It's started. My two year old is throwing my lessons back in my face.
Dane loves to get into my purse. And he loves to get into my make up. Tonight Dane succeeded with both. First he grabbed my make-up. I took it away. Then he grabbed my purse. I tried to take it away. I had one strap and he had the other. In the middle of our tug of war, Dane looks up at me with his big brown eyes and says "Mommy, share?" And who says a two year old doesn't know what sharing means. Thanks for making me laugh, Dane. Love my boy!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Happy Birthday Great Dane!

Dane's top 10's-
1. movie: Cars, Finding Nemo
2. snack: fruit snacks, gold fish
3. breakfast: faffles and pancakes (eggo waffles)
4. ride at Disney: Buzz Lightyear or Dumbo
5. lunch: pita butter JELLY!
6. dinner: nuggedetts, quesadillas and pizza (not all at once of course!)
7. toy: race cars, tractors, riding fire truck
8. drink: milk
9. songs: Sunbeam, popcorn, wheels on the bus, bunny foo foo, alligator
10. parent: Mom, of course!
1. playing in his box or ball pit
2. reading
3. Playing outside or going to the park - swinging and slides
4. farm country at Thanksgiving Point
5. visiting grandmas and grandpas
6. splash park/swimming
7. watching baby Einstein and Cars
8. cooking with mom
9. jumping on the bed and playing under the covers
10. listening to music
1. Go away Sammy
2. Kiss it (whenever he gets hurt)
3. play, mommy, play - especially when i'm trying to cook dinner
4. Faffles!
5. Jesus, kiss. Kids, kiss. (our nightly ritual)
6. Mommy funny. Self funny.
7. Race cars loud.
8. New car. Ride.
9. Rock you. Hold you.
10. One more time. (To anything when he's stalling.) or One minute.
Things we love about Dane:
1. Charismatic smile
2. contagious laugh
3. my little helper - laundry, cooking, cleaning
4. great personal hygiene: loves to put on deoderant, brush teeth, shower
5. big brown eyes
6. his hugs and kisses
7. His sing-song way of speaking.
8. His temper tantrums, especially when they end by him putting himself in time out by running into his room.
9. He is passionate about life, and very sensitive. It's easy to hurt his feelings.
10. Running everywhere he goes.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
big boy goes potty
Dane asked to use the potty this morning. After a few minutes I thought he was just messing around so I left the room and let him just hang out. He was on a training one so he could get up whenever he was done playing. After a minute I noticed he kept looking into the toilet. As I walked in, I hit a wall of stench. Just then, I saw the big log Dane had been admiring. He got off the pot, gave a funny face, pointed to the poo and said 'icky". Yep it was but I was so thrilled! He pooped and peed! We called both grandparents to announce the news.
I think it kinda freaked him out though because then about an hour later he told me he had to go poopie. But he didn't want to go use the bathroom. Oh well. But then before bed he asked "Potty, try, one more time." Ok. And he peed this time. My kid rocks. I don't know how much to ask, encourage, etc. I don't want to force it but he seems to be very willing to go experiment.
He turns two in one week. I'd love it if he's potty trained shortly after. Here's to hoping. :)
I think it kinda freaked him out though because then about an hour later he told me he had to go poopie. But he didn't want to go use the bathroom. Oh well. But then before bed he asked "Potty, try, one more time." Ok. And he peed this time. My kid rocks. I don't know how much to ask, encourage, etc. I don't want to force it but he seems to be very willing to go experiment.
He turns two in one week. I'd love it if he's potty trained shortly after. Here's to hoping. :)
Friday, September 18, 2009
When Dane was a baby Paul would always say to him "chubby, chubby" as he pinched a fat part of his body. Every once in a while Dane will bust out that comment. Yesterday he decided to do it in front of company (glad it was JV and not someone else). Dane came up to me and said "Mommy, chubby, chubby" as he pinched my fat ball, a.k.a. my boob. Gee. Thanks, kid.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
first movie
I decided to take Dane to his first movie tonight to test it out. The local dollar theatre was playing Disney's UP. Much to my surprise, it was pretty packed for a Wednesday night. Overall it was a success. I just hope the people around us didn't mind Dane's play-by-play of the movie.
"Balloon, up, sky, birdie big, thunder loud, balloon go?, BALLOONS, doggies run."
I think you get the picture. I forgot about the thunder storm in the movie. It freaked Dane out and he started crying so we had to leave until the 'scary' part was over. He watched the movie pretty well for only being 2 and would go from my lap to his own seat about every 5 minutes. After about an hour, it was time to pack up and get him home to bed. Until the next time...
"Balloon, up, sky, birdie big, thunder loud, balloon go?, BALLOONS, doggies run."
I think you get the picture. I forgot about the thunder storm in the movie. It freaked Dane out and he started crying so we had to leave until the 'scary' part was over. He watched the movie pretty well for only being 2 and would go from my lap to his own seat about every 5 minutes. After about an hour, it was time to pack up and get him home to bed. Until the next time...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
coupon clippin
I've heard a lot of people getting into coupons and carrying around those annoying binders, overflowing with coupons and they save a ton on their grocery bill. So, a few weeks ago I decided to join the "coupon clippin crew" a.k.a the "CCC" - so I just made that up and it's pretty lame but i'm tired so give me a break.
Anyway - I've gotten some amazing deals and have been able to start putting food into food storage and cut down on my grocery bill at the same time. I won't document every successful shopping trip but i will mention a few noteworthy ones.
8/13/09 Smiths Marketplace -
6- kellogs rice krispie treat (pk of 8)
1-box of Town House Crackers
4- Fruit snack (6pk)
12- cereal (mini wheats, raisin bran, corn flakes, apple jacks)
6 - pillsbury biscuit pks
3- pillsbury pizza crusts
2- pillsbury breadstick pks
1 - pillsbury french bread loaf
6 - eggo waffles (10pk)
4- colgate toothpaste
8 - keebler cookies (shortbread stripes, choc chip, grasshopper)
Total spent: $27.39
Total saved: $106.74
Anyway - I've gotten some amazing deals and have been able to start putting food into food storage and cut down on my grocery bill at the same time. I won't document every successful shopping trip but i will mention a few noteworthy ones.
8/13/09 Smiths Marketplace -
6- kellogs rice krispie treat (pk of 8)
1-box of Town House Crackers
4- Fruit snack (6pk)
12- cereal (mini wheats, raisin bran, corn flakes, apple jacks)
6 - pillsbury biscuit pks
3- pillsbury pizza crusts
2- pillsbury breadstick pks
1 - pillsbury french bread loaf
6 - eggo waffles (10pk)
4- colgate toothpaste
8 - keebler cookies (shortbread stripes, choc chip, grasshopper)
Total spent: $27.39
Total saved: $106.74
Sunday, August 9, 2009
san diego
summer updates part 1
Paul's 30th bday was a fun-filled day in Reno, NV. We were there for a chocolate convention so we had classes in the morning and then dinner that night with a group of friends. After a challenging game of bowling. We all let paul win for his birthday. :) check out his form - I think he's going on the PBA tour next year.
And a new sport being added to the Summer Olympics - sycronized bowling.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
people you want to meet
Tonight Paul was doing another one of his facebook quizzes/survey. This one was about the people you want to meet. Conversation as follows:
P: You know, I'm not really sure who I'd want to meet. There aren't a lot of people I can think of.
M: Hmmm. I'm not sure either.
P: Well, I can think of one that I REALLY want to meet. Carl Jung. That guy is amazing.
M: Carl? Who's that? One of your nerdy scientists? Hahaha.
P: (slightly offended) Yeah.
And then he proceeds to give me all of Carl's credentials to justify how 'cool' it would be to meet him.
I love my nerdy husband.
But sericusly, I'm not sure who I want to meet either. I need to contemplate and come back to it.
P: You know, I'm not really sure who I'd want to meet. There aren't a lot of people I can think of.
M: Hmmm. I'm not sure either.
P: Well, I can think of one that I REALLY want to meet. Carl Jung. That guy is amazing.
M: Carl? Who's that? One of your nerdy scientists? Hahaha.
P: (slightly offended) Yeah.
And then he proceeds to give me all of Carl's credentials to justify how 'cool' it would be to meet him.
I love my nerdy husband.
But sericusly, I'm not sure who I want to meet either. I need to contemplate and come back to it.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
boating, race cars and parties
This was a busy, busy week. On Wednesday we went boating with Paul's friend. After seven years of not wakeboarding, I got up on the second try. Wahoo! And then about 5 minutes later, caught an edge, was ripped from the boots and face-planted. End of wakeboarding - for the day at least. Dane loved the boat and i'm sure he can't wait to get back out on the water. (Forgot the camera...)
Friday we took Dane to Lehi city parade. He wasn't quite sure of the noise, but by next year, he'll be running in the street for candy.
Saturday I ran 6 miles. For some that may not be big but I was so proud of myself. I'm training for a half marathon in August so every big run I have to give myself props. Then a few hours later Dane and I went to Jake (cousin) bday party. Lots of kids, cupcakes, slip-n-slide, bubbles. Lots o fun.
Saturday night was the highlight. We immersed ourself in a very American outing - drag racing! Can you say - redneck central! Beer, boobs, tatoos, and daisy dukes (on big women). Dane wasn't sure of the loud noise but he loved the cars! He'd say "Race car watch. Race car loud." And the best was when one popped a wheely and Dane said "race car broken".
Friday we took Dane to Lehi city parade. He wasn't quite sure of the noise, but by next year, he'll be running in the street for candy.
Saturday I ran 6 miles. For some that may not be big but I was so proud of myself. I'm training for a half marathon in August so every big run I have to give myself props. Then a few hours later Dane and I went to Jake (cousin) bday party. Lots of kids, cupcakes, slip-n-slide, bubbles. Lots o fun.
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