Jeg havde lidt efu liggende fra tidligere, så jeg nogle og de fik så lidt guldmaling. Stænglen er lavet af en blomsterdekorationstråd, også masser af tålmodighed og lidt lim.
Now finally the leafs for the birdcage are finished.
I had some leafs from erlier project. So I found these and paintet them with a bit of goldpaint. The flowerstalk ( hope that is the name for it) is the metal thread you use for flower decoration. Finally lots of patience and a bit of glue.
Jeg har tænkt mig at buret skal hænge i vinduet til "la petite", så den lille fugl kan følge med i livet ude på gaden, og selvfølgelig hænger den i en lille krog så butiksejeren kan tage den med hjem efter en lang dag.
The birdcage is going to hang in the window at "la petite". This way the little bird is able to follow the life out on the streets. The cage is hanging on a little hook so the lady of the shop is able to take it with her home after a long day at work.
Jeg har endnu et kvinderelief, men desværre ikke flere rammer.
De skal begge ind på bagvæggen af butikken, så der kan komme lidt liv på væggene.
The picture of the lady is put together by a frame and a relief used for scrapbooking. I painted the frame with a bit of gold and the women received some dimension by brushing it with some distress colour from Tim Holz.
I have another relief of a women but unfortunately not more frames.
Both pictures will be hanging at the back of the shop. Hopefully this will bring a bit of life to the back end.