Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mario's Problem

Mario has a medical problem and we don't know what it is.  As a brief history, Mario came to us March 2012 as a foster from Mid Atlantic Pug Rescue.  We had had Mario for almost 9 months with no one interested in adopting him. Then, on FaceBook,  someone was asking about him.  Our family realized that Mario was a part of our family and would be staying with us permanently!!  So as a foster dog, he came with little history and was 5 years old. He's a wonderful dog, loving, sweet but of course, is not perfect.  Everyone who meets him loves him!!!!!

We first noticed that his urine was killing everything he peed on....
then he started peeing often and a lot.  And he drinks a lot of water.
After a short time of doing this, off to the vet we went. Initial blood and urine gotten directly from the bladder was sent off to the lab.

In the meantime, our wonderful vet gave us a list of 25 possible things that can cause Polyuria/Polydipsia ....PU/PD, (peeing a lot and drinking a lot). 

The initial results came back negative except for one item.  His urine was listed as very low dilated at 1.003.  The vet was able to cross of  about half of the items on the list.  Our vet admitted that she has not seen a lot of PU/PD with Mario's results but studied and conferred with her associates.  

So there are 4 things she would like do:

1. Urine culture
2. Modified water deprivation test 
3. Abdominal ultrasound 
4. test the adrenal gland (can't read my writing for the test name)

#1 is being done now
#2 is probably going to be done Monday AM

Depending on the outcome of 1 and 2, then 3 and 4 will be considered. 

Soooo, has anyone out there in Blogland ever had experience with this?

Oh, and #20 and #21 on list of 25 things it might be are behavior related, which it could be as well, meaning:

"I drink a lot because I like it or I engage in activities that promote it, but that doesn't mean I'm sick".  I hope it's one of these.

Mario does not show any other signs of illness.  I've had him on a diet over the last 7 months.  He's down from 35 lbs to 29.1!  

Anyway, sorry for the long post, just looking for input!

Kathy aka Hu-mom

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Summer - Hot and Humid Days

Mack at a pug meet up in June

Mario at a pug meet up in June

Mario at the pug meet up in June
Now that summer is upon us, it is getting hot and humid with lots of thunderstorms coming our way.  Minnie hates those storms but we use calming drops and her Thundershirt and she survives!

Below is our cousin, Cassy.  She belongs to one of our hu-brothers who was on vacation.  Cassy stayed at our house!  Cassy is a shih tzu mix, little bitty thing and Minnie's best friend.  Minnie hadn't played in years and Cassy got Minnie to play!!!!!!!!!!!    


Just some of the attendees! 

We hosted a pug meet up in early June in our backyard.  We had 30 people and 20 dogs!

Did you say treats?
We want to thank Dottie Jacobsen for her wonderful photography at our meet ups!

We've missed our blogging friends.  Hu-mom said she will TRY to post often.

See you soon,
Minnie, Mack and Mario

Thursday, December 6, 2012

We are sending holiday cheer for a wonderful Christmas and New Year.  

We'll be back soon!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We will be gone for a while...

We are taking a break from blogging for now.  Everyone is fine here but life seems to have gotten in the way.  

Happy Halloween and Fall from Minnie and Mack.

Foster Mario sends wishes, too!

Minnie, Mack and foster Mario send puggie kisses and hugs.

Monday, September 24, 2012

It's Mine!!!!!!

Hu-mom was cleaning out the guest room this weekend.  Tori's two brothers, that were living with us for a while, have moved out. Of course, Mack, Mario, the kitties and I helped! There was so much good stuff to get into and sniff.   Mario tasted everything.  

Hu-mom found a couple of bags of stuffed animals.  Mario and I LOVE, LOVE stuffies!  Hu-mom was mean and didn't let us play with any of them.  But, sneaky Mario, was able to snag one pink angel ballerina bear from the bag. And hu-mom let us keep it.  Mario played with it for a while, getting the tutu off.  THEN I claimed it for my own.  I didn't mind that the scratchy tutu was off anyway.  Now it is all soft and ready to chew.  Hu-mom will keep an eye on it to make sure I don't get near the plastic eye balls.  She will cut them out, booooo.  I love to chew out those.

Below are pictures of me guarding Angel Bear.  I made the ugly face and mean noises if Mario came any where near me last night!  Once I get my fill of pink angel ballerina bear, I'll let Mario have a turn at it. I'm not a totally mean but enjoy letting him know what's mine!

Have a great week and enjoy the cooler weather.

Love, Minnie

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fat Dog Farm

Recently we had a local pug meet up at a beautiful farm of one of our members...Fat Dog Farm!  Besides 3 pugs, they also had 1 big dog and 2 puppies larger size mixes that had been recently rescued as well. They had a great place for puggies and non-puggies to play and socialize.   There were quite a few humans and pugs, we don't know the number.  (Farther down in the pictures is a group photo if you'd like to count!)  It was a warm day, so the puggie pool was out as were hanging tongues.
The humans were treated to ice cold water and warm, freshly baked, yummy chocolate chip cookies. Mario tried his  hardest to snag a cookie or two but they were quickly put out of his reach....
Entrance to the farm.

Daphne ready for football season to begin....go Redskins! And yes, the Redskins won their opening game.

Mario trying to snag a cookie.  The piggy bank pug is for donations for Mid Atlantic Pug Rescue!

Woofing it up! (There were so many puggies, not sure of everyone's name)

Front gate greeting committee.....checking out the new arrivals.

Monster cooling off in the pool.

Just a few of pugs and peeps. 

Moore cooling off and hanging tongues.

Hu-mom, Kathy, talking to Minnie and Mack.

Wet Mack, he had just had a dip in the pool.

Some cooled off, some used it as water fountain! 

Cute pug sporting adorable skull and crossbones tag!

Minnie (pink harness) and Mario (Camouflage harness) joining in the race. 

Minnie and Mario on the run still.


Monster in her wheel chair after cooling off in the pool. 

Hu-mom trying to get out of the way!

Group shot!

Nothing better than kids and pugs!

We also want to thank Dottie Jacobsen, the official Pug Meet Up photographer for her wonderful photos!  Hu-mom says she is always too busy visiting and pug watching and she forgets to take pictures. Dottie's photo are always wonderful and she captures the spirit of the event! 
Thanks again, Dottie!!!!

It was a wonderful afternoon cut short by a sudden and fierce storm rolling through the Washington DC area. We made it to the car before the heavens opened up and cooled the temps down 20 degrees in less than 20 minutes!  

Have a great fall,
Minnie, Mack and foster Mario

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy Birthday, Minnie!

Hu-mom at the keyboard today.  Today Minnie turns 7!  Happy Birthday to our little girl puggle.  Almost 7 years ago we brought home a little 3 lb bundle of fur! 
Puppy Minnie
Grown up Minnie

Minnie has a very special place in our  hearts!  She's our baby girl puppy!  She's grown up to be the alpha dog in our home, doesn't take to the foster dogs, but LOVES to go for walks, hikes or any place out doors.  She is a sun worshiper!  

Minnie loves to sleep in!

We can't imagine what our life would have been like with out little Minnie to greet us and cover our faces with kisses.

Happy Birthday to our sweetie pie puppy!