Monday, May 18, 2009


What is it that makes things happen in threes?

Three recent happenings that could greatly impact our lives:

One: our renters in Vegas have found a home of their own.
Two: our friend/slum-lord has gotten a job closer to his home, hence we need to move to a new home.
Three: baby #4 is en route.

It's not that these things are really all that difficult to figure out how to manage, just ironic that all were discovered in the same week. Baby on Monday, moving on Saturday, and finding new renters on Sunday--love how Heavenly Father keeps life interesting. Not to mention juggling all of the already in place responsibilities while re-adjusting.

All is well. We have a place to rent. The baby is so far doing well (photos in one month). I've been able to monkey my schedule to accompany Mike to Vegas to visit/fix/fill our home there. All is well where current chaos dwells. We are just grateful to have the guidance and peace that comes with the Spirit.

This too we will learn from.....

Sunday, May 3, 2009