Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fun Times

So my dad came and visited for the week. It was full of baseball baseball and more baseball. I'm usually not the type to sit through baseball games but I have to admit these games are pretty fun. First of all we went to the Pawsox game which is just like a Bees game.

Next we head to New York to see the Yankees. Yankee Stadium is HUGE. I've never seen anything like it. It was like 80 degrees sitting in the sun too so we had a good time.   

The three of us at the game

Yankees Win!
Next is Red Sox. We must be good luck because Red Sox won too. 

After all the baseball games we did some sight seeing. This is the ocean obviously. A very rocky one.
This is Downtown Providence. In the summer they have river fires on this river. We've yet to see it.

Well we had a great week. I didn't get a lot of pictures of my dad and I, he has them all on his camera so some more pictures to come soon.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Yay finally Spring is here! I'm so excited to be able to get out of our 800 sq ft apartment and explore Rhode Island. It really is such a pretty state and I think we are so so lucky to be living out here...for the time being... Today the sun is shining the trees are budding, and flowers are popping up everywhere. I LOVE it! Even though I miss home a lot, days like today just make things seem so much better. We have a lot to look forward to this summer, first of all my dad is coming to visit in a couple of weeks I'm so excited to have him come out, I feel like its been so long since I've seen my fam. We already have fun plans. Then Mikes mom and dad are coming to visit the end of June, then my mom and sisters end of July. So we should have a fun summer I cant wait!  Anywayssss work is great I love it. There's nothing better than being surrounded by clothes that you love, even though I can barely afford them, even with a discount so expensive! Oh well I still love it. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Valenitnes Day and More...

So for our very first Valentines Day married Mike of course was traveling, So we celebrated our V-Day on Saturday. We went to Federal Hill where there are tons of really great restaurants. We ate at Dolce Vita, then had dessert at Pastiche. After dinner we headed to the ppac (providence performing arts center) to see The Lion King! It was amazing. We loved it, best thing is we paid for the tickets with money we won at FoxWoods casino back in November. So we were really looking forward to it.

Mike's car died a month ago so we were with one car for a little bit, which wasn't too bad but its still nice having two cars. So we car shopped for a while, luckily Mike works in the car dealership industry.. kinda.. anyways we found an 2006 Audi A4 So we fell in love with it and bought it and we love it so far! 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Got a JOB!

I finally found a job at Anthropologie! I'm so excited, I've been jobless for way too long so its good to get back into the working world.
So the store was a brand new store it hasn't even opened yet, so the past ten days I have been going in everyday along with a handful of other girls and working our butts off for 8+ hours! I never knew how much work went into opening a store, especially a store like Anthro. The first day we went into a completely empty store, we unpacked EVERYTHING! It was crazy. Everyday I had a new task to do. It was pretty awesome to go in and learn something new. The talent and creativity that goes into this store is amazing I had no idea! I'm so happy to be working again and especially working with such great product! 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Atlantic City!

Last week I was able to go with Mike on an install for work to AC. Another consultant's wife and baby also came, so while our husbands were working we went and had some fun. It was so nice to get away for a week and not have to be home alone. We did a lot of shopping at the outlets, and mall which I LOVE to do. Atlantic City was fun, the boardwalk was awesome. Mike and I are already looking forward to going again in the summer!

 The boardwalk! One side is all ocean and beach on the other restaurants and shops! Love it!!
Luckily we missed the ice storm New England had, This is a wall of pure ice in New York. When we got back to RI we literally had to break my car out of ice, something us Utahns aren't used to... I'm ready for Summer.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowed in.

Mike and I woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. I think they said it was about 18 inches. Everyone outside commented how we were from Utah and we are used to it. Well I've lived in Utah for 21 years and can say that I am NOT used to it. I'd much rather be in San Deigo were its 65 degrees!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Starting a blog!

So I've decided to finally start a blog. I'm living on the other side of the country so I wanted to post things that Mike and I do out here. So stay tuned...