Saturday, June 29, 2013


We just returned from a family camping trip today.  We spent two nights at the Mt. Timpanogos Campground.  It is beautiful there.  Lots of tall trees and shade.  Our campsite had a perfect place for two tents and our camp kitchen.  Taking a toddler camping though is pure craziness.  Bryce was so DIRTY!  He would just sit on the ground and pick up dirt and put it all over himself.  I hate dirt!

We had a nice foil dinner Thursday evening that we had put together at home in the morning before we left.  Hunter's foil dinner consisted of hotdogs.  The rest of us had hamburger, potatoes, and vegetables.  It was delicious.  Friday morning we had a great "mountain man" breakfast with hashbrowns, bacon, sausage, onion, peppers and eggs.  Karl did a perfect job cooking it up.  After our lunch of sandwiches, we headed to Mt. Timpanogos Cave.  We met my mom and Kenny and Mary and their family there.  Oh What A Hike!  That is a crazy steep hike up to the cave.  It took me 1 hour 45 minutes to get up to the top.  It was a hot hike also.  Bryce was quite a trouper.  He walked and rode on shoulders.  The cave was interesting and nice and cool inside.  The kids seemed to really enjoy it and asked lots of questions of the ranger.  Miles and Hunter say that the Heart of the cave was their favorite thing.

After making it back down and actually being alive and well (although sore), we all headed back to our campground.  We ate pulled pork sandwiches.  The pork had been cooking all day in the dutch oven with brown sugar and a can of rootbeer.  Super tender and yummy.  We also made an apple dump cake in the other dutch oven that came out perfectly. We cleaned up camp the best we could before turning in for the night.  We were so exhausted.  However, Miles and Hunter didn't seem tired at all.  They made friends in the camp and were running around playing tag and other games before bedtime.  This morning, we got up and packed up early.  Karl had to be at work by 10 this morning and so we were able to get home so he could clean himself up before heading out to work.

I am looking forward to sleeping in my own comfortable bed tonight.  I am so grateful for air conditioning and for showers and washing machines!

Notes:  Never hike Timpanogos cave again.  (If we do, bring twice as much water to drink on the way up.)
Food was good - great job preparing it before hand at home so there wasn't much prep work at the camp.
Put all non-perishable food in one box together.

Friday, January 25, 2013

January Blues

I haven't posted anything in January, because not much has happened.  It has just been cold and snowy and icy and ugly outside.  We've been stuck indoors most of the time.  Bryce had Croup and then a cold after he recovered from Croup.  He is doing better now with just a runny nose left. Hopefully it will start warming up soon.
 This week we discovered this snowman not too far from us.  It is amazing!  30 feet tall! The boys loved it and thought it was great.
We have several things to be thankful for this month.  Karl started his new job at Blue Host and is doing well.  He completed his training today and will start working at the Orem office next week.
We went to parent teacher conference.  Hunter has improved so much in his reading and is doing great with his behavior. Miles has perfect grades and is a help to his teacher as well.  It was great news to hear about both of them.
I had a birthday this month.  The boys were super cute and made a big banner that said "Happy Birthday Mom".  I meant to take a picture of it, but never did.  Nana came on my birthday and babysat while Karl and I went to the temple and out to dinner.  My friends took me out to dinner this week for a girls night out.

Friday, January 4, 2013


We had a wonderful Christmas.  On Christmas eve, we opened new pajamas.  After baths everyone put on their new pj's and Grandma and Grandpa Green came over to see.  The boys put out cookies and Christmas soda for Santa and reindeer food outside.  Then they went to bed nice and early so he would be sure to come.

Christmas morning was wonderful.  
 Looks like Santa came.  What did you boys get in your stockings?

 Hunter received a huge box of Lego's that he wanted from Santa.
 Wow!  Miles received the 3DS from Santa that he had asked for.
 Karl got a travel first aid kit.

 Bryce got a box.  Wow!  What fun.  He actually had a great day.  Bryce didn't know what to think.  He got a monkey toy and a phone and keys from the boys.

We were spoiled once more with all our presents.  How fun!
After opening the presents, we got dressed and headed over to Jaimi and Eric's for more Christmas fun. After eating scones and visiting, the kids put on the Nativity (with lots of help). 

Then Santa arrived.  Bryce liked him today.  He gave each of the children one last gift.

 Nana and Mom even were able to sit on his lap.

What a wonderful Christmas day.  We are so blessed and have so much to be grateful for.

December 2012

Karl had a birthday in December.  We invited the Earl's and Zurita's over for dinner and had a great time.  We are thankful for such great friends.

On the last day of school before Christmas break, the 2nd graders put on a Christmas program.  They sang lots of great songs.  Hunter knew them all and all of the hand motions for the songs as well.  I think he really is enjoying second grade.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Completing out the year

2012 - These are random pictures taken by my phone thoroughout the year.  They aren't in any particular order, but I wanted to be sure to get them documented.  I am actually proud of myself to get them into my blog the same year they were taken.  Now I can take some Christmas pictures and not be playing catchup with what happened during the other months of the year.
New Years Resolution:  be better at blogging and staying up to date. 
