Saturday, January 03, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...for New Year's, we went up to the cabin with both sides of the family. All of my family has taken up snowshoeing, so Mike and I had to give it a try. It is so much fun and a great workout!
Our new years eve party..... full of noise makers, piniatas, food, games, and laughter

Here are some new decorations for the office, as you can see, Mike is a sports junkie!
Christmas Eve....
...decorating the tree

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!We went to the cabin for Thanksgiving. It was so great to be together as a family. We laugh because here we move all the way from Ohio to be by family and yet we end up spending our first Thanksgiving just us! We had a great time. The snow fell and it was so warm and cozy in the cabin with the fire and turkey in the oven. It was like a postcard. I even got out for a run in the new powder. It was a breath taking site. The smell of pine trees is one of my favorites!

sledding behind the ATV's is always a ball...

Check out my new braces!!! You have to love that, the day before Thanksgiving! Only a wife of an Orthodontist would agree to that!

The kids helped make the rolls for family night. What a mess! But they turned out great and the kids were so proud that they helped. Aubrey and Jason made our pies with my mom- so really I didn't have to do a whole lot- except clean up!
My new calling as a den leader for cub scouts
Here Jason is getting his Bobcat, and I get the pin that says "thank you" to mom!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

After months of not updating our blog (and several comments made by loving friends to update), I have finally updated our blog. I kept waiting for life to slow down with the new practice, new place to live, new everything- I just realized it is not going to slow and this is important. So, my early New Year's resolution is to keep our blog up to are some events from the past months of our life--enjoy!!! Oh and one more thing---GO BUCKEYES!

Jason's Baptism November 16, 2008Jason and Dad, ready for this special day...

Jason's grandpa's

We are so proud of Jason. This was such a great day. We were able to have a private baptism with just our closest friends and family in the room. It is amazing the strong spirit that was felt by all who attended

Halloween 2008
Here are our three ninjas and one buckeye fan...let's just say the costumes let the craziness com e out in the boys!

There are still peaceful moments where they are such angels....

Rosvall Orthodontics Halloween Party
Here is "Dr. Rosvall" with the winner of our costume contest. She won a new Webkinz. Apparently she takes it everywhere with her now! We especially loved Dr. R's hunting costume.
After trick-or-treating through the office, the kids relax in the "packed" game room to eat treats and play a little Guitar Hero and watch scary movies.

Fall Soccer season
Jason has become such a great soccer player. He is so quick and really understands the flow of the game.

Happy birthday to Jason.... 8 years old!!

For Jason's b-day, we gave him his own fishing pole. This is quite a mile marker in a kids life. I can't believe that he is old enough for that. Jason loves to fish in Lake Powell or in the streams and lakes around our home. This will provide many memories to come...

Disneyland, Sea World, Catalina Island, and Palm Desert Sept 2008

at the beach on Catalina Island

Disneyland and California Adventure
Dylan loved eating at Goofy's Kitchen- who wouldn't love cookies for dinner?

..the kids were so brave, they tried almost every ride, especially Aubrey who went on the huge roller coaster at Cali Adventure. We even took Dylan on the Tower of Terror (we didn't know how scary it was) it took him a few hours to recover- sorry Dylan!

Sea World
Aubrey's birthday--- 9 years old!
for Aubrey's b-day we fixed a pumpkin pie as per her request. I didn't have time to wait for it to cool before putting candles on- needless to say, they all melted, hence the pink globs on the pie. Aubrey was such a sport and had a good laugh at mom. I'll do better next time!

Luke as batman
Luke loves to run around the house dressed as batman. He makes all of the sound effects, jumps down stairs and has a great time. He is such a character and keeps me laughing all day..

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's finally finished!
After months of late nights and endless decisions (most were made across the country), our orthodontic office is finished. We were so excited that everything came together and the overall feeling in the office is clean and comfortable. We still have some decorating to do but at least it is functional and surprisingly busy!
.....the front waiting room and reception area.
...the ortho bay
....Dr. Mike busy at work!
...another view of the open bay
...the reception area from a new angle, notice the patient check in computer on the wall..

...the theater room, complete with a flat screen tv and and XBox and Game Cube (our patient's favorite part of the office)

...the stadium seats and TV...the outside lighted sign (sorry the photo is crooked- this will drive Mike nuts!)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fun Summer activities for the Rosvall Clan-
Amidst all of the time spent starting the practice, we seem to have carved out a little bit of time for fun this summer. We have taken up some new hobbies including, kayaking, knee boarding, and spending time in Utah's beautiful parks. The practice continues to grow and is up and running. I promise pictures will be on my next blog so you can see the finished project. Although we really love summer, we are still counting down the days to Buckeye Football!

Jason learns to knee board
family trip to Bryce canyon

cousins in Bryce canyon

Check out that scenery and those handsome boys!

Amber runs Bryce canyon 1/2 marathon
Family hike at Mirror Lake

Monday, June 09, 2008

Back to the mountains!

It feels so good to be back in the mountains. We spent a whole weekend hiking, riding ATVs and being together as a family. Jason and Aubrey are born naturals at riding their own smaller ATV. It felt so good to go back to our roots!