
Absorbed in my hobbies

Baby kale sprouts As my job hunt continues, I need things to focus on to keep from despairing. That sounds depressing.. But it's so true. It's not easy to find a job these days. I started gardening and the first plants I tried were kale seeds. My mom had them and intended to grow kale last year but never got to it. I beat her to the punch and planted these little guys. And they grew! I'm really happy because I always thought of myself as a plant killer. Hopefully by doing my research, I'll have good results with the kale. I also planted some flower seeds: morning glories, forget-me-nots, bachelor's buttons, and oriental poppies. I'm a bit worried about the poppies. Some describe them to be like a weed although I guess they're picky? There were some reviews talking about how poppies can be difficult to grow in pots. Other reviews say they're easy to grow. We'll see. My other favorite hobby is cooking and baking. I made cream stew again last ...

Our shitty service at the Korean restaurant

This happened yesterday when my dad and I went to get dinner at a Korean BBQ restaurant. When we first arrived, everything was still sunshine and rainbows. We were finally going to get some Korean food~! There weren't many people there, maybe two tables besides us and we were greeted and seated. After a little while, this waitress comes by. Unsmiling, she takes our order in a just-get-it-done fashion. I'm not particularly peeved by this so things are still 'okay'. She brings over the banchan (side dishes) and sort of plops them on the table, making a small thud with each dish. I noticed other tables were treated in a similar manner with different waiters. I don't like it when servers set dishes on the table and let them clunk loudly, ESPECIALLY with lightweight dishes like banchan. I mean, really? I honestly think it just gives an impression of the server being angry. We got our food pretty damn quick. I ordered a bibimbap and my dad got the sushi. I w...

Job hunting *Siiiiiiiiiigh...*

A cake mom got for me ^^ It's been about a month and I'm super happy to say that I passed that NCLEX exam!! ***\(^ o ^)/*** Flowers from my sister.. (>w<) Once celebrations were over, reality soon kicked in and now I'm doing what most sane people hate doing..... Job hunting. Bleh I was so stressed about everything that happened: pressure to pass the NCLEX, the job hunt, anticipating buying a new place, hoping I won't be an unemployed sack of potatoes for too long withering away until not even my reputation can save me... All this stress seemed to implode within me and I ended up having what's called a stress rash . I admit, it kind of sucked although I won't complain much since I'm sure worse things could happen; I should be grateful that it was only an itchy rash on my torso and arms. Somehow, my face was spared. (o_O) Now it's been about half a month since I passed NCLEX and my stress rash seems to be going away. I started to drink ...

How FFXV destroyed my feels

Holy shit did this game destroy me. And I mean that in an emotional way. People will probably think this is hilarious but I was seriously in a catatonic state after completing this game for maybe... a week? I know I was depressed about it for at least 2 weeks.. I finished FFXV on Christmas so uhm.. I was in a sorry state that day. Thanks Tabata you sick bastard! I shall now remember you as the director that kills my dreams of a happy ending. Final Fantasy XV holds a special place in my heart, mostly because of how it's kind of symbolic for me. When I first saw previews of this game, I was just recently out of high school and starting college. When I finally got to play this, I had just graduated from nursing school after a long journey of figuring out what I really wanted to do with my life. Somehow I just happened to obtain this game merely a week after graduating. I'm so obsessed with FFXV! I've been playing it almost everyday ( after I got over my depressio...

Palty Marshmallow Ash Experience

I've heard a lot of negative reviews on this hair dye. My experience with it wasn't exactly bad although I can't say it was perfect either. I'll tell you what I did to achieve the end result of my current hair color. With most lighter colors of Japanese hair dye, Asians have to bleach their hair first if they want anything close to the model's hair color. It's a necessary evil. I purchased all of the Palty hair dyes from and they all came with instructions that were in English. About a few weeks ago, I used this Palty Natural Blonde hair dye to color my virgin Asian hair. I wasn't thinking about dyeing my hair an Ash color at the time and just wanted something different.   My hair color didn't change very much. But it did seem to lighten to the color indicated on the box. After this, I started to make a plan of what color I really wanted to dye my hair (this is what I should have done in the first place...). I decided ...

Current happenings

Hello again ( insider joke ). Yes, it has been another time skip. After finishing Mr. Robot season 2 and laying  around contemplating what to do with my life, I found another show to watch (American Horror Story season 6: My Roanoke Nightmare). It was also good and I had fun watching it with my mom. But it didn't meet the caliber of Mr. Robot. or even its own predecessors. I blame it on the bizarre platform for this season of AHS. It was too.. Blair Witch-y... (-__-) Let's just say the shaky cam made me dizzy and the story escalated too soon, leaving a somewhat dry finale. So after all that was over, I knew I had to pick up another show (because I have such a fascinating life to live!) and decided that it was time for another K-drama~! So, after watching some fan MV's on YouTube for inspiration, I decided to go with something unfamiliar. It's a historical drama called Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo . Yep, a mouthful. But it turned out to be better than I expected! ...

Night Walk

No ghost sightings tonight.. *Sigh...* Walking at night is a little scary. I usually don't walk at night, maybe at dusk but not at night. But, my neighborhood isn't too sketchy so I guess I let my guard down. :P It was breezy and cool, unlike the day. There are a lot of cool things I see at night that I could never see or hear in the day: the lady riding a bike with bright neon lights, the crickets singing their songs, the moon illuminated brightly in the sky.. The stars are nice too but there are too many lights in my neighborhood to get a good view of them. I'm rambling. Time to end this post. :P