Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Common Sense by Glenn Beck

The book is a short read, only about 100 pages followed by the original Common Sense by Thomas Paine, but Common Sense; The Case Against an Out of Control Goverment by Glenn Beck, is an eye opener. Not only does it open your eyes, it moves you to action. It moves you out of complacency and dormancy and forward to your individual stand for freedom and pursuit of true history about our great country.

Beck makes a logical (common sense?), researched, and historically based case against the our government's current practices and where it is leading us as citizens: into bondage. He covers subjects such as the national debt (with staggering and enraging facts and numbers--literally your eyes will pop if your head doesn't first!), political corruption, government spending, creeping Progressivism, gun control, the tax code, the deteriorating morality of our politicians and people, the importance of failure in success, Capitalism, the true nature of liberty, and our role as freedom loving United States citizens. He urges continually to put aside partisan politics--claiming them to be a distraction, a tool used to divide us so that a relative few political elitists may conquer us--and instead devote our energies to the real problem at hand, the very real threat to our and our children's freedom. And here is the real kicker: when you finish the book you don't feel defeated or depressed. Quite the opposite, you feel empowered and hopeful (pending how you decide to proceed, that is!).

Suppose you already agree with everything he says and don't need "convincing"? How about this: Are you informed enough to defend your stance in an educated debate? And what are you personally doing to make a difference? To everyone, but especially to those who feel they have no real "power" to change things: May I suggest that educating yourself and your family and friends with the facts and truth does more good and arms you with more power than you know.

Whatever you may think of Beck, I recommend Common Sense for the politically savvy of any party. My copy is marked up like a text book. In fact, I am willing to lend it. If no one asks to borrow it, well, I am going to be picking someone and asking them to read it!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cameron Capers

Children are the spice of life. Cameron has been keeping us on our toes as his terrible twos begin. He particularly had trouble the first week we were back home and especially without Tyler who we had been lucky enough to have as our constant companion for a whole month. He has discovered that he can lead us anywhere he wants by pulling our hands, something he learned from us. He spent the first week in constant efforts to pull me to the door (and hiding my hands made no difference, he would only then pull at my clothes or push me) and throwing his shoes at me, whining incessantly. It's not that I have any problem taking him outside to play, in fact I think it very good for a child to spend lots of time outdoors. However, as most of you know, this child is go, go, go! And he gets bored easily. In only a week he became tired of all the playgrounds near our house, the playgrounds not near our house, all the large grassy areas, and instead decided playing in the street and parking lots were the most fun and that the busiest streets were his favorite destinations. After three weeks, our walks now consist of him running down every possible street or pathway he kind find here in our complex (and there are a lot of them!), pausing to play briefly with abandoned toys, and all the while me trailing him with a stroller. (I have to take the stroller with us as a means to restrain him and cart him home with ease should the need arise.) Our walks are frequently interrupted with power struggles when I insist he hold my hand in a more busy road and then he protests by laying down then and there in the street. It's the ultimate face off of will. But he has a worthy opponent. After all, he inherited that stubbornness from me! So as we pass all the other mothers sitting peacefully watching their children play happily next to them, I wonder what we must look like.
It was during that troublesome first week that I got too close to my limit. Having a whining, crying child who won't touch his toys, watch any movie for more than 20 minutes, and only wants to go outside and do dangerous things, pull at me for days and days was more than I could handle. One evening I finally swept up Cameron and made for the car. We drove to Toys R Us where I paid their ridiculous mark up on the Playskool Ball Popping Cho Cho and then an additional $8 for batteries to power it. Being someone who shops relentlessly for deals and only buys used or small/inexpensive toys, I with this one purchase spent half what I had spent on toys for him over his entire life. When we got home I ripped open the packaging like it was Christmas and set the toy in front of Cameron. I had about 10 minutes of much needed relief. It was my first crazy purchase for sanity, though I am sure not the last!
But the good times still make the bad ones worthwhile. He still adds sparkle to Tyler's and my life and probably will forever. We were able to take him hiking on Labor Day. We told him, although he didn't understand, that the last time he had hiked that way was when he was still in mommy's tummy. We think he enjoyed it and we definitely enjoyed it. The mountains here are so beautiful! And Cameron provided us with some good laughs on the hike back when he insisted on holding all the way home the tub of Dorritos we had been munching.He never ate a single chip that whole hour but still held on like a champion and kept watch over them. It was so funny and odd at the same time. Who know what kids are thinking? Especially when they can't tell you.
Speaking of not being able to talk, Cameron is still not saying much. In fact, he's not saying enough. At the recommendation of his doctor, we got his hearing tested. Fortunately his ears are fine. But unfortunately it just confirms that he still isn't interested in communicating which is getting to be hard on us both: hard on him as he has more specific needs and wants, and hard for me when I can't guess them. I have begun to pray that he will speak soon and already yesterday he learned to say "dog." I think it will still be a long road for us and I will have to double my efforts, but we'll get there. I am already teasing him that his 11 month cousin Sarah is already saying more than him. What a difference there is between girls and boys!

Freedom Rally

Both young
and old
came to voice their First Amendment rights against out of control government spending.
2,000 in attendance here in SLC. 1-2 million in attendance in DC.
We Love America!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Just another one of the "mob"

Feeling helpless? Want to find a way to feel involved in the course your country is taking? On September 12th Liberty Rallies are being held nationwide! Democrat or Republican, it doesn't matter--it only matters that you love your country and your freedom! Me and my family will be attending the main event in Utah: the Liberty Rally at the state capitol building to be held from 10am-2pm. Not from Utah? I bet $10 you can google the event for your city/area/state and get plenty of results.

These rallies being held of late all over the country have been getting Washington's attention, despite how they try to blow us, everyday American citizens, off and call us "mobs," "astroturf movements," or even "domestic terrorists," and despite how they play the snob card by acting as if those who oppose them are foolish, uneducated, and hateful. In fact, those accusations are a sure mark that we are getting our message across. Let's continue to put the pressure on Washington! Be part of history in the making!

Can't make it to a rally? You can still be part of the action--or at least witness it! The huge 9.12 rally in Washington DC will be covered by Glenn Beck on Fox News from 1-3pm EST. Don't miss it!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This week will mark 8 years since the September 11th terrorist attacks on the New York City Trade Center Towers. Unfortunately, don't expect to be much reminded of the event when it comes around, because it won't happen. Those that have filled our TVs with extreme violence, leud manners and loose actions have deemed the pictures and videos of the fateful day "too disturbing" to show. Have you ever wondered why? Why would there be forces that want us to forget an event that brought us together as Americans, united us, had us displaying flags and tearing up as we read "In God We Trust" and "United We Stand" on every business reader board we passed? Why have we forgotten the day that we all swore we would never forget?
I believe, along with an ever growing number of concerned, good and average Americans, that our country is in danger. It is in danger of being turned on its head as principles of freedom and free enterprise, principles that have made us great, are exchanged for Big Brother and fascism. It is in danger of being subjected to an ever growing enormous national debt, held mostly by China, the interest alone of which we as citizens must furnish $300 billion of our hard earned money every year. As Glenn Beck so adeptly puts its, let's not be the people we were on September 10th, divided and heads buried in the sand. Let's remember how we felt on September 12th and after and unite together to keep our country safe from threatening forces both foreign and domestic.
However, we must not focus solely on what we as mere humans can do; Heavenly Father's role in keeping our country safe is paramount. Join with me and others by participating in the September 11th National Day of Fasting and Prayer event. Spend this Friday in fasting and prayer for something we have been endowed with from on high and so desperately need to fight now to maintain: our freedom.