&C 46:7)

Sunday, November 25, 2012