Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weekend and More

So I have pictures of our house but have still not posted them I know. To be honest I am waiting for Luke's computer because its a little faster on his.

Our weekend get-away was FANTASTIC! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to my parents who stayed at our house with our kids (that includes the dog) and another big Thanks to Dustin for helping us extend our trip. All in all we were just lazy and it was great. We saw Valentines Day the movie and loved it. We went shopping, spent hours in book stores, ate some amazing food (recommend fish & chips @ Squatters, Catfish Tacos @ Z'tajas and the bread pudding @ the Grand America Sunday Brunch) I love getting away with my amazing husband. Boy do I love him!

This sounds corny but it made me miss church too. Luke and I hardly ever miss church unless we are sick so not going was kind of weird. I miss the uplifting momentum it gives me for the rest of the week.

Ryker has become a little man. Everything is I do it, No and wait a minute mom. He is for sure my child. Everything is on HIS OWN time. But boy is he cute. He cracks me up watching him play cars like I used to play barbies. Con still isn't walking or crawling for that matter. He does a funny little scoot and gets around just fine. He is loving teasing his brother, especially when Ry is tired and will cry and the drop of a pin.

Exercising is going pretty well. I seriously gained almost 6 lbs over the weekend tho.... I'm not dedicated enough to go jogging when its dark and freezing. The freezing I'll deal with... not the dark. Maybe come spring I'll really begin my 6 am regiment. I'm up to 26lbs lost. Feeling pretty good but really want more!

Flowers are going GREAT! And if you haven't ordered from me your missing out! :) I'm enjoying getting to do unique fun things that you don't find in shops. I'm also booking up fast for weddings which is great! I still have a few dates in April, May and July available if you're curious. I'm still loving Scrapbooking but am still a bit behind which I don't love... hopefully get caught up soon.

Miss Chade but he is doing GREAT! I think that Cheney's conscience is finally catching up with him and am not sure when ice dancing got to be so boring...

Off to make breakfast! HAVE A FABULOUS WEEK!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Media Fast

ok so we watch WAY TOO MUCH STUPID TV!!!!

Need to go on a media fast before my child starts adding playhouse Disney characters to his prayers.

Anybody out there near me want to join? We could have playdates so that our children will be a little more entertained and I won't go crazy.

I'm thinking I could do this for one week... What do ya'll think? Anyone want to join me? Cmon it'll be good.

Monday, February 1, 2010

House- Outside

Ok I promise that I will be posting pictures of the inside of our house soon but for now here are some photos of our house just a week or so ago when we got hit with snow. I guess that's one down fall for having a big drive way... it took Luke over 2 hours to shovel everything.
This is a picture off our master bedroom balcony... its rough I know :)