Tuesday, October 27, 2009

George Carter

Okay so we have had some time to breathe.
Here are the details:
October 26th, 2009
9:41 am
8lbs. 9 oz.
20 1/4 inches long.

Mom and son did great, labored for about an hour before he poked his head into this world.

Everybody is home now and doing great. Sisters are delighted to have a brother!

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Monday, October 26, 2009

He is here!

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Baby #4 @ 36 weeks

It has officially hit me that soon our family will grow and I will have another little soul to love...as if we don't already.

This poor child is going to be spoiled rotten. No question. Girl or Boy. These three girls are beyond excited to have their new little one arrive. Tonight Rachel and Lizzy prayed that baby will get here safely.

I wanted to get photos of Lizzy's most frequent position when I am around. She seems to think that my parasite protrusion was made simply for her own convenience. As soon as I pick her up, her legs surround my belly and she holds on tight. It would seem I have the need to have babies when my little ones are this size for a reason....this is right where a 2 year belongs. It is a perfect fit.

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Monday, October 5, 2009


I just now took the time to really read the posts that Mike made in the past week or so...and was struck with just how blessed I am to have him. Not to mention that the care and comfort he gives me is most often very much NOT deserved. He is amazing. Not perfect. But pretty dang close. He just finished his 4 day lonely stint, and I'm just starting mine...I'm sure the house looked way better this morning than it will when he gets home Wednesday night. =)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Artist

So today was like most other days, Sam was drawing in a notebook instead of unloading the dishwasher like I had asked her to do. It started out innocently but it got bad, real bad. She said she was drawing a pirate for Rachel, I said that was fine and that she could still draw the picture for Rachel after the dishwasher was empty. So instead of doing the dishwasher right away or finishing the pirate she drew two more pictures for me and handed them to me. I was impressed, although I do not think I have a uni-brow nor could I get my eyebrows that crossed. I am very proud that instead of throwing a fit she just drew out her emotions then did what was asked of her.

Friday, October 2, 2009

A weekend in Pasco

So last weekend we (the girls and I) went to Pasco WA, to hang out with cousins while Ann 2 sisters and mom went to Seattle for "Wicked".
It was a fun weekend for us, I mean what do two dads do when they have 7 kids to watch (oldest being 6 and youngest being 10 months).
Well we take them golfing, because a driving range is the perfect place to go if you don't want chaos with that many kids. We watched movies, played outside and Lizzy had fun taking a bath like baby cousin Liza.


If Snow White would have taken more time with the apple before taking a bite, would things have turned out differently?

What every dad needs!

Rachels first day of Preschool 2009

Our sweet Rachel headed off to Preschool with a smile and a skip this year.

Due to when her birthday falls in the year she was too young to move on to kindergarten. She learned a lot last year at preschool and was excited to go back this year.