Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ryker's First Day of Pre School!

In the morning he cried a little and said he was scared but when we got there he ran off to play and couldn't have cared about Luke and I.

When I picked him up he told me he needed a few more minutes to play before we went.
I finally got him in the car and he says "MOM! THAT WAS AWESOME!"

We all LOVE his teacher Miss Myrna! He asks everyday if he can go to school it's hard to only do twice a week.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Too Funny not to Post

Top Ten Reasons You Fell in Love with your Baby (and Out of Love with Your Old Boyfriend)
by Deborah Skolnik

1 His endless babbling
2 He loved snuggling in your bed- but always wanted to go back to his crib after
3 His way of spending hours roaming around house naked, his poochy belly hanging out.
4 The wet, sloppy kisses
5 He was content to lie quietly and gaze at his navel as you did all the housework
6 His birthday gift to you was simply a wilted flower
7His idea of dancing was to bend his legs and bob up and down with a goofy, self-congratulatory grin
8 His smell
9 You could always count on him burping right after he finished a meal
10 The fact that he'll never, ever love anyone as much as he loves his mommy

Monday, August 2, 2010

New York in closing.

So obviously it's been almost a month since we got home from New York and SO much has happened that I'm forgetting all that has happened... so sorry that there won't be as many details.

The next day it was so fun to be able to have Luke with me. We woke up late and were in no rush to get out the door. When we finally did get out the door (we were stuck on some discovery show) we bought our subway passes and headed for China Town and Union Square. Luke was in desperate need for a new brief case and *China Town is were its at.
* China Town Disclaimer- I do not love supporting the Chinese not because I'm *prejudice but because I am American and China is one small problem why our economy SUCKS. However it's CHEAP!
* Prejudice Disclaimer- Chinese people do, however, drive me crazy when they don't pay attention to the line they are standing in, never hold the door open for you, and hurry to cut you off just to take a picture.

It's amazing how my bitter side can bring back so many details.

Anyway we found a eclectic array of souvenirs from a tiffany's bracelet (totally real), Chinese fans, a purse of course, glasses, a ring, T shirts and more I'm sure. This is also after we figured that when they (being the Chinese shop owners) are yelling in the street its at you and they are saying something to the effect of "tiffany, cosh, gabana, prada, han bag, for you, you need" very quickly. And oh yes we found Luke a brief case.

After getting back on the Subway we stopped at Union Square. Now usually I would n't have had a problem walking these distances but I was sick and still rather tired. So anyway we were looking for the BGICT! (Big Gay Ice Cream Truck) supposedly has amazing ice cream and it was hot. But after twittering him we found out that he was taking the rest of the week off :( He didn't even really care that we came all the way from Utah... I wonder why :) Found some fun art, Luke talked to some firefighters, ate some crazy stuffed bread thing, got in a fight over bathrooms at Mc Donalds (bless those girls for standing their ground and, jerk, wherever you were from, may you go somewhere much much furth/er south) and went back to time's square to stand in the TKTS booth for our half price tickets to Rock of Ages. We ate an early dinner at Ellen's Stardust Diner ( where all the servers are aspiring broadway singers and perform for you constantly...) and wondered around waiting for our show start.

Rock of Ages was...well... 110% '80's thru and thru. Pretty raunchy at times but gosh darn hilarious. And that's all I have to say about that.

The next day we flew home... singing 80's the whole way. There was drama at the airport that ended up working in our benefit. (I promise I don't create drama... it follows me I swear) And thanks to my Mom to taught me the tricks to getting well lets just say, getting things "taken care of" at airports. After things were "taken care of" we were mildly entertained by Tracy Morgan who would randomly shout out things at the TV.

And we were home! My amazing Dad had brought the boys to our house and had them in bed by the time we got home and our house was perfectly clean. DALE AND MONIQUE YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!

The next day we woke up at 6 am to see the Balloons and meet our foreign exchange student Diego. And the next adventure began...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New York Day 2

Now don't take this the wrong way but I think that I am in love with Drag Queens. I could watch them for hours and never get board. Their mannerisms just kill me. They try SO HARD to be someone they just aren't (although some are pretty good and making you believe otherwise)

Thus was my day 2 in New York. Drag Queens. On times square and in the show I saw- La Cage.
(Why are all queens 6'7'' tall?)

Loved it!!! Most favorite song is HERE. Such a good message and I'm going to start trying to work toward this! And yes I was lucky enough to seethe Tony Award Winning Douglas Hodge perform this roll.

I also ate lunch at an Irish Pub called the Mean Fiddler in Hells Kitchen. Here I asked the waiter what is meant by hells kitchen and then enjoyed an awesome conversation with a big ol' local and the bar tender who was a gorgeously authentic irish girl named Ailbhe (pronounced Alva). Proof that beauty can be held in personality.

So back to the small world thing. I was wondering around a record store near times square when I over heard a lady frantically looking for a snare drum piece of music that her son needed for band camp... blah blah blah...drama drama drama... I finally took a little pitty on the woman and the clueless clerk and offered that I might know someone who could get it for her. Long story short my Father in Law John is now revered by a cute little mom who works at Seseme Street and is sending all his Grandkids seseme street gear.

That night I had our favorite Italian Restaurant (Notaro) delivered and we ate our selves into oblivion watching wipeout in our hotel! Lasagna, minestrone soup, calamri, eggplant, parmesan chicken, spaghetti, conoli, cheese cake, and bread. Mouth watering yet? mine is!

I wonder if they'd ship ?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

New York Day 1

So many times in my life I am reminded how small this world really is. Like when I was 15 in Hawaii and the person sitting next to me at the Luau was my cousins best friend.
Or how my good friend and I have the same Aunt. Anyway I could I keep going but this post really isn't about that and you get the idea anyway.
Well it always been a bit of a joke how I can find someway I know someone... Like that Kevin Bacon game. Luke doesn't believe me but I'm determined that I can meet anyone (from the US) and link us together by 7 degrees...

New York was fabulous! Besides being sick (severely sick before we left) for the majority of the trip I still was able to have a great time!

We arrived on Monday. Luke worked Tuesday and Wednesday. And we left on Friday. Our hotel was close enough to times square that is was barely a five minute walk to times square. That includes ignoring the cross walk signs altogether like a true New Yorker.

Tuesday I ignored my bodies pleading to stay in bed and made the walk up to central park. On the way there I made some stops at the Temple, Lincoln Center, Julliard, and Barnes and Noble. I read a little and dozed in and out of sleep on the sheep lawn of Central Park. It was fabulous. And oh yeah I met my own personal Snookie- so funny.

On the way back I was proposed to by my pedi-taxi driver (Bike with little cart behind). He wanted my info in case he ever made it to Utah. I told him if he ever made it to Utah, fate would bring us together.

I paraded my way around the plaza hotel. Pretending to be a guest. I decided that I'd rather not be a guest there. No personality- only people being stuck up.

Continued on my way up fifth avenue. Found some cute shoes- not $483 cute. I was so sick and tired that I was trudging my way back to the hotel. I was determined to get back without using a cab that I passed my through street.

Decided to stop at the TKTS booth on my way back. Scored Promises, Promises tickets for $60 each. Made Luke book it into the city (from Brooklyn) in less than 45 minutes. GREAT HUSBAND-GREAT SEATS-GREAT SHOW! Met Kristen, Sean, Tony and Katie after for some drinks. (and by drinks I mean waited by the stage door to get autographs, pictures and a few small conversations.)(Kristen Chenoweth, Sean Hayes, Tony Goodwyn and Katie Fenneren for all you non-theatre people) Do you ever think about what you'd say to someone you love and worship if you met them? Well mine goes some thing like simple introductions- I say something funny- Kristen laughs- karma happens- botta bing- we're great friends.
Actual: "Kristen- Oh my gosh, I love you, your amazing, great show, what's your next project, your incredible, thank you, oh my gosh, I love you....." Still waiting for karma.

Well jumping back to my first paragraph and forward four days on my trip- I didn't meet one person in whom I found connection. And although my voice was non existent I did talk to people. Not one person, that's never happened. And with the exception of Kristen (I do believe that in some point before time we were friends) I left New York with no new contacts (one small exception to be told on day 2).

Stay tuned for more...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Here ya go Heidi!

Would you rather live in the country, the mountains, the small sweet town OR a major fast paced city and why?
I would live if the sweet small town right next to the big city or if I am able to have a backyard in the big city that would be ideal!

If you had a crystal ball that could tell you the truth about any one thing you wished to know about yourself, life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know?
I don't think that I would want to know anything about myself seeming as how that would ruin the point of life... maybe find out where the library of Alexandria is or what stocks to invest in...

What is your favorite advanced technologically developed thing since your lifetime?
Cell phone for sure!

If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?

What one thing would you want to change in the world today?
crimes against children... it makes me sick.

What Fictional character do you best relate too?
In reality... old mother Hubbard
In my perfect world... Rachel from Glee ( I know - shallow)

If you knew you had 6 months to live with good health till the end, what would you do?
Take all my friends and family to Disney Land

Is the customer always right, really?

What would NOT be worth doing, giving up, missing out on etc for 1 million, non taxable, dollars?
Anything to do with my family or children

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Family Pics

Hello Cyber Space~

I am thoroughly convinced that no one reads this but it's basically my own fault because I never have time to post. Any yet in the midst of chaos I choose to do this.

My living room has something on the floor from every other room in our home. My office is a conglomerate of papers from all walks of life. My bed is home to pilies of wrinkled (clean mind you) clothes. My craft room is beckoning with new supplies still in their wrappers. My bathroom looks like I got ready this morning...ha. And my kitchen... Well with my lack of enthusiasm for dishes and my boys' own eating schedules I feel like there is always a half eaten lunch, half loaded dishwasher, and half my cabinets emptied on the floor (thanks to baby who is unstoppable now) that occupy my kitchen.

Energized boys, loving husband, wedding flowers, photo shoots, giant dog, church callings and well, life is what I do now a days.

However exhausting, overwhelming, emotional and down right crazy it gets I still wake up happy, healthy (for the most part), loved and in love. Life is good.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weekend and More

So I have pictures of our house but have still not posted them I know. To be honest I am waiting for Luke's computer because its a little faster on his.

Our weekend get-away was FANTASTIC! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to my parents who stayed at our house with our kids (that includes the dog) and another big Thanks to Dustin for helping us extend our trip. All in all we were just lazy and it was great. We saw Valentines Day the movie and loved it. We went shopping, spent hours in book stores, ate some amazing food (recommend fish & chips @ Squatters, Catfish Tacos @ Z'tajas and the bread pudding @ the Grand America Sunday Brunch) I love getting away with my amazing husband. Boy do I love him!

This sounds corny but it made me miss church too. Luke and I hardly ever miss church unless we are sick so not going was kind of weird. I miss the uplifting momentum it gives me for the rest of the week.

Ryker has become a little man. Everything is I do it, No and wait a minute mom. He is for sure my child. Everything is on HIS OWN time. But boy is he cute. He cracks me up watching him play cars like I used to play barbies. Con still isn't walking or crawling for that matter. He does a funny little scoot and gets around just fine. He is loving teasing his brother, especially when Ry is tired and will cry and the drop of a pin.

Exercising is going pretty well. I seriously gained almost 6 lbs over the weekend tho.... I'm not dedicated enough to go jogging when its dark and freezing. The freezing I'll deal with... not the dark. Maybe come spring I'll really begin my 6 am regiment. I'm up to 26lbs lost. Feeling pretty good but really want more!

Flowers are going GREAT! And if you haven't ordered from me your missing out! :) I'm enjoying getting to do unique fun things that you don't find in shops. I'm also booking up fast for weddings which is great! I still have a few dates in April, May and July available if you're curious. I'm still loving Scrapbooking but am still a bit behind which I don't love... hopefully get caught up soon.

Miss Chade but he is doing GREAT! I think that Cheney's conscience is finally catching up with him and am not sure when ice dancing got to be so boring...

Off to make breakfast! HAVE A FABULOUS WEEK!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Media Fast

ok so we watch WAY TOO MUCH STUPID TV!!!!

Need to go on a media fast before my child starts adding playhouse Disney characters to his prayers.

Anybody out there near me want to join? We could have playdates so that our children will be a little more entertained and I won't go crazy.

I'm thinking I could do this for one week... What do ya'll think? Anyone want to join me? Cmon it'll be good.

Monday, February 1, 2010

House- Outside

Ok I promise that I will be posting pictures of the inside of our house soon but for now here are some photos of our house just a week or so ago when we got hit with snow. I guess that's one down fall for having a big drive way... it took Luke over 2 hours to shovel everything.
This is a picture off our master bedroom balcony... its rough I know :)

Monday, January 25, 2010


ok so the past few days Ryker has been impossible! I'm hoping that this phase goes quickly. I am currently ditching all efforts to exercise this morning because I am so tired and Ry is actually playing by him self. Not feeling like the best mother at the moment... I'll be productive I promise, just give me a minute!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Venture!

So if you haven't already gotten my email or facebook invite I am also letting everyone who readys my blog (all 5 of you :) that I am starting my own floral business! Check us out!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So Hard to Be Mad

This morning at 5 am Ryker wakes me up (he had gotten in bed with me earlier- try 2:30 wanting to watch a movie)

I wake up being strangled by my two year old.

"Big Squeezes Mom, Kiss, More Squeeze, Kiss, High Five, Rocks"

Either he knows how early it is and is trying to lessen the blow or he is just that cute... or both!

The only thing on my mind when both of your kids are up at the crack of dawn is that they will take long naps...


45 min for Ryker about 30 for Con.

The only thing on my mind at this point is EARLY TO BED!!! We'll see

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Not-New Years-Resolutions Resolutions

So I have never been a fan of New Years Resolutions because I believe that if you want to do something you should just do it. But at the same time I think that the beginning of the year is a good time to make so new goals so here goes...

PRAY MORE Listen more
Eat LESS Weekly date nights with Luke
Read Sunday School lessons (before the fact)
Watch less TV Give more HUGS
Listen to More Music
Start playing my Saxophone again
Hold quarterly scrapbook workshops
Teach Ry to Read
Get Conrad WALKING Study with Luke
1/2 marathon

If anyone has any tips or would like to join me PLEASE DO!!!!!!! Happy 2010 EVERYONE!!!!