Monday, September 17, 2012

Moving Day

Elders Gonzalez, Hollad, Manjarres, McNab, yo, and Hna. Kapp

Temple trip with our zone

The tracks we cross each day

On our way to the farewell of all the missionaries who finished their two years of service yesterday

Monday, September 10, 2012

Come to the Lord

This weekend has been incredible.  Friday and Saturday night I got 7 hours of sleep total.  But it was worth it. In Buenos Aires there are 3 missions,  and in each mission are approximately 200 missionaries.  We had the incredible blessing to have a special meeting with President Henry B. Eyring, Elder M. Russell Ballard, and Elder D. Todd Christofferson.  These three men are called of God to Share the Gospel with all of God's children.  We as missionaries have been entrusted in helping that same work of the Lord move forward.  They shared with us that the Gospel is the key to happiness within the family, everything that we do is done with the knowledge that it will bless our family, including those who have come before and those who have yet to arrive in this mortal experience.  God is our Father, we are His Family.  His divine plan was created for one purpose, just one: to teach us how to come home.  I cannot imagine my life without my family.  Think about it for a minute.  Pause,  ponder , ask yourself, do I know what happens after this life?  Do I have the assurance that I can be with my family forever?  How do I gain that assurance?  I promise you that there is a way to receive that sure promise of an eternal family.  It is through the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  He taught the steps necessary to return to live with God.  That though Faith in Christ and His sacrifice, Repentance and the desire to become more like Him, Baptism by one holding the Priesthood Authority of God, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost which purifies us, and Enduring to the End by keeping the commandments of God, we can make it home.  Jesus Christ, your elder brother is inviting you every day to come unto Him, that through Him you can return and live with your Father who loves you specifically.  This is the testimony that I share with you because I know that He loves you.  Have a beautiful week.

smile - Hermana Milmont

Monday, September 3, 2012

What gift do you have that God wants you to be grateful for?

I had a great conversation with my companion this past week about the opportunity we have to develop personally.  Many times I catch myself thinking on what I can improve.  But this can be dangerous.  If you try to change everything at once then all of a sudden nothing gets done, no progress happens.  And then you get frustrated.  But the truth is, we learn step by step, line by line.  Hermana Kapp and I did an experiment.... well, not really an experiment, but we wanted to see if we could describe each other in 3 words.  I described her, after much pondering, as - powerful - direct - sincere.  a few hours later we had just gotten back to our pension.  She said ¨its interesting how you described me, because those are things that have struggled with all my live¨ after that experience we really could see ourselves on a path of progression.  God gives unto men weakness so that they might learn to humble themselves and let the Lord make those weaknesses strengths, make us - the weak things of the world - into something and someone superb, that we could not have become on our own.  I love how the gospel helps us grow and the opportunity to continue growing and learning.  Our Weaknesses are gifts.

We are teaching a young man named Rafael who is in a wheelchair.  But he is incredibly independent.  What impresses me most is that when he needs help, he recognizes it, and he asks.  I asked him if he had ever not been helped.  He looked at me and replied simply ¨the people are good¨ My testimony of many things grew with those 4 words.  I pray that all of us can recognize when we need help, and when those around us need help.  He is right, the people are good, let us loose the fear to show it.  I love you all - stay safe

smile - Hermana Milmont

Monday, August 27, 2012

Recycle! Wahoo!

Cristian, Alfredo, someone I don't know, yo

At the temple open house one of the people I was teaching in my first area came (Monica).  She's now active and her son Alfredo is preparing to serve his mission, I was so happy!

My homemade milk holder - cereal box and packing tape :)

La casa de terror

Kapp, yo, Vargas, Lind

Monday, August 20, 2012

Book of Mormon

I got sick this week and had to be inside for 3 days and am currently taking amoxiciline... fun stuff.  As much as I dread being inside I try to look at the positive side of things.  About 4 months ago our mission decided to read the Book of Mormon together in 2 months.  For better or for worse each one of us has our weaknesses.  One of mine is that I´m a slow reader.  Most people can read 11 pages of the Book of Mormon in 30 to 40 minutes, I read 5-6 pages in a hour, and time is not something that we have a lot of as missionaries..  Needless to say, I got very behind very quickly.  It was a struggle wanting so badly to complete the task and doing everything in my power to do so and just not cutting it.  The two months came and I was only half way done.  I decided that I wouldn´t let it get me down, I pressed on.  And on the 17th of this month, I completed the Book of Mormon!  I love that book and the things that it teaches.  I know that it's true.  It contains the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I am so grateful that I get to share it with the world.  In its very pages the words of ancient Prophets speak of the gathering of Israel and how the gospel will be spread to the four corners of the earth in the latter days.  That prophecy is being fulfilled today, and we are a part of it!  What a blessing to be born in this time and under these circumstances.  I invite all of you to find a Book of Mormon, read it, ponder it in your heart, and ask God in sincere prayer if it's true.  As a representative of Jesus Christ I promise you that He will answer through the Holy Spirit, with a feeling of peace and assurance that you can´t mistake.  I love you all and I pray for your happiness.

smile - Hna. Milmont

Monday, August 13, 2012

Lost and Loving it.

So my companion, hermana Kapp, and I are both new in this area... so basically... WE DON´T KNOW ANYTHING! It's splendid.  We are gaining a new appreciation for prayer and step by step learning who´s who and what´s what.  But I´ve heard a lot of great things about this ward, and the members, so that's exciting.  Its a big area... but nothing compared to my previous area.  Therefore I have great hopes of being well versed in all the colectivos and streets by the end of the week:) 

We are working with a young man named Rafael.  He´s in a wheel chair and has a lot of challenges to overcome.  But his faith is incredible.  We contacted him on the street as we were giving out invitations to the Temple open house.  He seemed relatively interested as he accepted the invitation.  Well, the truth is that there are lot of people who seem relatively interested, therefore we didn´t think too much of it.  Now for the question... what makes him different?  He not only accepted the invitation but he came to church on Sunday and went to the temple on Wednesday.  Despite his physical limitations, he went through all the trials involved with wheelchairs and showed up.  He doesn´t think he has faith, but I know that as he continues to progress he will recognize that which the Lord has waiting for him, and see his faith grow.

We were in the Temple helping with the tours Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning (I´m going again tomorrow and Wednesday:).  It was truly a wonderful experience.  I love the Temple and the spirit that is found within.  It's interesting though.  I was talking with my companion about the whole experience and we both noticed, as peaceful as the Temple is right now, we can tell that it has yet to be dedicated.  The dedication of the Temple is something very sacred.  A prayer is offered by one possessing the priesthood authority of God, in this prayer the building is set apart as a sanctified place, the literal house of God.  Within the Temple we learn of our purpose on this earth and our testimonies grow as we find peace and the answers to the questions hidden in our hearts.  I love the temple so much and the blessing that my family has received though going to the temple, I know that it is the literal house of God.  I love this Temple here in Buenos Aires and I am so excited to enter once it has been dedicated and feel the presence of my Heavenly Father therein.  I love you all and I pray that you are safe.

smile - Hermana Milmont
la familia Sossa

Another five thousand invitations more

hnas. Vargas, Lind, Kapp, y yo