Monday, April 21, 2008

Moving Time

Well, it's time for us to move again--we're averaging 2 moves a year! And we've had some changes to our plans. So to make sure no one is in the dark, I'll give a rundown of what we're doing. We're moving this Saturday from our basement pad. Originally we were going to stay in Provo and live at a complex that had really cheap rent during the summer. Well, a friend suggested we apply for her property management position and in the process of getting ready for that, we decided it would be really fun to go to Pendleton for the whole of May! Neither of us have been home since Christmas of 2006. So we made plans to go by informing the parents and renting a storage shed. So we'll be driving to Ptown on Saturday and staying til the beginning of June. Tyler has some independent study classes he's going to plow through and I will just enjoy the pleasure of having people, some of my favorite people at that, with me while I keep the Cam company all day! Then in June we are going to Hawaii with my family for a whole month! So we'll have no real residence for two months and be living out of our suitcases.

As for the property management position, we interviewed for it but we both felt we would not have enough time to devote to it, especially Tyler as he works and goes to school and still helps me with Cameron plenty. So when the landlord called to offer it to us, Tyler thanked him for his consideration but that we would have to turn it down as we wouldn't want to do a mediocre job and let him down. He thanked us for being honest with him and that was that. It was a little hard for me as it was turning down free rent and a small stipend, but a happy husband and family isn't worth any amount of money. I suppose it is the first of many times we'll have to put quality of life over money; probably a good precedent to set. And while we won't be as comfortable, Tyler makes good money at his job and we have a great savings so depleting it a bit won't be detrimental to us.

Either way, we feel really blessed and are excited for our vacations this summer!
(Here's some pics of how Cam helps with the move)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Last Minute Lunch

On Monday, Melanie had the good idea for us stay at home mommies and our little 'uns to go have lunch with the students in the fam. It was the first hot day of the year and we walked up to campus from my house. (I actually got a sunburn on my arms!) Here we are in the cougar eat. Pregnant Melanie was pumped to grub down on a patie-less cheeseburger and fries, but probably not as pumped as Paige was to have root beer and fries for lunch! After lunch Tyler had to go to class but the rest of us walked around a bit and looked at some of the art student's work in the art building.

And of course we can't get a enough pictures of Paige and Cameron together. Check out the root beer in Paige's sippy cup.

Cam's New Threads for Hawaii!!

On Wednesday, one of Tyler's reading days, we all went out to the mall to pick up some swim gear for Cameron. I have to admit I splurged on these cute shorts and rash guard from the Baby Gap but I couldn't resist! And plus, I justified it that he would be wearing them plenty as we'll be in Hawaii for a month. So as you can see, our little pale baby will be safe as he is literally covered from wrist to ankle, and supposedly these block UV rays so that's a plus too.

Aren't these little flip flops to die for?? We bought these too but unfortunately they are proving a little shoddy and the velcro is already coming off so we'll have to take them back. See how he's currrrling his toes? We could never get him to uncurl them so the little strap would actually go between his toes.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Gatorade: The Sports Drink of Champions!

What We've Been Doing

It's been a long time since I have posted. Between having company two weekends in a row, doing all the family's taxes, getting fired from my property management job, and Tyler being busy with finals coming up, I haven't had much time. So here's what we've been doing, along with some cute stories.
Heidi, Mom, and Amy came to visit us here in the land of Utah for their Spring Breaks. Here we are in the Church Museum of Art having a look at Heidi's painting. She's so famous! It was fun, as always, to have them here. Cam enjoyed the pleasure of having his sleep nurse (Heidi) around again, although he proved harder to be lulled to sleep than when he was a newborn!
Mom got a nice Hotel room for them three and we all enjoyed being able to swim in the bath-water-warm pool and nice hot tub. Why don't you just check out how huge Paige's diaper is. So nice!
We also had the pleasure of having Tyler's mom come visit us in a last minute decision of a trip, so that was fun--her brother was getting surgery on his toe in Salt Lake. So she got to spend lots of time with Cameron like she wanted to do, as Granny's do, at his blessing but there were too many people around. So she enjoyed having him all to herself. We sure do love having family come around to see us!
Now for cute things that have happened with Cameron, a.k.a. the highlights of my every day life. Here is daddy and Cam looking at ants swarm a pile of corn meal we put on the floor. Apparently our basement has ants and I heard that corn meal will kill them since they can't digest it. I am pretty sure I did notice a decrease in ants, although I believe they wised up to the ploy as they no longer visited the pile after this first day.
Paige and Cameron continue to become good friends as she is unfailingly sweet with him. Here she is trying to share her toy laptop with him. We will sure miss having her around when the McCubbins clan take off to Illinois.
One evening, I was in not so great a mood. Tyler had been very busy all week and I felt like a single mother. Cameron had grown his nails and I kept not being able to cut them--we all know what a challenge that can be--and he kept scratching me on accident. I pouted and told Tyler he needed to have socks put on his hands so he would stop with the scratching. So Tyler, always knowing how to make me happy again, retrieved some of his own socks and put them on Cam's whole arms! It was very funny and I felt in a better mood the rest of the evening.