Monday, September 27, 2010

Me Today

At the request of both my moms, here is me with my pregnant belly. That baby Jane sure sits low. Only 5-6 weeks left!
Also a bonus of Cameron today too (in our swank-town kitchen)!

Monday, September 20, 2010


I don't know if I have ever let my blog go so long without a post! That is for two reasons: 1) I have been super busy with a list of things to get done before the baby comes and it defies nature by only getting longer, never shorter, and 2) I want to post pictures of my family's reunion in Aspen Grove before I do any other posts, so I keep putting it off since it will be a bigun.

But to break the silence, I will tell you a funny story. Tyler gets to work with an extremely diverse group of people at his job, often times people that we would never come into contact with otherwise. So he and I have fun as he tells and I listen to his multitude of funny stories he collects. Don't get us wrong, we're not gossips or mean, it's just genuinely funny stuff! Here is one of our favorites, obviously a bit modified:

Person 1 and 2 are discussing Person 2's new part time job
Person 1: You could save that extra money.
Person 2: I hate people like you who are always saving money! People like you who go to the bars on weekends and worry how much they are spending! What if you died tomorrow and you never had any fun with your money?
Person 1: Well, I have a pregnant wife, a house and 2 cars and those things need to be taken care of if I die. Or what if I lose my job?
Person 2: Well, I'm just going to have to get rich by marrying a rich man.
Person 1: But I thought you didn't like people who save money, and this man would probably save money.
Person 2: (sighs) Well, I'll just have to marry an ugly man. All ugly people are rich because they don't have anything to spend their money on!
