Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tending Roses-5x4-SOLD
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Marshallberg Waterway-5x7
That house was the site of the Gloucester workshop i taught yesterday, and it was something to behold. we convered the basics of value, how to mix colors and i did a talk in the morning about how to pick out subject matter for a painting, and alot about the in's and out's of the process.
i did this painting for Faye, our gracious host as a thank you gesture.
contact me if you like it and we'll work something out
Trying to mix all the colors on the canvas and keep it very Cape School with the emphasis on the light, making even the ordinary subject "painting worthy". the light's the star.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Overcast Sailboat-6x8-SOLD
Here's one i did yesterday for WH in Fayetteville. Cant keep these marsh scenes here lately. better do as many as i can before they go into their fall colors until next summer
Shows my easel and palette setup and the painting about in the middle of the process.
Here's how it started out. i underpainted my big shapes in the proper temperatures.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Wellfleet Boat-6x6-SOLD
One from Wellfleet Harbor, Mass.
i could almost imagine Charles Sovek (one of my hero's) painting out on this same dock when he was doing his thing! God rest his soul.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunday in September-SOLD
Sold this one right off the easel this morning while painting on the street in a little town off 70 west business called Pine Level. it hasnt changed much in 40 years. thats why i like painting there. time seemed to have passed it by just like all the major highways over the years. no traffic, no growth.
its right down the road from Hinnant Winery where i painted the rest of the afternoon. i'll show you that one tomorrow. i've never been to italy but in my mind, its how i would think it looks. maybe i'll get to italy to paint in the near future, but for right now there seems to be plenty of places to paint where i dont have to leave "ole Bessie" at home. she loves a road trip as much as i do!
Dont forget that the deadline to sign up for the October Morehead City NC workshops on the 12-14th and 17th and 18th is fast approaching. the deadline to sign up is Midnite on Oct. 10th. Email me for the address to send the deposit check to if you'd like to come.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Topsail Cottages-6x8-$100
$8 s/h
to purchase click on the "buy now" button to pay using PayPal or credit card
This was the second one from my daring bridge session. The paint flies when your a foot or two from large trucks and SUV's flying past you. until one hits me, i really do forget that theyre there!
Riverfront Shadows-10x8
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Barn and Truck-9x12-SOLD

India Point Boats-8x10
Painted this with one of my fave bloggers Kathy Weber in Rhode Island. She loves boats as much as i do, and thats alot!
Looking Out Over P'Town- 12x16
Commission- SOLD
Had fun repainting this scene for a commissioned piece. i moved some buildings around making the composition better and changed a few shapes for the better. This one came together effortlessly using a photo reference for the drawing part and a previous painting for the color notes.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Topsail Shimmer-6x6-SOLD

i taught a private lesson this week and she wanted to learn the cape school technique so of course we painted blocks in the tradition of henry hensche.
Here she is wondering what color to mix.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
One Eye on the Sea-9x12
This is one from my Cape trip. its in Eastham, Mass. and is the Capt. Penniman house and was the most expensive house on the cape in its time. can you imagine that? the house sits way up on the highest bluff in the area and has a spectacular view of the outer cape coastline for miles and miles in both directions. what a sweet pad this guy had!
He was the owner of a whaling ship and made his fortune with whale blubber that people, i guess, burned in lamps (pre-electric lights era) and other products made out of the whale.
i named this piece "one eye on the sea" because they say that when he wasnt sailing looking for whales that he'd get up in that cupola on the very top of the roof and watch his family play around the grounds of the house, but he'd always keep one eye on the sea!
i loved the way parts of the house lit up yellowy-orange in contrast to those sweet purple-lavender shadows.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Island Houses September Light-12x16
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Another Island Afternoon-8x10
This was the first painting done plein air on Topsail Island. i really like this one. thats why i wanted to play with it again, and went bigger!
Friday, September 11, 2009
How to Market Your Art Using a Blog
If youre selling all the art you want, this article is not for you. It contains information youre already doing everyday and everywhere. No need to read any further.
But if you'd like to sell more art and keep more of the profit read on.
Three words- Start a Blog!
When i first heard of blogging years ago, i wondered how it could sell art. In my search i found a guy who had started a blog and was selling a painting a day. His name was Duane Keiser. So i read up on what he was doing, and found others were doing well selling online, too. So i started a blog, and found it very easy to do.
Here are the steps and a few tips to start a blog and get traffic to it.
Go to my blog at and click the "create a blog" button on the top of the page.
Follow the self explanatory directions and make your first "post". A post is nothing but an entry where you can have just words, or words and photos. You can publish the post with a click and your post is on the worldwide web.
Now what?
You want traffic to come to your blog so you can sell your art, of course! It doesnt do any good if your brother and aunt are the only ones looking at what you've got for sale so here are some tips to get traffic.
I went from 10 people per month to getting over 2800 per month, in a few years of posting everyday. And thats considered a small amount of "views" considering the biggies in the online art biz probably get 10 to 20 times that! But i do know that i sell tons more stuff online with 2800 views than i did when i had 10.
Here are some tips to up your traffic-
When you write your post be sure to make sure the writing is interesting to your core readers. The writing adds interest and ties your reader to you. Make it as interesting as possible with stories that will have them coming back day after day. Imagine reading a magazine that has the same thing in it day in, and day out. You'd quit buying it wouldnt you? For example you're out there painting and your umbrella fell in the water etc. people like to hear about the painting experience and will come back again and again to hear about it.
Mention other bloggers who have high traffic on your blog. That way when someone Googles their name, your blog will pop up on the screen.
Mention famous artists on your blog. Same thing.
Identify your core group(s) of readers and write to them. its ok to have multiple core groups. Examples could be: workshop students, collectors, people who are interested in art, gallery owners etc. One day you do a post for one group, and the next, another.
Get people who already have lots of traffic on their blog to put you on their sidebar so you can get plenty of hits from their hard work.
Write or show something interesting and send it to someone who has lots of blog traffic. Chances are they will include it in their blog post that day and have a link to your blog. That means everybody who goes to their blog will probably be curious enough to follow the link to yours, thereby upping your traffic.
Comment on as many other bloggers posts as you can. When people see a new name on their fave bloggers blog, they'll usually click and go to yours.
Write articles and send them to other bloggers and offer to let them use it. Of course have your blog address in the article so others will go check it out.
Have the blog address on your business cards and in all your advertising.
Everywhere you go leave these cards around.
Do free giveaways on your blog. People love free paintings and will keep coming back to see whether they won or when the next one is.
Join an online gallery like (and many others). These online sites get tens of thousands of hits a day and this will add to your traffic exponentially. Not only will you snag them once, but if they like your blog, they'll email all their friends about the great blog they found. This will happen day in and day out.
The most important thing though is to post regularly. If you dont, or if its boring, you'll not only not pick up new traffic, you'll lose what you do have. The more you post the higher up on the page you'll be when people Google your name or any words or names that were in your posts. This is huge. Say i write about something and mention the name Monet. If i post enough when someone googles Monet, your post will pop up on the Google page. So you can see that its beneficial to be a name dropper!
So get that blog started and start selling your art online.
(Mike Rooney's blog address is: Feel free to use this article for any purpose, as long as this address is included)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Topsail Drive in the Afternoon-16x20
Red Boat Woods Hole-9x12
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Palm and Marsh-9x12
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Ocracoke Rental-SOLD

loved the light on the roof, railings and grass out front. will remind you of summer when its cold out in a few months!
today was filled with gallery, studio, and art business (trivial) errands. stuff that piles up on you when you are out of town on a painting trip. paintings need to be mailed out, galleries called to touch base, fix dinged frames, email upcoming workshop hosts, and a myriad of minutae to do. it has to be done but isnt very rewarding. its preparing for the months ahead. all part of being in the business of selling art and teaching the craft to others.
dont forget to sign up for my workshops in raleigh in november at the Art of the Carolina's Expo and Workshops. just google Jerrys artarama and art of the carolinas for a schedule. instructors are flying in from all over the country to teach and students come from all over the east coast (and some from the west) for this thing. the vendors sell art supplies at ridiculous prices and i usually buy six months worth of painting supplies that weekend to save money!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Afternoon Mooring-8x8
Sunday, September 6, 2009
PTown Alley-8x8-SOLD
Friday, September 4, 2009
Beach Heather-6x8-SOLD

to purchase email me or contact Sandpiper Gallery in Wellfleet
This one was done while standing on the roof of my pickup. it got me way up high were i could see the water in the background. i was parked near a playground and every last kid had to say "mommy why is that man standing on top of his truck". everywhere i go i feel like an oddity. even when i'm on the ground, people are amazed to see someone outside painting for some reason.
Done with a knife in the strict sense of the Cape Cod School technique. you should see all the subtle temperature changes in this one the computer screen just cant pick up.