Kapten Kolor
Who is the greatest, most hilarious superhero in the history of elementary school? What elastic-waist adventurer fights for "Truth, Justice and all that is Pre-shrunk and Cottony" and can "leap tall building without getting a wedgie"? Who battles evil villains with names like Professor Poopypants and the Wicked Wedgie Woman? Who's motto is "Never underestimate the power of underwear"?
That's right, it's Captain Underpants!!
browsing2 buku di uranus, di lantai 1 bagian komik2 nemu barang aneh. dari covernya aja udah keliatan nggak beres ni komik, trus fahmi ngincipi baca dikit... *LOL* bikin sakit perut! kamu2 kalo belom kenal captain underpants, wah rugi banget man. super hero yg masih sekolah tk ini nggak kayak superman ato spiderman, wes pokoknya jauh lebih lucu!
Labels: book