

halloween :)

family . great food .  lots of treats . and CUTE costumes :)


little mafia

Jo made this cute hat (and another one I need to still get some pics of) for Beck, I love it...


Beck part 1...

Here is our hospital stay with Beck, in a nutshell (or several pics)
First the girls: anyone could have guess how excited the girls were to have their little brother arrive. But really I love these pictures because you can literally see the joy in their faces as they meet Beck for the first time. 

The boys with their boys. proud daddy's.

 Love how tinsy Beck looks on top of his daddy. Don't love how drugged up I always look in hospital pics with my kids... oh well!



Beck Ryan Jenson
19.5 inches
@ 10 (:19)am ...I was shooting for 10:10...
I can't get the pics from the hospital to upload right now, but hopefully I will get this figured out soon....
Here is one I took yesterday, at 5 days old. 
The girls totally adore him so far. Milly is great at holding him, and wants to constantly.  She was VERY upset (i.e. started bawling at the hospital) when we told her his name was Beck. She really wanted to name him Bubble Boy-- a name she came up with the day we found we were having a boy--and has not let go of it since.  Harper has picked up the new phrase "awww so cute." And loves giving him kisses and hugs. And is surprisingly soft with him. 


4 wheelin!

Our new 4 wheeler Ry got for hunting this year...the girls LOVE it, of course. 

 this pic made me laugh so hard...she has sooo much personality
 milly and coug are best buds, they can play and chase for as long as we will let them. it's pretty entertaining to watch :)


the big ol' baby belly

I love a prego belly. But by the time I am 9 months prego, I generally do NOT want my picture taken. But each time I regret it. This time around Ryan was not going to let me not do it (I must complain a little about it :)  When I was out doing Milly's pictures the other day he talked me into doing mine also! Love him! Ry is pretty much awesome at anything he tries. The count down is on! 


we're waiting....

somewhat patiently.... :) Milly is so excited for her baby boy to get here. Ever since we first told her we were having a baby she has insisted we name him "bubble boy." She is still my best buddy and biggest helper, although her and Harper are becoming quite the pals now-a-days. I love hearing them play and become best friends! 



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