Monday, December 20, 2010

The Christmas Letter that Didn't Get Written

Christmas Break has started and I am beyond excited to have my family home and snuggled with me for the next two weeks. This December has been crazier than most, but I bet everyone could say that. It seems to be the pace of our lives these days. As I kept slipping behind on my to do list, I finally gave up on 'doing it all' and skipped a Christmas letter to our family and friends. All our attempts at a family picture failed miserably and time just ran out to try again. Christmas picture fail #1: Lila manages to pull down her headband without anyone noticing. Brady's face is also worth noting.Fail #17: Lainey's crazy smile.
Fail #923: Lainey's crazy eyes. Brady's smile...

It was the one thing that just didn't get done in time. Tyler and I talked and we both felt that nothing much happened in 2010 so we wouldn't have much to say in a letter anyway.

Some time passed after this conversation, and Tyler said, "Well, Lila was born."

"Yeah, that is big news!" And oh, how we love that little angel!! She's 7 months old now and chows down on baby food and crawls (YIKES!) all over the house. I want to say she's a serious little thing, but that's not exactly true. She is chatty and playful, but reserves her smiles for those she loves most (Mommy, Daddy, Lainey and Brady!). She is a joy and a wonderful baby despite her reluctant smiles. My heart could burst from love for this little cutie!
And I had to include this one, because it was the best smile we got out of her at our little photo op:

So after Tyler's comment, my brain kept clicking along. And I said, "Tyler, your new job is big news."

Yep, Tyler got a promotion. There were a few months there where we didn't know what was happening and a move seemed likely for us. We've been in the 'burg for 2 and a half years and that seems to be our average length of stay in one place. An opportunity for Tyler to become publisher/president of the local paper he's been working at came up and he got the job! We're excited to stay and plan to buy/build a home here in 2011. Between his new job and his calling in the Young Men's group at church, we don't get to see him at home as much as we'd like, but we're learning to cope...

And Tyler reminded me that along with a new baby this year, I got a new calling as Primary President that has kept me extremely busy. To say that I am humbled by this responsibility is a gargantuan understatement. I tried to find a cute picture from the Santa Breakfast we (the Primary) put on, but every shot I'm in, I'm a blur because I was in constant motion. I've served in the Primary in this ward before Lila was born, so I know these kids and LOVE them dearly.

And since we're gushing about my family, I better mention my other 2 little darlings.

Lainey is in 1st grade. She is a fantastic reader and a great student. At her parent teacher conference her teacher said she could go a whole day without hearing Lainey say a single word. I don't know that that's true anymore because I've spent some time in the classroom which has helped her warm up some and her amazing teacher has really helped Lainey come out of her shell more. She LOVES to draw and write. My goodness, the girl has written on so much paper that she's probably single handedly used up a whole forest of trees! Her stories are always creative, cute, and hilarious! And recently her artwork was selected to hang in a local art gallery. She felt so special! She is growing up so fast and I love spending time with her older self, but miss dearly her days as my little girl!

Brady has only 9 or 10 more months until kindergarten. We're very excited to have him off to school. We've been doing a preschool co-op this year and I have had such fun watching him when he interacts positively with his friends. Of course, watching him interact negatively takes its toll as well. Unlike Lainey at this age, he wants to do everything himself. It can sometimes take him a long time to get it done, but he doesn't want help. He is very meticulous about his artwork and always spends time on the smallest details. Since this isn't a letter, but a blog post, I'm going to be more honest than I would a letter. Brady has been challenging this year and he continues to be. If you know any ways to motivate a four year old besides normal methods (bribes, loss of privileges, fear, positive encouragement, etc.) PLEASE let me know. I'm hoping to understand him better in 2011. I love him dearly and his spontaneous hugs and kisses when he's happy are a delight!

So 2010 wasn't as uneventful as we initially thought, I suppose. We are, as always, mindful of how we've been blessed this year. Wow. It's overwhelming just thinking about the numerous blessings we've received. We are thankful for this wonderful life we've been given. Can't wait to spend this holiday break reveling in it!!!!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, July 23, 2010

A name and a blessing

The Lady of the hourHow do you buckle all that lace?

The fam...

Mommy and her favorite child (just don't tell the others...)

The kiddos...

Lovin' on Lila

Cousins born just days apart. Betcha wouldn't of guessed that Shayne came AFTER Lila! Such cuties!!!!

Cousins being silly

Papa and Shayne
We had a great weekend. Love having family over. We ate LOTS of good food, played, and chatted. Not pictured above (darn it!) were my mom and dad. Gotta get some pictures of the kids with them!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Who came to your house for lunch?

Because we served a full house. Appetites varied from pickles to noodles to brocolli to cakes and mini mini muffins. Some people had appetites that were quadruple (or more... but I don't know the word for it) their size. The horse loved his pizza and ate every bite!
Their waitress was fabulous and oh-so-cute!

The bus boy...

And we can't forget my favorite part- the management!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Just in case you (or I) forget

that there are other cute people in residence at our house:

Monday, June 7, 2010


Isn't she just the cutest thing ever? And she only woke up ONCE last night (we won't mention the hour she was up after that one feeding...still figuring out that NIGHT is for SLEEPING!). At her check up on Tuesday, she was just over 9 lbs. I wonder if it's just me or if its a third baby thing, but I'm so in love with Lila that I feel badly for my other two kids! I don't think I was this infactuated with either of them.
People say that the third child gets ignored, but so far Lila doesn't really let us ignore her. She doesn't cry a whole lot, but she definitely likes to be held A LOT. Hopefully with a little time this will pass... someone tell me it will!!! I don't remember my other kids wanting to be held this much, but its a nice excuse to sit around and do nothing... until the house looks like a tornado blew through, then I just wish she would give me 30 minutes. I am finding that I can be productive in short spurts, which is nice. Just need a few more spurts to get everything done! Good thing the dishes will keep and the laundry will still be there when I get around to it!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hello World!

Mom's too busy to post so we thought we better let you know how things are going with our new baby sister. We love her. We sing to her, we laugh with her, we love to hold her! We're trying to teach her how to smile cause Mom says she doesn't know how yet. We've never heard shhh so much in our lives, and hopefully we learn to play at a quieter decibel level. We have lots of rules now (like we can't use our fingers to open her eyes even if we want to see them real bad), but we're trying hard to be good. We love our little Lila!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Who am I?

We've never been more indecisive! Help us figure out her name! Can't promise we'll go with the name with the most votes, but we NEED some help! Her stats: 8 lb. 7 oz., 18.5 inches long (short and FAT! Wahoo!) and her head was a whopping 14 inches around!