Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Car Seat Lover

So, Cameron has colic and he gets very fussy at night. And lately there's only one thing we can do to settle him down--put him in his car seat and swing it around while we stand and watch TV or something. Not only that, he is also not wanting to sleep in his crib at nap time or night time--he'll wake up after 10 minutes and cry and the process will repeat itself several times until I just give up and put him in his car seat and then he'll sleep like an angel! Well, they say that car seats give babies flat heads, but if there's one thing I've learned about being a parent, it's that if it works, do it. It may not be ideal, but if it works, do it!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Journey to "Mother"

I thought I would write a little about my journey to motherhood.

Here's me after my last day of work at KPMG in Salt Lake. It was Thursday, 6 December. I actually stopped a day earlier than planned due to my braxton hicks contractions getting more uncomfortable. So here's me, bracing for the upcoming change in my life. The glamorous life of business would have to wait, for now!

The next day, Tyler and I took some well given advice and went out for our last night on the town without a baby or without worrying about a babysitter. Even though we were trying to save money, we went to Ottavio's to eat a yummy dinner together and enjoyed what we knew would most likely be the last night of it being just the two of us. The end of one era and beginning of another!
Monday morning, after a Sunday spent working until 2 am on a scale model house for one of Tyler's finals that he wanted to get done before the baby came, I woke up at 9 am to discover my water had broken! What impecible timing too, considering I had been developing painful muscle spasms in my legs because of all the pressure. Can't you tell why? I quickly showered while Tyler packed my bag. We were on our way to Orem Community Hospital in an hour! (And yes, I did just post a picture of my naked stomach, and yes, I know it looks wierd. But that's a 9 lb 4 oz baby in there!)

After 19 hours of labor, our sweet Cameron came to us! This picture was taken about 6 hours after he was born. He was born at 4 am and by 6 am they had taken him to the nursery so I could sleep a little. I still remember when they wheeled him in to me in his little plastic hospital crib at 10 so he could eat. I was so excited to see him! I couldn't believe that sweet little baby was mine. That morning was very special as it was just us new parents with our sweet new baby.
Now my days are spent mostly inside our little house with my sweet Cameron making sure his every need is attended to. I like this picture because it epitomizes my days--clean laundry needing to be folded, bed needing to be made, and me trying to get some makeup on now that he is sleeping and I can set him down for a moment.
But it is all worth it at moments like this one when you peek in on your sleeping baby and your heart just melts. Or when they look up at you with their innocent eyes or smile when they recognize you are holding them.

Babies are such a miracle! I can't believe Heavenly Father gives everyone the chance to have them.

Monday, January 21, 2008


When at home with a very new baby who doesn't interact much yet, you have to think of interesting ways to play with them, hoping you're entertaining them and somehow stimulating their brain. Well, Batman Begins was on the TV the other night and we decided to fly Cameron around the room and say he was Batman! Does anyone see the similarities?

Who knows what Cameron thought about it all... We sure thought it was funny though!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Tub Cub!

Thankfully for us, Cameron likes his baths! Tyler gave him one the other day in which he didn't cry from start to finish (finish being out of the tub, dry with lotion on, and in his diaper!) These are pictures Heidi took of him when she was here in December. I think they are so cute, this first one I could just die for! Thanks Heidi!

And for those of you who are wondering, the Tub Cub is what he's laying on. Although daddy calls him "baby bear" so I suppose he could be a tub cub too!

You can tell we're new at this parenting thing. Probably at no other time do BOTH parents bathe the baby at once!

It's so fun to be parents!