Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patty's Day!

We had to photo document all the girls (& George's) cute green shirts. Grandparents must protect their children from ridicule and abuse, and thanks to Grandma, no pinching was to be had here.
Lizzy started the day right with some sweet green eggs, sans ham. I usually get one 'normal' pose before the girls either go Hollywood on me, or make silly faces....I'm still debating which I would rather... here is Hollywood.

Grandma came over to share in the green, and lucky Grandpa got home from road tripping just in time (much to his you will soon see why). He was unable to eat with his eyes closed, and therefore, the noodles and sauce remained on his plate. Can't say that I blame him, though.
Lot o' Green Dinner....looks a little blah. Pretty bad when the only variety is the noodles. Chicken alfredo, leprechan style.
After the after dinner bath.... braids for curling all around. Only available due to lots of help... Grandpa held George while Grandma washed hair while I washed dishes.... After all were out of the tub, Grandparents went home, girls watched a movie while I braided and George nursed (independent already...) When George woke back up during a kid switch, Rachel took over George duty with the bottle.
Lizzy had gratefully tucked herself into the couch while still movie watching.
Samantha closed out the night by informing Dad of all the fun leprechan stories/sightings from school. I need to remember there is more to St. Patty's than green!

Until next year.....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

George @ 4 Months

George is growing like crazy!! He is growing in our hearts as well. The girls do all they can to get him to laugh and come running when they hear him start. He measured 26 inches long and weighed 15 lbs and 14 oz at his appointment 3/4/10.

George's hair is getting long. His rash/cradle cap on his cheeks is starting to spread to his forehead. He uses our shoulders as well as his hands to scratch at it. So I decided to take matters into my own hands...pony it is. It gave him a bit of relief, but I didn't let it last long. Doesn't he look cute!! Still very much boy.

The girls were able to get George to laugh while we were visiting my Grandma Powell. Her hearing is so bad she couldn't hear him across the room, but when we placed him on her lap, she laughed almost as much as he did. We are so grateful for every moment we get to share with her.

Oh how we love this little man!

Swimming Party!!

Brian & Sandra (& family) travelled to Salt Lake for her brother's wedding. And of course we could not pass up the opportunity to see cousins. Chelle came up with the great plan to go swimming @ the Lehi city pool (both our boys' first time). It was AWESOME!!

George didn't know quite what to think, it took about 40 minutes before he seemed to realize he was in water and started kicking and playing appropriately. Funny kid.

The girls loved the independence. The pool was warm and Rachel could walk all the way from the kid area to the baby area on her toes.

Grandpa & Grandma helped a ton to keep track of all the little ones.

Lizzy playing 'Alligator'

Just Chillin under the Bungee Tree

Thank goodness Brian decided to declare Friday 'Ball Day'. Thanks for making time for us during your visit!!

Daddy's Girls

When we left for Utah to visit cousins (again...), Mike stayed behind for a couple days of work and to prepare for a week away for study. As you can see his girls weren't looking forward to that time (gotta love Rachel).

Dad talked them into a smile for him so that they will be able to see him everyday while he is gone =)

Dad is the pro at bedtime rituals....Mom is not so patient.

Yes, it will be a long week for me.... We love you DADDY!!

Crazy Cousins

Samantha had a Friday off of school a couple weeks ago, so we scheduled a road trip!! Mike was able to go snowboarding with his brother @ the Canyons. Mom and the kids got a day (or two) enjoying playing with cousins. Also the first time the little cousins got to meet. George was born the end of October, Owen the first of December. Too cute.

Samantha enjoying a kid she can carry without ALL of her strength. Cousin Owen.

Samantha & Madeline

Cousins playing at McDonald's

All meals are a production with this many little ones. Breakfast!!

CRAZY COUSINS!! Look at all those beautiful little ones. Can't wait to see what all of these become.
Maddie, Taizley, Truman, Samantha, Lizzy, Andisyn, Lexie, George, Owen, Abbrielle, Truman, & Rachel.

Photo Shoot

We had an after church photo shoot a few weeks ago. George could never be the only one to take part. Gotta love our crazy kids. We think they are pretty darn cute. Photos taken when George was almost four months old.