Monday, December 5, 2011

Canda 2011: Waterton and Banff

One of our favorite places to visit while we are in Canada is Waterton.  I really want to go camping there with Griff and my little family like we used to do when I was a kid.  Every time I've taken Griff it's just been teasing... like a half day of hiking or sight seeing.  Just enough to make us want to go back for more.  It is beautiful there!  We always always always stop at the Prince of Wales Hotel.  Mom worked there for four summers in college.  I always thought it would be the BEST summer job.  The Prince of Wales Hotel is beautiful and majestic with the best view in Waterton!  Plus she spent her days off backpacking the park, fishing and enjoying the great outdoors.  What a life!

When we stopped in to see the hotel this year, they were doing Christmas in July.  Jack got to decorate a sugar cookie... and we might have done one too. Who can resist a cookie?

The prince of Wales is built on the top of a hill overlooking one of the Waterton Lakes.  There are mountains and green all around you.  It has a breath taking view.  We took some pics on the balcony and in front of the hotel.

Jack giving Papa a hug.

Jack is sitting next to me commenting on all these pictures as I blog today.  As soon as he saw this picture, he said, "Oh Jack getting out of time out."  What a good memory.  He really was in time out for throwing rocks at people instead of skipping them in the lake like everyone else.  This picture was when he got out of time out and gave Papa a hug.  Too funny that he remembers that five months later.

Now we are throwing the rocks in the right direction. 

After we got home from Wateron, we all went to Uncle Bob and Aunt Michelle's for a barbecue and swimming.  It was a blast!  Jack was a little timid at first, but by the end of the night he was jumping off the diving board and going down the slide like all the big kids.  I'm telling you, this kid is a little fish. And fearless!  At the end of the summer we were at a barbecue with friends.  Jack's floaties had a hole in them, so he had a life jacket on.  He was swimming like a fish all night.  We took off the life jacket when he went to the bathroom and hadn't put it back on yet.  As soon as he saw the door that led back outside, he broke into a run. And he didn't slow down.  Even when I yelled "STOP JACK!" And with that, he leaped into the pool.  My heart had stopped... well, almost!  I was surrounded by people, so I practically dropped poor Colt onto the table trusting someone would pick him up and sprinted for the pool.  As I was jumping into the water, I realized Jack was treading water!  I don't know how long he could have done it, but he was doggy paddling and keeping that little face just above the water.  I'm getting him into swim lessons ASAP next summer. I don't want anymore scary experiences like that one!

Griff had to leave before we made it to Banff.  We stayed in the coolest place in Canmore.  The hotel was right up against the most beautiful mountains.  And we had a blast swimming in the pool.  Really the only disaster was trying to take Jack into the busy town.  I was sure I was either going to lose him forever or he was going to get hit by a car.  Jack needs 1:1 adult supervision at all times in places like this.  I was a frazzled mess by the end of the day after chasing him all over the place.  I really want to go back to Banff again and do some hiking... with Griff!  My parents were amazing, though.  Thank goodness for grandparents, or I would not have made it through the day. :)  It's funny, because Colt is still a busy little guy.  But he is NOTHING like his big brother!  I'll tell you what, Jack is going to do great things with all that energy.  Either that or be the criminal of the century!   I better steer him right. Haha  He really is such a good, happy little boy... just brimming with life and energy.


Jack in time out... again.  Poor kid.  He's lucky that his cousins came to join him just for fun.  Jack LOVES his cousins.  He asks to play with them almost every day.  He even asks to play with the ones he only sees once or twice a year.  I guess he just sees pics on blogs and thinks they look fun. 

Jack keeps telling me politely, "I'm a little hungry mommy."  So I guess I better go feed my child.  My next post is of Calgary visiting Aunt Cindy and Uncle Jim.  They took us to the coolest lake... it was heaven.  Can't wait to post about it!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Canada 2011: Sunday Best

This crab apple tree is a gnarled, twisted old thing... and a perfect climbing tree for kids!  We've all spent some time in those branches, and it is fun to see our kids play in them now.  Or under them like Tyler and Wesley...

Kyle and Pam blessed their sweet baby girl, Katherine Ruth, at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  What a beautiful baby girl!  We really want one of those one day. :)

Grandpa and Ciana... I love this picture.

My grandparents and me

The Wes and Ruth Rice family... in order of age.

All the great-grandchildren (minus Colt who was sleeping) who were there.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Canada: More Magrath Days

There is tons of fun stuff for kids after the parade.  They have races, a blow-up slide, a bounce house, swimming... and a really cute petting zoo.  It's all free, too!  I wish Wesley's face wasn't in the shadow, because this is seriously a cute picture.
 Broc is so cute helpingWesley. 

I liked the sweet little bunnies the best, but Jack was completely fascinated with this big ugly pig.  It was so cute watching him.

And what would the 24th be without softball?!  Unfortunately, I really only got pictures of the game Griff, Eric, Britt and I didn't play in.  It's fun to play with your family.  Especially when your family is pretty good like ours. :)    

Colt laughing at Paige.  

Here we are at Beef on a Bun!  The town provides a barbecue beef sandwich to every in the town for free.  So fun!

We spend a lot of time at the playground.  Even on vacation. :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Canada 2011: Big Family Breakfast and the Parade

We always have a huge family breakfast to kick start the Magrath Days celebrations.  Everyone shows up looking cute and ready to play all day.  The whole day was a blast.  

Who knows what I'm talking bout, but I'm obviously really into it. :)

My cute family with my grandparents

Jack and Wesley were obsessed with that man satchel (okay fine, it's a leather purse) the whole trip.  

I think Mom looks SO pretty in this picture.  I love her in blue.  And who knew you could look so great making pancakes?

Aunt Cindy, Amy, Megan, Aunt Jackie

I think the parade is now my favorite part of Magrath days.  Jack LOVED it.  There are lots of horses and lots of candy thrown in this parade, so what's not to love?  All the big cousins were so sweet to the little cousins, too.  Look at Natalie telling Jack something and Jaren sitting with the little boys.  They were helping the little ones have fun and get candy the whole time.  It was really cute.  We have the best family.  (Notice the man satchel on Wesley now.  Haha.  His face kills me too.  You can tell Gabe is happy.  And Logan is super excited, too!  Jack is looking away from the camera... as usual.)

Connor, Aunt Jackie, Cole, Megan, Paige

Mom, Aunt Joan, and Aunt Val

Cute baby Colt

Mom and Dad

The three sisters in attendance!  

Matt cracks me up... picture crasher!

I LOVE this picture.  Hayley was seriously amazing with Colt.  Later in the vacation when Griff left, she was constantly saving me by holding and playing with this little guy.  And Colt loves her, too.  (Can't wait to have this girl in Utah for school next year!)

Broc, Alex, and Ellie.  Alex is obviously a well loved Auntie.

Ciana with Blake.  Ciana is my age, and we had such a blast growing up.  I love this girl.  She let us stay with her in her new house... which is perfectly located across the street from the ball diamond.  She even let us stay in her master bedroom, which still kind of embarrasses me.  But it was SO nice.  

Alex with Logan and Ellie and Aunt Cindy

Jack, Mom, Dad, and Gabe

Griff, Uncle Bob, and Matt

Griff and Jack

Can't you just tell Jack is so pumped?!

Britt with Gabe

Matt and Wesley

Showing off their loot!