Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The One Where I Out Myself As a Would-Be Author

"So, I think I'm going to write a book."

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Oooh...fiction? That great American novel you've been working on since college? The wonderful, strong protagonist, pitted against that wily antagonist. Great plot and character development. Climax. Denouement. Inky gold, right?

Wrong. Who do I look like, Louisa May Alcott?

I'm writing the other kind. The kind that will probably never get published (assuming I even finish it) and will rot on some publisher's desk until she stops using it as a coaster.

Ok, so I'm not really that negative. Otherwise, why bother?

I'm writing a book about me. And my crazy kids. And my crazy life with my kids. They say write what you know, and that's what I know best.

I've been told I'm the "Erma Bombeck of my generation." I translate that as "Your family is completely ridiculous, and you don't mind telling everyone about it." Let's just hope I don't totally embarrass myself...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Too Fat to Hula Hoop

Addison told me this weekend that I'm "too fat to hula hoop." No matter your actual dress size, a comment like this will make you stop and think for a moment. Before you burst out laughing. Hopefully. Because the other option is curling into a ball and rocking back and forth while eating a York Peppermint Patty (or 10). At least that's what I hear. Because I totally did the laughing thing.

She also told me that she believes I'm older than Batman. "You mean, like, Adam West? Or the character Batman?" Blank stare from the 3yo. "Wait. Either way this is not good." FYI, Batman was created in 1939. Making him 72 (and, for the record, Adam West will be 82 this year). Of course, I looked it up. Wouldn't you?

In completely unrelated news, I ran 8.5 miles on the treadmill already this week and made an appointment to get my hair colored.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Ok, so I've been REALLY bad about updating lately. I saw the last pic of the girls and thought..."They don't even look like that anymore." So, here is an updated picture (or two...or more). And I promise to be better about keeping this updated.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Merry Christmas, Y'all!

I have been so bad about updating lately. But I had to share this one. A beautiful picture of my sweet girls taken today in front of the tree. I hope you all have a fabulous and relaxing holiday season!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Miss Ainsley started kindergarten today. She was so excited. We got to school a little early so we could snap some pictures and have plenty of time for her to look around. Little Sister Addison was not quite sure what was going on, but she was pretty happy to just go along with it. Ainsley's new teacher, Mrs. Ojeda has to be one of the sweetest people I've ever met. Hopefully we're going to have a great year!

Ainsley and Addison in front of Ainsley's new school.

The big kindergarten student ready for her first day!

And...once she realized Mommy and Daddy were going to leave and she was staying. I managed to compose myself until she was gone. Barely.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kiddie Friendly Food

While at HEB today I ran across my new favorite kid-friendly food item. Now, most kids are happy to eat pasta, but when you have really fussy eaters (like my Ainsley) it's always nice to have a little help. The great thing about this pasta is it's a combination of several healthy pastas - spinach, tomato, carrot, eggplant, wheat - but they don't know they're getting good-for-you stuff. Plus, Ainsley loves the bow shape and the pretty colors. She calls it her rainbow pasta. Love it!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


So, I'm a terrible mom and had let the girls' hair get to ridiculous lengths...literally. Tried to get them in last weekend but there was no availability. So, made the appointment and we went today. Not much to say on this one...they just look so darn cute! We went to Alamo Cafe afterward for their favorite food - tortillas! :)

Crazy little Addison with her super-cute short cut for summer. MUCH better than trying to force a brush through all those tight curls.

Ainsley, always ready for a photo, pauses while rolling her tortilla.