Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hi There.

You are actually not quite at Buried with Children yet.

Yes, this is a Buried with Children site but it is my old one.
So click the link below and come and see what is new.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Same Girl, Just a New Look

My new place is all set up. It is still a work in progress but for the most part its done. Come on over and join me.

Buried with Children

I can't wait for you to see it. I hope that you all like it, I am totally in love.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Dear Friends and Readers

I am taking a moment to say thank you. I just want you all to know how thankful I am for you. I love to write and it makes me so happy that I can make you all laugh, make you think and touch your hearts.

You all have given me more than you know. Just as I have made you laugh, you have made me laugh with your comments and emails. You have touched my heart. It just makes me smile to think about how people actually like reading what I put out there and they like to do it every day.

But in light of my last post, I am going to take a little break over the weekend. I need to live life a little in order to come up with some more stories to tell.

And while I am off this weekend, things will be changing over here. I have decided to go through a whole blog make-over and that includes a move to Wordpress. I really have had no issues in using Blogger but with the goals that I have set for myself as a writer and as a blogger, I feel that this is a necessary move.

I can't wait for you all to see the new look. I just love it and can't wait for it to be up and running. But before I can get there, things are going to be a work in progress for a few days. Things might look different. You might not be able to get to the site but don't worry and try to remain calm.

(This is more a warning for myself. In the grand scheme of things I know that the fact that you can't get to my blog is not a big deal but for me it is. This blog is my baby. It contains my blood sweat and tears. It holds memories of my children and words of hope. I have put countless hours in it and I just want it to be alright.)

I am hoping that no one gets lost in the transfer and if that happens I hope you will try and find me again. I look at this as a way to see who my tried and true readers are.

I would like to leave you with something that Hayden said to me,

"Mom, I can see you in my heart that means you are very special."

And I can see you all in my heart so you are all so special to me.

Have a great weekend and I will see you on the other side.


Thursday, February 18, 2010


I like to say that I live in a bubble. Some might say that I live in denial but I like to call it self preservation. I take great measures to shield myself from the happenings in the world and sometimes life in general.

Some may think that it is irresponsible but it is the only real way I have to protect me.

In my profession, I deal with the sick of the sickest people. I watch mother's loose their children, son's loose their fathers and so on. There is sadness and pain all around me. I can't let these things into my heart. I can't get attached. This doesn't mean that I don't care. I just have to be the strong one, the one that they can lean on. I have to try and help them find hope or something to hold onto when their world is tumbling down around them.

In my home life, I am a mother. I have four children, four pieces of my heart walking around outside of my body. Walking around out there where the world can take them at any time. These little people need me. They need me to show them to goodness and beauty of the world. I need to be strong for them when life is tough. I need to be the one strong constant in their life so that they can learn from me how to deal with the hardships. Be it frustration in not getting a toy to work, be it the sting of failure or pain and heartache of loss.

So I live in a bubble. I put walls up around my heart and stand strong. I will not let life not to get to us. But sometimes, no matter how strong my will is, life penetrates my bubble. It can be just a small hole with an easy fix or it can be a very large crack needing more attention.

My bubble is cracking.

This crack is not caused my something large but by many small things that have come at me. There are many things that I need to come to terms with. There are many things that I need to stop taking care of myself and leave them at the feet of my Lord.

Because sometimes, no matter how strong I am, I am not that strong.

It is time for me to step outside my bubble and deal with things. I have to let myself feel. I have to let myself cry and for a few moments I have to let myself be weak and vulnerable.

And even though, I know that the world is full or sadness and pain and it is going to touch me. I also know that there is goodness, joy and love in the world. I am going to use this to rebuild my bubble.

I am going to stand in the sun and let the warmth bathe over me.

I am going to take in the beauty of the crisp winter sky.

I am going to breath deeply.

I am going to cry until the tears are gone.

I am going to laugh until my sides ache.

I am going to enjoy my children.

I am going to love my husband.

I am going to write.

I am going to pray.

And I am going to be ok.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Squish Squish Snuggle Snuggle

Quinn told and Jake told Claire,
"Let go sit in the big comfy chair."

Squish, squish snuggle snuggle.
Will there be enough room?

"Wee" said Quinn to Jake and Claire.
"I'll beat you to your seat in the big comfy chair."

Squish squish snuggle snuggle.
Will there be enough room?

Here comes Jake and tag along Claire.
Both on their way to the big comfy chair.

Squish Squish

Snuggle Snuggle

Now their all in the big comfy chair.

Based on the book "Chicka Chicka ABC"

Wordful Wednesday is Host by Angie.

Olympic Mom Proud

I have really been enjoying the Olympics. I really enjoy watching all the athletes and rooting for my favorites. But along with watching the athletes, I have been fascinated with watching the reactions of their mothers.

I think this might have something to do with the P&G commercial, "To Their Moms, They'll Always Be Kids". Ever since I saw this commercial, it just struck a cord with me. And every time I see it, I get goose bumps and a little teary eyed.

I actually think that I know a little of how they are feeling. And no, its not because jumping on furniture has become an Olympic sport. If this were the case my kids would totally take gold, hands down.

Its because recently I have been beaming with pride over Hayden's behavior in school.

For the most part Hayden likes school. He enjoys his friends and learning math and science. He also is really, really excited that he is learning to read. But one thing that he really struggles with is following the class room rules, like sitting still, waiting your turn, personal space and not following directions. To put it simply, Hayden and sitting still go to together as well as oil and water.

Hayden's teacher has a reward system set up to foster good behavior and following the class room rules. Each child starts out with a green card by their name every day and if they misbehave the card is turned to yellow and sometimes red. But if the child can keep their card green all day, then they can pick a prize from the prize chest.

Hayden often times comes home from school, saying that his card is always gets turned to yellow. I, of course, ask him why to which he answers, "Mom, yellow is just the bestest I can do. I try and try to keep my card green but I just can't."

I know that he wants to get a green card but I don't push him too hard. I know that he will get there. But everyday before school, Jeff and I just remind him to do his best and really, really try hard to keep his card green.

One morning, I found Hayden playing with this new little toy that I didn't recognize. I asked him about it. "I got it from the prize chest because I kept my card green all week!" He said with a smile from ear to ear.

I squealed with delight, did a little happy dance, grabbed him and gave him a huge hug!

I couldn't have been more proud if he had just won Olympic gold.