Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day of School 2012

Can you believe it? Our lazy days at the pool are over and school is back in session! This year Hudson started K2 and Hannah K4. We made the commitment this year to hold Hudson back starting at K2. This will be a very good step for him to get acquainted with the school and give him another year to mature and develop before starting K3. He was so excited to go to school though. For two years he has begged to go inside the CEC to pick up Hannah and now he goes to the school with the "Yellow slide." We love our school. We love the closeness of a school that has 2 year olds to 18 year olds that nurture the relationships and students for all of those years. We love being a part of a school where we can cheer on a football team, attend a pep rally, or celebrate our birthday with a special birthday prayer in chapel. 

Hannah is in the same classroom she was in last year with a lot of the same kids. I am not sure she recognizes that K4 is different from K3 or that it is different to have a new teacher. She walked right in, hung up her bag, and joined her friends just like she did last year like we just had a long break!

Hudson was thrilled to go to school! He walked in his class and started playing as if he had been there many times! He didn't even want to kiss us goodbye. There were other kids crying and there is a section of big 2's and little 2's. Hudson (although he is 3) is in the big two's. He has several little friends (there are quite a few boys in his class with sister's Hannah's age). He is just so much bigger than the rest of the kids. Some of the little girls hardly had any hair, they are that young. He has the same teachers Hannah had when she was in K2. She was shy and timid. Not Hudson, he is King of K2!

Super Hudson

The kids love to dress up and love to play pretend. It has been really enjoyable watching them together. For the most part they play very well together and I am thankful they have each other to play with. Huddy still calls Hannah "Nina" although he can say Hannah. I love watching them play. Some of their favorites are doctor, haircut and salon, hotel and vacation, mommy and baby, amusement park!

Summer Swimming!

We have spent nearly everyday this summer at the pool. We are tan, Hannah's hair is blonde, and my kids can both swim floatie free!
We have really really enjoyed our time out at the pool. My kids are best friends with the lifeguards (or Life Jackers at Hannah calls them). We have spent as long as 7 hours a day out there. 

Hudson came out this summer wearing floaties but by the end of the summer he is jumping, twisting, and flipping (yes! flipping!) off the diving board and swimming to the side and through the deep end without floaties. 

This dear devil can dive, flip, twist and dance off the diving board. Her dives and flips have really gotten good. We are going to start diving lessons this week.

 The kids loved Daddy throwing them!

We have had lunch and dinner out at the pool nearly everyday!

 We love to squirt the lifeguards!

She dives

Pencil jump

Pike Jump (Do you see a future Olympic diver?)

A twist

Lifeguard on duty!

The kids really got to know the lifeguards well and they were all so good to them. We are going to miss them!

Tuck Jump

On a side note... I neglected my blog this month. I literally spent 48 hours in front of the TV watching the Olympics. Serious Olympic junkie here. From the diving to the gymnastics, to the swimming (woah!) to the beach volleyball, to the track, to syncronized swimming... I watched it! I stayed up 2 hours past my bedtime to watch it. I felt like a slug sitting on the couch watching the beach volleyball. Oh London 2012, you impressed! But seriously, you monopolized my life and I am glad we won't meet until Rio 2016. 

Hudson is Three!