Monday, January 16, 2012

New Years

WOW! I'm not apologizing for not updating my blog. Sorry won't do it.
My blog is what has to suffer now that I have 3 children.
For all of you who still up date their blog and have 3 children to you I say Congratulations!

Here is our year at a glance

In January Luke's little brother Chade got married to KJ, his pre mission girl

Mal helped a lot which made the month go by with a whirl.

In February our poor little Ryker was in the hospital when his Oxygen took a dive,

Nothing too serious but with four nights there Mom was barley alive.

After all being so sick in March we had to get out of the house,

so the whole Denison clan went to CA to see the Mouse!

The boys had the time of their lives in Disneyland and at the beach.

Luke and Ry and his cousins rode most the rides but poor Conrad couldn't quite reach.

Conrad also turned 2 in March, he's growing too fast,

keeping up with his brother and trying not to be last.

For Luke, April brought more travels and birthday number twenty-seven,

he works so hard and we miss him so, when he's home - it's just like heaven.

He's still working for Fishbowl where you can't loose,

they're doing so well, you've probably seen them in the news.

Ryker hit birthday number 4 in May,

It seemed for a whole week there was a party every day.

He loves his school, his friends, his games and more,

He's an amazing little man who even helps mom with her chores.

Luke went to Woodbadge- scouting for a week with lots of lessons to learn,

new ideas and goals for his Young Men's calling at every turn.

Mom also had a birthday this year- number 25 I think,

with so much going on, it went by in a wink.

Mal spent most this year making baby number 3 and cleaning up sticky finger grime,

photography, flowers, scrapbooking, cubscouts, playgroups, and aerobics in her spare time.

The end of June we welcomed back Diego- Miquie's (our great dane) favorite playmate.

We love him so and have lots of fun but boy do 16 year olds stay up too late!

July was spent traveling the state with the boys and Diego in tow,

Lake Powell with the Matthews and lots of holiday fun before Diego had to go.

August was huge, as most of you know, adding to our family tree,

Aiden Hickley Miller born August 14 makes lucky boy number 3!

He's such a blessing, a happy baby and we love him so,

September was spent mostly watching him grow.

Mallory's recovery was a little rough

but with amazing family and friends she pulled through tough.

In,October Luke spoiled Mal as he often does,

A trip to NYC with a friend- shows, shopping and all the buzz.

Halloween brought us a skeleton, a pumpkin and a ghost,

When in came to candy, Ryker got the most.

November was beautiful and started our favorite time of year,

it also started a kitchen remodel time to get our butts in gear.

With lots of family help, in December our beautiful kitchen was done,

Just in time because the holidays had just begun.

Spent a lot with family and friends and parties galore,

when Christmas Day came we could want nothing more.

Christmas was special with our own baby here,

Reminding us of Jesus so precious and dear.

2011 has been wonderful with so many blessings,

this past year is full of fairy tale endings.

We love you all and keep you in our prayers,

to you our family and friends, nothing else compares.



The Millers

Luke, Mallory, Ryker, Conrad, Aiden and Miquie

Monday, May 23, 2011

Is this bad?

I have a mild want to punch someone.
Not because I'm mad or anything.
I just want to know if I gave it my all and punched someone in the jaw would they actually be hurt.
I would like to think they would but I've never actually done it so how would I know?
If it comes down to it is this something I could actually use as self defense or do I need to work on other methods?

Anyway, just thinking...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


So I'm sorry to be so negative but I'm really trying not to freak out on anyone in person so this is my freak out.... I'm adding to my list that I started last post:

Ants in my kitchen
Dog chewed through seat belt in car that will cost at least $600 to fix
Dog that is shedding her winter coat
Dog that runs away too much
(Anybody want a dog?)
More back issues
FILTHY house
Out of Milk, eggs and everything else

On another hand:
Grateful my husband has a job
My dog makes me feel safe at night
Baby is healthy
Kids are entertaining
Conrad is fascinated by ants
And I'm sure I'll think of more as the day goes on... at least I'm trying really hard to think of more......

Monday, April 18, 2011


morning sickness - nope
cracked tailbone - yup
ribs outta place - yup
RSV all around - yup
backed up sewage - yup
broken toe - yup
food poisoning - yup


still here.

bring it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

#3 is...


We really are excited to have our little 3 musketeers!
while doing the ultrasound Ryker finally recognized the baby and said "hey there's my sister"
the poor technician pulled a face and said, "that's not a sister"
Luke and I were excited and I thought Ry was going to cry. He said, "but I already have a brother"
Poor kid, he'll get over it.

Due August 24th

We will have to make mission payments for 6 years straight
I am seriously contemplating putting up padded walls
Luke is going to need weekly chiropractic adjustments after having 3 against him
In 13 years our family is going to make a killer basketball team (assuming that I can still shoot and Luke can still walk after all the chiropractor adjustments)
I am surrounded by bodily functions releasing at every moment (even tho our dog is a girl she is not very lady like) and it's only going to get worse
The poor kid is going to be wearing round 3 of hand me downs.
They are going to start a trio and sing beautiful (I know this is a fact, the Lord and I already discussed it)
My sister is destined to have no nieces.
No, Hinckley is not a family name, After President Hinckley
Yes we have a nephew named Hayden (they will be 14 yrs apart tho)
At this rate we will go through 5 gallons (or more) a week of milk in the near future
We are so crazy happy, blessed, excited and anxious for him to join us!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Baby Conrad!!!

I love how you constantly have to know where every one is.
I love how you try to jump when you get excited
I love how instead of just saying "tank you" you say "tank you mommy/daddy"
I love how you cuddle with Miquie
I love when you pretend to eat people
I love when you say the prayer
I love that you'll alway give me a kiss
I love that you look like your dad
I love how you say "k mommy" after everything I say
I love when you just sit on my lap and relax
I love that you love to have you tummy tickled
I love how you try to snap (taps pointer and thumb together)
I HATE that you are growing up so fast!

"Condoit" - you are such a blessing in our lives. WE LOVE YOU!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Here are just a few pictures from our vacation in Disney land. We had a blast. Luckily Ryker was all better and I was functioning :) It took a day or so for Ry to warm up to the characters (Con never really did) but now that we are home he is a little mad that we didn't see more.

After being sick for so long and then on vacation for a week we are trying to get back to life which has proved rather difficult.

More to come...