Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 happings...

One of my goals for 2013 is to get caught up on my blog because I'm only about nine months behind. I don't scrap book or keep a journal so I really need to keep blogging so my kids have something they can look at to remember the good times.
I did my first sprint triathlon in May of 2012.  It was so much fun!  These are some of the ladies in my ward that I did the tri with.  I will be doing more of these!
In May of 2012 all of the 5th graders in the Alpine school district preformed the Hope of America. 
Summers are crazy busy with birthday's for the Simons family.  Mike's celebrated his 35th Birthday in June 2012.

(Mathews, Malmsten, Bush, Dawson)
In June 2012 one of our friends from Sweden stayed at our house and we got to take him to the MTC.  We also invited some of the missionaries that served in Sweden who knew Fredric.  It was fun to see these return missionaries.  My kids loved these guys!!
Mike and I took Ethan out for his birthday dinner.  Ethan wanted to go to Texas Rhode House for his 11th birthday.  We love taking each child out on a date on their birthday.
Later that night Mike's brother and his family came over for cake and ice cream.  They were living in South Korea at the time and were home for a visit, it was perfect timing.
Ethan and Addy did summer swim team this summer (2012) They swam everyday for 45 minutes in June and July.
Ethan swim team June 2012
June 2012
Alayna is our little swimmer.  She learned how to jump in off the diving board and swim over to the side all by her self.  She is one determined littler 2 year old girl.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Izzy's 5th Birthday

Izzy turned five on February 26th so we had a little family birthday party for her. We went to Kangaroo Zoo and then went back to our house for pizza, cake and ice cream.  Izzy at five... funny, mostly happy, very empathetic, caring, loving and fun to be around.  We love her so much and we are so glad she is part of our family.  She loves her big sister Addy and wants to be just like her. She can hardly wait for Addy to get home from school so she can play with her.

Izzy loves to dress up and pick out her own outfits.  She has quite a sense of style!
She has been asking to get her ears pierced for a while so I took her to get them done.  Two days later Alayna pulled one of them out and she wouldn't go and get it repierced.  I finally had to take the other one out and we let the holes grow back. 

Turning five meant that she had to get her five year old check up and kindergarten shots.  She has not been to the doctor for almost three years because we were in Sweden and they do things different over there. I told her about the shots on the way to the doctor she said, "no thank you, I don't want shots and I don't want to go to kindergarten."  Alayna was behind on her shots, so I took them together.  Izzy went first, thank goodness a sweet nurse took Alayna out of the room because Izzy screamed bloody murder.  I had to pin her between my legs and arms. Then it was Alayna's turn but she did really good.  She only cried for about thirty seconds.  I had to carry a crying Izzy out of the office because she told me that she couldn't walk. Look how sad she was, it nearly broke my heart.  I love that girl to pieces!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Christmas 2011

I thought I should post a few pictures of this past Christmas. I know I'm a few months late, but better late then never! 

A the Simons family Christmas party we always have the kids act out the nativity story from the bible. It gets a little crazy and unorganized at times, but we always have a good time.

Addy was Mary.

Some of the Simons cousins.

Santa brought Alayna a cute car and she wasn't going to share it with anybody.

Christmas morning

Jarold and Nancy

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

so sad to say goodbye...

This is the last post I will do of our time in Sweden (so sad.)  I don't have pictures of all of the wonderful family that we made friends with but here are a few.
Our family with C-J, Rebecca, Ludvig and Monica Wrang.

My good friend Regina.

The Christmas tree ladies.  These wonderful ladies took me and became some of my closes friends.
Christina, Janette, Anette, Rebecca, me, and Monica

Our friend Fred

The Young Women group. One of the girls was missing that day (Marta.)

The Palomaki family

Our family with the Issal family.
Leo was part of our family in Sweden. 

My kids in front of our sweet little European  house. 
Goodbye Sweden I will miss you dearly!!

Izzy's preschool

Every year Izzy's preschool has also celebrates Lucia Day. They sing Lucia songs in English and Swedish. 

This is all three preschool classes in the international school.
Izzy and her boyfriend Fredic.

Izzy loves Alayna so much!  Izzy is very patient with a Alayana who is very fiesty.

Lucia Day

This was our last Saint Lucia Day. It is celebrated on December 13th.  It is tradition for the ward's youth and primary to sing the Lucia songs at a local old folks home.  It is fun to dress the kids up and celebrate new traditions.

Addy, Sissa, Izzy and Alayna

Ethan and Sara

This is all of the our wards youth and primary.

Surprise going away party

Our ward family planned a surprise going away party for us.  It was so much fun and we had no idea. 
C-J and Rebecca picked us up, blind folded us, drove us around town and then to the church where they had a huge party planned.  Santa even came to visit and brought our family gifts so we would remember Sweden. We miss our ward family and dear friends!